Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?

Where is the Christian compassion for Palestinian Arabs?


"The way of transfer"

In the first round of conquest,
the Zionist movement set its
sights on "the way of transfer."
For all the public rhetoric about
wanting to "live with the Arabs
in conditions of unity and
mutual honor and together
with them to turn the common
homeland into a flourishing land"
(Twelfth Zionist Congress, 1921),
the Zionists from early on were in
fact bent on expelling them. "The
idea of transfer had accompanied
the Zionist movement from its
very beginnings," Tom Segev
reports. "'Disappearing' the Arabs
lay at the heart of the Zionist
dream, and was also a necessary
condition of its existence . . . ."

As Christian I know that God gave Israel to the Jews long before the palestinians can claim any heritage there.
As Christian I know that God gave Israel to the Jews long before the palestinians can claim any heritage there.

As a Christian you only know what you read in ONE book written by superstitious old goat/sheepherders.
I have plenty of compassion for Arab and Israeli chilren although I'm not a Christian.

This shit will never end. There is no "Two State" solution. There aren't enough precision bombs or tit for tat payback from either side that will ever fix this. There will never be peace and both sides are complicit.

Three poor boys were executed and their murderers lie among people that are being blown to shit. At the end of the day what difference did it make? Very little, although I like the idea of IDF boots on the ground as opposed to missiles because that is what it takes to exterminate Hamas bastards.

I'm not exactly the greatest fan of Israel, but any genius can understand that the Philistines are running out of space and that Israeli birthrates, superior culture, and economy will eventually drive them to their deaths by attrition or extermination.
You have already answered your own question.

Palestinian Arabs are NOT CHRISTIANS and therefore NOT entitled Christian Charity.

It's kinda like the so-called "Right To Life". There was not "Right To Life" for the unborn in Afghanistan and Iraq because not American or Christian there was no "Right To Life" to begin with.

That is NOT TRUE.
Don't let those Zionists lie to you. Christians are an especial target for Zionism.
And in fact Christians have been heavily represented in the Palestinian resistance.

See earlier thread for background:
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I'm not exactly the greatest fan of Israel, but any genius can understand that the Philistines are running out of space and that Israeli birthrates, superior culture, and economy will eventually drive them to their deaths by attrition or extermination.

Actually it works the other way. Palestinians are winning the demographic war. And the "superior culture" war, too.
As Christian I know that God gave Israel to the Jews long before the palestinians can claim any heritage there.

That is also not true. Palestinians have been proven to be descendants of ancient Jews. 85% descendants of ancient Jews left in the land after Rome sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. Ironically, modern Jews turn out to be 72% descended from ancient Jews.
Makes you think.
They are saying that the country "Israel" shouldn't exist ........not that the Jews shouldn't exist. .. :cool:

Just more proof they have no intention of obeying " International Law" Glad they speak frankly about their goal. One more reason why there will never be " Right if Return" :eusa_shifty::D
Israel is being compassionate. Were it not for their Iron Dome defense system they would have laid waste to Gaza entirely.
The Iron Dome has its draw backs, and what you just alluded to is one of them. Had the rockets landed and Israelis were killed, then Israel would have more incentive to deal harsher. So who knows.

But where we are now, it appears that Israel is ready to hand a crippling blow to Hamas that it may never recover from. It's not the first time Israel has done this successfully. It did it in Lebanon with the PLO and the Palestinians, and again in Lebanon with Hezbollah.
And exactly how many problems has Israel "solved" by so doing?

Even if Israel could eradicate Hamas entirely, organized resistance would spring up in a new incarnation almost immediately.
And exactly how many problems has Israel "solved" by so doing?

Even if Israel could eradicate Hamas entirely, organized resistance would spring up in a new incarnation almost immediately.

Israel has solved many problems----most significant to me has been
the rescue of lots of people from the filth that you and yours
advocate-- oppression, rape and murder. Of course no matter what
Israel does ----more of your stinking filth will POP UP. So? No matter
how physicians and surgeons develop medicines and surgeries to save
lives--- MORE SICKNESSES arise -----but the fact of medical developments
has improved lives of mankind -----even as the stench of Arabism and islamicism
From one of the major Palestinian 'academics':

"Tamimi is a strong advocate for the Palestinian people and a supporter of Hamas, advising it on proposed changes to its charter.[7] Tamimi hoped a revision of the Hamas charter would make it a non-antisemitic document. "All that nonsense about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and conspiracy theories – all that rubbish will be out. It should have never been there in the first place." However, the revised document would still call for an end to Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state on all of the Palestine mandate.[7]"

Azzam Tamimi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The bolded intent is not "resistance": it is a call for total war, a war of annihilation.
And exactly how many problems has Israel "solved" by so doing?

Even if Israel could eradicate Hamas entirely, organized resistance would spring up in a new incarnation almost immediately.

You support murderers and animals. Openly support known terrorists. Hamas has a written declaration that calls for the murder of all Jews in Israel and the destruction of the Country. And you support them. Shame on you.

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