Where next for Conservatism ?

You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?

There was also one in the 1890’s...

Still if you use those dates he was not President then either...

He became President after the death of Harding in 1923...
That doesnt really make your case any better. You seem to be on the same wavelength as Hitler.

I am an Authoritarian, a Nationalist, an Isolationist, a Misogynist, and a Fiscal/Social Conservative. So I do have some similar ideals to Hitler. You’ll also notice some of those things are very different from his view.
That doesnt really make your case any better. You seem to be on the same wavelength as Hitler.

I am an Authoritarian, a Nationalist, an Isolationist, a Misogynist, and a Fiscal/Social Conservative. So I do have some similar ideals to Hitler. You’ll also notice some of those things are very different from his view.
Ok, thanks for that.
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?

There was also one in the 1890’s...

Still if you use those dates he was not President then either...

He became President after the death of Harding in 1923...
Riiiiight....But he was involved in turning the economy around by cutting taxes and bureaucracy.....They were the "roaring '20s" for a reason.
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

Many have the opportunity to vote and there is no voter suppression...

Many on the left want to argue that Voting should continue after November 3rd because they want to make sure they get the result they are shooting for...

You have many ways to vote and if a Citizen of this country did not take advantage of the many ways then it is their own failure and not some type of voter suppression...
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?

There was also one in the 1890’s...

Still if you use those dates he was not President then either...

He became President after the death of Harding in 1923...
Riiiiight....But he was involved in turning the economy around by cutting taxes and bureaucracy.....They were the "roaring '20s" for a reason.

And yet as I have pointed out he really had nothing to do with the Great Depression and the period of time you mentioned Harding was President and Coolidge did run a small government era he is not viewed as a great leader of his day.

I will state is was the closest thing you will ever get as a Libertarian President and the only other very Conservative President was Andrew Jackson...
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?

There was also one in the 1890’s...

Still if you use those dates he was not President then either...

He became President after the death of Harding in 1923...
Riiiiight....But he was involved in turning the economy around by cutting taxes and bureaucracy.....They were the "roaring '20s" for a reason.

And yet as I have pointed out he really had nothing to do with the Great Depression and the period of time you mentioned Harding was President and Coolidge did run a small government era he is not viewed as a great leader of his day.

I will state is was the closest thing you will ever get as a Libertarian President and the only other very Conservative President was Andrew Jackson...
The depression of 1920-'22 is what I referenced.....That Coolidge isn't considered a "great leader" says more about those doing the rankings than how he actually led the nation.
That can't start until Trump and Trumpism are effectively eradicated.
Your leftist Tyrannical side is showing clear today with that post.........Your entire post was LOOK THERE............my Tribe sucks so bad that I have to always attack someone else to keep you from looking at us.

Eradicated..............that is what your tribe has been trying to do to us for quite some time.......We just haven't said we've had enough of your shit yet.....and we believe in law and order......your side.........NOT SO MUCH.
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?

There was also one in the 1890’s...

Still if you use those dates he was not President then either...

He became President after the death of Harding in 1923...
Riiiiight....But he was involved in turning the economy around by cutting taxes and bureaucracy.....They were the "roaring '20s" for a reason.

And yet as I have pointed out he really had nothing to do with the Great Depression and the period of time you mentioned Harding was President and Coolidge did run a small government era he is not viewed as a great leader of his day.

I will state is was the closest thing you will ever get as a Libertarian President and the only other very Conservative President was Andrew Jackson...
The depression of 1920-'22 is what I referenced.....That Coolidge isn't considered a "great leader" says more about those doing the rankings than how he actually led the nation.

Again, Coolidge was not President at the time when that depression happened and it was Harding leadership that help guide the nation then.

Also the depression you write about was in 1920 and ended in mid-1921 which would be Harding accomplishment...

I know you are trying to convince me that Coolidge saved this country but I will state he did run a smooth Presidency and was better than Wilson or FDR...

Many proclaim FDR saved America but the War got us out of the Depression even if we did not enter it until 1941...
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?

There was also one in the 1890’s...

Still if you use those dates he was not President then either...

He became President after the death of Harding in 1923...
That there was a depression in the 1890s is entirely beside the point....Coolidge kept and accelerated the Harding policies....There's no counter-argument to this historical fact.
.....That can't start until Trump and Trumpism are effectively eradicated.
Will that be done by the guillotine, hangman's noose, firing squad, or gas chamber?
The right way. Slowly, through the culture.


