Where is the left on these religious exemptions?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
You would think that the left would be hopping mad about the unequal treatment that organized religions are getting with religious exemptions to the jab. Not a peep. In fact, rather than argue for more broad liberties, the ironically named ACLU has come out against religious exemptions to the jab.

Lots of troubling indicators going on. Anyway, it's ridiculous to have to claim any kind of exemption to avoid an experimental treatment to keep your job or go to school. It is especially ridiculous when the jab doesn't even keep you from spreading the virus.
Ultimately as the mass die off continues the pendulum swings. The more force applied by the money masters and their political puppets the more credibility they lose.
You would think that the left would be hopping mad about the unequal treatment that organized religions are getting with religious exemptions to the jab. Not a peep. In fact, rather than argue for more broad liberties, the ironically named ACLU has come out against religious exemptions to the jab.

Lots of troubling indicators going on. Anyway, it's ridiculous to have to claim any kind of exemption to avoid an experimental treatment to keep your job or go to school. It is especially ridiculous when the jab doesn't even keep you from spreading the virus.
There is no organized religion that forbids vaccination as far as I know.
You would think that the left would be hopping mad about the unequal treatment that organized religions are getting with religious exemptions to the jab. Not a peep. In fact, rather than argue for more broad liberties, the ironically named ACLU has come out against religious exemptions to the jab.

Lots of troubling indicators going on. Anyway, it's ridiculous to have to claim any kind of exemption to avoid an experimental treatment to keep your job or go to school. It is especially ridiculous when the jab doesn't even keep you from spreading the virus.
The old Catholic church during the 15th century was the only religion that the people could practice. But ever since Martin Luther translated the scriptures for everyone else can read the scriptures for themselves. That it started a Christian religion revolution.

The only reason why Martin Luther translated the scriptures so that everyone can read. He saw that the church's leaders were teaching the people a false gospel. That he was upset and went on and translated the scriptures. And since he was a member of the church, he had access to them. The church didn't allow anyone that is not a member to see or touch the scriptures. .

But William Tyndale translated the scriptures from Luther's translation because he used a "J" instead of a "Y". Because in the original texts, there is no "J". Only the Germanic language uses "J" like in the name Jesus.

So translating the scriptures had started the Protestant movement in Germany which means something like protesters. That it started all kinds of different branches of Christianity.

And so the Church of England had sent these Protestants religions to the new world to use as guinea pigs.

But after the revolutionary war. That the founding fathers made sure to add in the Constitution that a citizen has the right to worship God the way they feel like worshipping him. and you don't have to belong to any church or organization in order to worship God. And that is why Jesus said that He's going to build His church without the use of hands.

And so that is why we have so many branches of Christianity. And Jesus is the pruner that gets rid of the branches that He dislikes.

And in the Bible, Paul let the Christians to worship Jesus any way they want. but he just advised them to keep it holy (Clean).

But he also advised them not to get married like he never got married. It is because they are going to face many problems trying to hold onto it. But he also advised them that if they get married, the husband will have control over his wife's body as she will have total control over his body to keep the peace.

And he said if they marry, that they both have not sinned. It is because God sanctified married couples in the act of coveting each other. But many didn't follow Paul's ways. That many Christians have gotten married and made babies from coveting each other.

But Paul told them not to follow him or Apollo or whoever. But let the Spirit guide them. Because to each person God works differently. That is why Moses did certain things, from what the rest of the prophets had done.

And so the Bible clearly teaches us that everyone's body is their own temple or church that they can worship within. That any church leader can't tell anyone to stick a needle into their temple.

And there are many conservative's news outlets that are working for the Deep State (99.9% of the conservative's news outlets) trying to convince the Constitution only recognizes a church as being one head preacher that controls his disciples. But not an individual as a church. You can only use religious exemption for certain cases that it is approved by your leader.

And that is why these conservative's new outlets fight to keep your mind on them. It is because they are being paid to fool as many fools that they can deceive. And that they don't get paid for being your friend.

And so they are trying to change your perception of the Constitution to the Globalist's narrative, like the way Clarence Thomas changed everyone's perception on the meaning of commerce clause.

The globalist uses deceitful tactics like changing your perception to get what they want. And they uses the media to do it for them.

There is no organized religion that forbids vaccination as far as I know.
Back the truck up, kid.
'Illegal immigrants' is an exempt religion. They don't have to get spiked.
Illegal immigrants. Did I misspell the two words?
Is that a job or career path these days? If it is and they have more than 100 employees then they need to be vaccinated. If that isn't the case then you need to contact your Congress critters and tell them you want the mandates expanded.
The old Catholic church during the 15th century was the only religion that the people could practice. But ever since Martin Luther translated the scriptures for everyone else can read the scriptures for themselves. That it started a Christian religion revolution.

The only reason why Martin Luther translated the scriptures so that everyone can read. He saw that the church's leaders were teaching the people a false gospel. That he was upset and went on and translated the scriptures. And since he was a member of the church, he had access to them. The church didn't allow anyone that is not a member to see or touch the scriptures. .

But William Tyndale translated the scriptures from Luther's translation because he used a "J" instead of a "Y". Because in the original texts, there is no "J". Only the Germanic language uses "J" like in the name Jesus.

