Where is the Outrage?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
When ACA was passed, the "key" provisions on which it was sold to the American public were:

(1) No lifetime maximums,

(2) No rejections due to pre-existing condition, and most importantly,

(3) No premium increases or benefit reductions BECAUSE, the ACA would force healthy young people to enroll, thus bringing in massive new revenue streams from people who DON'T REALLY NEED HEALTH INSURANCE, to cover the higher expenses of everyone else.

Of course, this was a small pack of lies, and everyone with a three-digit IQ knew it. You can't force the insurers to take on high-risk, high-cost people (at the same rates as everyone else), and expect rates and benefits to remain constant.

So now we are a couple years into it and for MOST EMPLOYED PEOPLE, it is a disaster! My costs have doubled and my annual max out-of-pocket has gone from $1,000 to $4,000. Everyone I talk to has similar horror stories. Employers are taking extraordinary measures to minimize the harm to their employees, but unless they are willing to pay thousands more themselves, the employees are being significantly harmed. For the average working person, the cost of the decrease in health benefits MORE THAN OFFSETS any annual salary increase that they might get.

Strong unions are in a panic because their contracts require employers to pay "Cadillac" prices for coverage and they will be penalized now under ACA. "Please save us from Obamacare," they cry.

State insurance commissions are also in a tight spot because the health insurers are coming to them with requests for 30-70% premium increases - based on actual, documented costs - and they don't want to approve the increases and be perceived as "caving in," but they know that the insurers will either go bankrupt or stop doing business in their states if the increases are not approved.

And it's all because of "Obama-care."

Where is the outrage? Where are the newspaper editorials pointing out how this phony pyramid scheme was sold to us based on a pack of lies? Instead we see stories about the "thousands" of happy people who have benefitted (rather than the tens of millions who have got skrud).

And people are blaming everyone but the ones who are actually to blame: Barry and the Democrats in Congress.

^Interesting opinion piece. Can you cite the sources for the information you've posted?
That's exactly how democrats think. They're supposedly for the "little guy." They're perfectly content if 1000 hard working Americans get screwed out of their earnings if one lazy black person, aka "voter" gets the handouts necessary for them to live a lavish lifestyle with cell phones, TV, internet, an apartment and a nice car.
That's exactly how democrats think.

And you've got the stats to prove it. You'll be posting them here any minute now, right?

Why? They could post all the links and facts in the world and it would never change the minds of brain-dead dolts like you!

They don't. They just troll and flame...as you're doing now.

Interesting that you said "they," because you can't be arsed to do anything but troll and flame. Now put your "long knife" back in your pants. It's not as long as you think it is, and you have no facts to back your opinion, so you'll just keep screaming.
That's exactly how democrats think.

And you've got the stats to prove it. You'll be posting them here any minute now, right?

Why? They could post all the links and facts in the world and it would never change the minds of brain-dead dolts like you!

They don't. They just troll and flame...as you're doing now.

Interesting that you said "they," because you can't be arsed to do anything but troll and flame. Now put your "long knife" back in your pants. It's not as long as you think it is, and you have no facts to back your opinion, so you'll just keep screaming.

Your stupidity is showing again.

You have absolutely no idea where my user name comes from or what it stands for.
That's exactly how democrats think.

And you've got the stats to prove it. You'll be posting them here any minute now, right?

WTF are you talking about? Stats to prove what?
You claim to know how Democrats think. You'll need to provide some concrete data unless you want us to conclude that you're just making up shit.
He's using the newest tech called a "thinkometer"
Oh thats easy.

Democrats don't really care about the little guys and gals: Column

Liberal myths begin with ‘Democrats are for the little guy’

Bruce Bialosky - Democrats Caring for the Common Man

Zo! Democrats Stick Up For The Little Guy? Babies Are Little!

Orange Coast Magazine

The Item - Google News Archive Search

If democrats didn't claim to be for the little guy, why would so many people call it a myth? It's only a myth if someone purports it as truth.

It's not the thinkometer, its the knowometer.

Op-ed, about *one* Democrat. No concrete data about "all Democrats," just the typical conservative assumption that because they're part of a hive mind, everyone else is too.

Another opinion piece. No data gathering.

Another opinion piece. Lots of anecdotal stories, no hard data.

Ooo, this opinion piece comes with video and screen caps! Still no actual statistics.

And this op-ed comes with ads for pricey watches and jewelry! Still no stats.

If democrats didn't claim to be for the little guy, why would so many people call it a myth? It's only a myth if someone purports it as truth.

It's not the thinkometer, its the knowometer.

What you know is what your fellow conservatives believe. Not one of them can show you statistics, so you just mindlessly parrot their talking points.

Thank you for illustrating that.
See thats why I don't bother. I get into a pissing contest of "your source isn't good enough."

Well, it sure beats YOURS!

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