Where is the Messiah when we need him???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
After all here are people that believe he is...

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."-- Barack Obama

"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."-- Politiken (Danish newspaper)

"I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear." -- Halle Berry

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
-- Oprah Winfrey

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek.... on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

With these experts having deified Obama why can't Obama with a wave of his hand stop all conflicts?
Why can't Obama Do as Obama said:
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Plus everyone knows that as this woman said Obama has a huge stash....
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZ-Etb0k0Q]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

I guess I really don't understand those few supposedly "educated" intelligent people that poke fun of people that question "Global warming", that question
Obama's competency, that question Obama's agenda... yet these same supposedly intelligent people believe as the above examples believe!

How many times have we read here the aspersions of Obama critics' intelligence, the ad hominem attacks and yet these same attackers believe Obama is the messiah!
Why doesn't Obama do as Jesus did with "The Feeding of the 5,000 with only had five loaves of bread and two fish" help all those poor children that have come to the USA because Obama told them all they needed to do is say "permisos"!

The surge in illegal immigrants jumping the U.S. border in recent weeks is almost entirely due to U.S. policy, according to an internal Border Patrol intelligence memo that says the immigrants are taking advantage of the catch-and-release system of enforcement.

The immigrants come seeking “permisos,” which apparently are the “Notices to appear” or NTAs, the legal documents given to non-Mexicans
caught at the border that officially put them in deportation proceedings — but that also grant them at least a temporary entry to the interior of the U.S.
According to the memo, which was viewed by The Washington Times and mentioned at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, agents interviewed more than 200 non-Mexican immigrants on May 28, and 95 percent of them said they came because they’d heard they could get a “permiso,” or “free pass.”

“This information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media,” the memo reads.
“A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration ‘permisos’ until the end of June 2014.”

The memo conflicts with the Obama administration’s public stance that the surge in unaccompanied minors and young women with families is due to spiking violence in Central America, not to lax enforcement in the U.S.
"Permisos" - Illegal immigrants flooding the borders seeking "free passes" to enter US | Poor Richard's News

So Messiah Obama... first you should get your administration on all the same page... either the kids are staying or going... why is there a problem .. Messiah!

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