So translating the scriptures had started the Protestant movement in Germany which means something like protesters. That it started all kinds of different branches of Christianity.

And so the Church of England had sent these Protestants religions to the new world to use as guinea pigs.

But after the revolutionary war. That the founding fathers made sure to add in the Constitution that a citizen has the right to worship God the way they feel like worshipping him. and you don't have to belong to any church or organization in order to worship God. And that is why Jesus said that He's going to build His church without the use of hands.

And so that is why we have so many branches of Christianity. And Jesus is the pruner that gets rid of the branches that He dislikes.

And in the Bible, Paul let the Christians to worship Jesus any way they want. but he just advised them to keep it holy (Clean).

But he also advised them not to get married like he never got married. It is because they are going to face many problems trying to hold onto it. But he also advised them that if they get married, the husband will have control over his wife's body as she will have total control over his body to keep the peace.

And he said if they marry, that they both have not sinned. It is because God sanctified married couples in the act of coveting each other. But many didn't follow Paul's ways. That many Christians have gotten married and made babies from coveting each other.

But Paul told them not to follow him or Apollo or whoever. But let the Spirit guide them. Because to each person God works differently. That is why Moses did certain things, from what the rest of the prophets had done.

And so the Bible clearly teaches us that everyone's body is their own temple or church that they can worship within. That any church leader can't tell anyone to stick a needle into their temple.

And there are many conservative's news outlets that are working for the Deep State (99.9% of the conservative's news outlets) trying to convince the Constitution only recognizes a church as being one head preacher that controls his disciples. But not an individual as a church. You can only use religious exemption for certain cases that it is approved by your leader.

And that is why these conservative's new outlets fight to keep your mind on them. It is because they are being paid to fool as many fools that they can deceive. And that they don't get paid for being your friend.

And so they are trying to change your perception of the Constitution to the Globalist's narrative, like the way Clarence Thomas changed everyone's perception on the meaning of commerce clause.

The globalist uses deceitful tactics like changing your perception to get what they want. And they uses the media to do it for them.

You got it all here skippy. Deep state, globalists and Bible which was written by men in ancient times. How silly.
The old Catholic church during the 15th century was the only religion that the people could practice. But ever since Martin Luther translated the scriptures for everyone else can read the scriptures for themselves. That it started a Christian religion revolution.

The only reason why Martin Luther translated the scriptures so that everyone can read. He saw that the church's leaders were teaching the people a false gospel. That he was upset and went on and translated the scriptures. And since he was a member of the church, he had access to them. The church didn't allow anyone that is not a member to see or touch the scriptures. .

But William Tyndale translated the scriptures from Luther's translation because he used a "J" instead of a "Y". Because in the original texts, there is no "J". Only the Germanic language uses "J" like in the name Jesus.

So translating the scriptures had started the Protestant movement in Germany which means something like protesters. That it started all kinds of different branches of Christianity.

And so the Church of England had sent these Protestants religions to the new world to use as guinea pigs.

But after the revolutionary war. That the founding fathers made sure to add in the Constitution that a citizen has the right to worship God the way they feel like worshipping him. and you don't have to belong to any church or organization in order to worship God. And that is why Jesus said that He's going to build His church without the use of hands.

And so that is why we have so many branches of Christianity. And Jesus is the pruner that gets rid of the branches that He dislikes.

And in the Bible, Paul let the Christians to worship Jesus any way they want. but he just advised them to keep it holy (Clean).

But he also advised them not to get married like he never got married. It is because they are going to face many problems trying to hold onto it. But he also advised them that if they get married, the husband will have control over his wife's body as she will have total control over his body to keep the peace.

And he said if they marry, that they both have not sinned. It is because God sanctified married couples in the act of coveting each other. But many didn't follow Paul's ways. That many Christians have gotten married and made babies from coveting each other.

But Paul told them not to follow him or Apollo or whoever. But let the Spirit guide them. Because to each person God works differently. That is why Moses did certain things, from what the rest of the prophets had done.

And so the Bible clearly teaches us that everyone's body is their own temple or church that they can worship within. That any church leader can't tell anyone to stick a needle into their temple.

And there are many conservative's news outlets that are working for the Deep State (99.9% of the conservative's news outlets) trying to convince the Constitution only recognizes a church as being one head preacher that controls his disciples. But not an individual as a church. You can only use religious exemption for certain cases that it is approved by your leader.

And that is why these conservative's new outlets fight to keep your mind on them. It is because they are being paid to fool as many fools that they can deceive. And that they don't get paid for being your friend.

And so they are trying to change your perception of the Constitution to the Globalist's narrative, like the way Clarence Thomas changed everyone's perception on the meaning of commerce clause.

The globalist uses deceitful tactics like changing your perception to get what they want. And they uses the media to do it for them.

Enjoyable read.
Is that a job or career path these days? If it is and they have more than 100 employees then they need to be vaccinated. If that isn't the case then you need to contact your Congress critters and tell them you want the mandates expanded.
I'd classify them as highly paid individual contractors.

Reported Biden plan to pay illegal immigrants $450K could surpass payments to some 9/11, military families


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