Where Is The Proof?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
Fantastic post, thank you.
Oh the hilarity! Won't somebody think of the deplorables?

I mean, it's about five million now, isn't it?
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
View attachment 415919
DOUBLE :asshole: !
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
View attachment 415919
DOUBLE :asshole: !
Glad to be of service.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
View attachment 415919
DOUBLE :asshole: !
The only thing that defends freedom is force. When you give up that force you are ruined
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
View attachment 415919
The vengence is a meal that is eaten cold the winter is coming you will soon be served a dish of rat because that is what you are the democrat.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.

As you so accurately point out, everybody does hate Trump. That is just a fact. You have yet to show where anybody has broken any laws or rules to defeat him in the election though.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so?

Yep, just like when he was elected they went by the numbers reported just like when he lost.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
View attachment 415919
DOUBLE :asshole: !
The only thing that defends freedom is force. When you give up that force you are ruined
I second this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Only the Lord knows what is still yet to come.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
View attachment 415919
DOUBLE :asshole: !
The only thing that defends freedom is force. When you give up that force you are ruined
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
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The vengence is a meal that is eaten cold the winter is coming you will soon be served a dish of rat because that is what you are the democrat.
I am deadly serious. Where is the proof Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election? Google said so? Twitter and Facebook confirmed it? The Associated Press called it for Biden? Fox news is certain? Who among all the cable news shows and media pundit talking heads actually likes and respects Donald Trump? Who among them all, including republican politicians elected and/or appointed, is loyal to Donald Trump? Seems to me EVERYONE on television and holding political office despises Donald Trump, to some degree.

EVERYTHING related to election reporting in 2020 is electronicā€”computerized. Every aspect of the reporting process is digital and can be altered on the fly, in real time. All those expensive and pretty graphics programs. See, in the 2016 election the "bad guys" didn't see Trump coming, didn't quite recognize him as any kind of threat and I believe that was before even CNN, MSNBC and all the other leftist media outlets went full partisan. In other words, their owners/bosses still felt compelled to report REAL election results to the public. But all that seems to have changed since.

Did anyone else notice the rapid blink or you miss it abandonment of Donald Trump by Fox News? Fox was suddenly anti-Trump on election night. I don't know, my fellow Americansā€”it's all very creepy, very unnatural . . . ALL the reporting done on this year's presidential election so far. And what's with Google, Facebook and You Tube not allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions. They're like Soviet political officers looking over your shoulder to make sure we don't form a single opinion independent of the party hive mind.

I finally realized what the relentless attacks on Trump supporters reminded me of: the persecution of Christians in pre-Christian Rome. If our neo-society is so quick to suppress or cancel any brief light that is genuinely a force for/of good, then Donald Trump must be good; for they have tried to cancel him since day one and every last day for the past four years. Of course, Trump has been a money maker for all media outlets but I digress; COVID is the new kingmaker of our time, not outrage over politically correct heresy, as it once was.

In short, I do believe Donald Trump won the election on November 4th by a very wide margin. I also believe something elseā€”something that will draw hot fire in my direction from other so-called conservatives: I believe the Russians did help Donald Trump win in 2020. I believe Hillary Clinton cheated her ass off with help from the Chinese, among others, and had the election in the bag. So Donald Trump enlisted the aid of a foreign power as well, only the deep state assholes never saw it coming and by the time they began to catch on it was too late . . . they had to declare a Trump victory. But this timeā€”in 2020ā€”I think it was all Trump, on his own, baby. His only mistake? He should have cheated again. History has proven that he who takes the high road gets drawn and quartered by everyone else who took the lowest roads imaginable.

So what's the real remedy for all of this deceptive election asininity and madness? Well, Donald Trump can either concede, publicly and then hand over the keys to the kingdom to Biden in January, or he can do what he does best . . . what he was born to do: pull another fast one; one much faster than the democrats and the Chinese. A move they'd never expect and one they'd never see coming until it is too late to stop Him.
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DOUBLE :asshole: !
The only thing that defends freedom is force. When you give up that force you are ruined
I second this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Only the Lord knows what is still yet to come.
^^^ I was referring to whatever happens no matter who is in the White House there. Its either Biden or the current leader and if our current leader finds a way to remain at his current address, I think we all know how those who hate him enough will respond.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. I am actually getting to the point to where I don't care who our president is. I wonder who I have to thank for it? Do keep in mind that it takes two for there to be a competition at all in the first place and not just one. During the last election, I purchased a shirt at the Kohl's store that says "Nobody For President" on the front of it.
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^^^ I was referring to whatever happens no matter who is in the White House there. Its either Biden or the current leader and if our current leader finds a way to remain at his current address, I think we all know how those who hate him enough will respond.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. I am actually getting to the point to where I don't care who our president is. I wonder who I have to thank for it? Do keep in mind that it takes two for there to be a competition at all in the first place and not just one. During the last election, I purchased a shirt at the Kohl's store that says "Nobody For President" on the front of it.

We don't have a current leader. That's why so many people voted to kick his ass out of the white house.

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