Any time you want to sit down have a beer, go to the biologically correct bathroom, keep your hands off my knee and my junk, quit bitching about how I was born with white privilege and how I'm inherently racist, stop looting and burning down local business because that's 'social justice', quit demanding monetary compensation for things that happened well over a hundred years ago,..... I'm sure there's a couple other things,..... (Oh yeah!) and just mellow the fuck out, perhaps I'll let you become assimilated into my culture.



If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

George Washington
"Worthy members" lol

I would like the poster describe in their own words what a worthy member is?

Also I am more liberal than you but we ain’t progressive!
I'm as liberal as they come!
Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...

President Calvin Coolidge.

He not only drastically cut taxes and spending, but he cut them both twice during his term.
He also accomplished that, when neither major party really liked him anyway.

Last edited:
.....That can't start until Trump and Trumpism are effectively eradicated.
Will that be done by the guillotine, hangman's noose, firing squad, or gas chamber?
The right way. Slowly, through the culture.

View attachment 409734

Any time you want to sit down have a beer, go to the biologically correct bathroom, keep your hands off my knee and my junk, quit bitching about how I was born with white privilege and how I'm inherently racist, stop looting and burning down local business because that's 'social justice', quit demanding monetary compensation for things that happened well over a hundred years ago,..... I'm sure there's a couple other things,..... (Oh yeah!) and just mellow the fuck out, perhaps I'll let you become assimilated into my culture.



No thanks.
.....That can't start until Trump and Trumpism are effectively eradicated.
Will that be done by the guillotine, hangman's noose, firing squad, or gas chamber?
The right way. Slowly, through the culture.

View attachment 409734

Any time you want to sit down have a beer, go to the biologically correct bathroom, keep your hands off my knee and my junk, quit bitching about how I was born with white privilege and how I'm inherently racist, stop looting and burning down local business because that's 'social justice', quit demanding monetary compensation for things that happened well over a hundred years ago,..... I'm sure there's a couple other things,..... (Oh yeah!) and just mellow the fuck out, perhaps I'll let you become assimilated into my culture.



No thanks.


That's not very culturally accepting of you.

Don't you believe in diversity and all that stuff?


When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

Many have the opportunity to vote and there is no voter suppression...

Many on the left want to argue that Voting should continue after November 3rd because they want to make sure they get the result they are shooting for...

You have many ways to vote and if a Citizen of this country did not take advantage of the many ways then it is their own failure and not some type of voter suppression...
Except for the fact that we've had an electorally (and unpopular) elected president who has brought this nation to it's knees with this pandemek which he's bungled greatly. To add insult to injury, this cockroach trump made his good buddy De Joy head of the post office so he could sabotage the processing of mail during this election

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

George Washington
"Worthy members" lol

I would like the poster describe in their own words what a worthy member is?

Also I am more liberal than you but we ain’t progressive!
I'm as liberal as they come!

I am more Liberal!

Anyhoo, the reality is anyone conversing about what will happen to Conservatives and Conservatism first must tell the board when they ever witnessed a true conservative ran government in America and then explain how they consider that era as a true Conservative moment...
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

Many have the opportunity to vote and there is no voter suppression...

Many on the left want to argue that Voting should continue after November 3rd because they want to make sure they get the result they are shooting for...

You have many ways to vote and if a Citizen of this country did not take advantage of the many ways then it is their own failure and not some type of voter suppression...
Except for the fact that we've had an electorally (and unpopular) elected president who has brought this nation to it's knees with this pandemek which he's bungled greatly. To add insult to injury, this cockroach trump made his good buddy De Joy head of the post office so he could sabotage the processing of mail during this election

Then you should have early voted like I did!
Last edited:
Except for the fact that we've had an electorally (and unpopular) elected president who has brought this nation to it's knees with this pandemek which he's bungled greatly. To add insult to injury, this cockroach trump made his good buddy De Joy head of the post office so he could sabotage the processing of mail during this election

I voted In person at the Sheriff's Substation on October the 16th, and have no doubt my vote has been properly counted.
There were no lines, proper safety measures were in place, it was quick, easy and wasn't stressful at all.

If you cannot figure out how to vote, and have to try and blame anyone other than the people who run your State Elections ...
You can blame yourself for electing the people who are now failing you yet again ... :thup:


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