where Politics and Religion meet...


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
It's time to pray, if you don't already

I'm sure it has occurred to most of us that that is all a person can do (most people anyhow)

So people who already pray, please pray more.. ... Ask God to get rid of the malignant cancerous growth on our nation that is called leftism

As the saying goes... (paraphrase?) All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

Have American Christians been "doing nothing" more or less? Catholics can recall the story of the Battle of Lepanto. I think it was the pope who called for everyone to pray the rosary for this battle against the Muslims, and even though outnumbered, they did win!
You didn't pray before the last election that his will be done?
It's time to pray, if you don't already

I'm sure it has occurred to most of us that that is all a person can do (most people anyhow)

So people who already pray, please pray more.. ... Ask God to get rid of the malignant cancerous growth on our nation that is called leftism

As the saying goes... (paraphrase?) All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

Have American Christians been "doing nothing" more or less? Catholics can recall the story of the Battle of Lepanto. I think it was the pope who called for everyone to pray the rosary for this battle against the Muslims, and even though outnumbered, they did win!

Yes! We have been tolerant to a fault!

All good Americans, but especially the religious. Love the sinner, hate the sin? I'm getting fed up with loving the sinner when they obviously don't love themselves or anyone else.

I will ask my spiritual teacher about the Battle of Lepanto. thanks for the reference.


Yes! We have been tolerant to a fault!

All good Americans, but especially the religious. Love the sinner, hate the sin? I'm getting fed up with loving the sinner when they obviously don't love themselves or anyone else.

I will ask my spiritual teacher about the Battle of Lepanto. thanks for the reference.


I LOLd at that part about getting fed up with ... the most vile sinners among us

But indeed, many of us have gotten fed up. I wish I could recall where I heard this, but .. I think Mary appeared to someone (a child, probably) and said something about how this time in history is the worst, sin-wise, and that the time for mercy is ENDING.. There will then be JUSTICE

I am thinking Jesus will have to come back and implement that kind of thing Himself... things are ridiculous here on Planet E

I'm sure you've been following the news story about ... Comer.. Oversight.. shell companies... $$ going to the bidims from adversaries of the US?

Yeh... a big mess. It looks like God alone is the only one who can fix it.. but I think He wants our help, so again... pray.
So we can blame you for not praying on his loss?
I admit I don't pray as much as I should or probably don't.

Too bad leftists never admit to doing a damn thing wrong... (guess that's a natural consequence of having ZERO morals...)
He won the hearts and minds of a bunch of crazies. Other than that, he's a loser like always.
you are

you drink the vile kool aid CNN and Co dish out

cue you screaming you don't watch CNN

I LOLd at that part about getting fed up with ... the most vile sinners among us

But indeed, many of us have gotten fed up. I wish I could recall where I heard this, but .. I think Mary appeared to someone (a child, probably) and said something about how this time in history is the worst, sin-wise, and that the time for mercy is ENDING.. There will then be JUSTICE

I am thinking Jesus will have to come back and implement that kind of thing Himself... things are ridiculous here on Planet E

I'm sure you've been following the news story about ... Comer.. Oversight.. shell companies... $$ going to the bidims from adversaries of the US?

Yeh... a big mess. It looks like God alone is the only one who can fix it.. but I think He wants our help, so again... pray.
That's where lots of arrogant religious nuts go wrong. If god needed your help, he wouldn't be god.
So people who already pray, please pray more.. ... Ask God to get rid of the malignant cancerous growth on our nation that is called leftism

Jesus was a Liberal

yes, I'm sure he told everyone to kill their babies

molest children

encourage children to mutilate their bodies trying to be something they cannot be...

sounds just like him


I admit I don't pray as much as I should or probably don't.

Too bad leftists never admit to doing a damn thing wrong... (guess that's a natural consequence of having ZERO morals...)
You mean like when trump said he has never once asked god for forgiveness, because he's never done anything wrong?
The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to be irrefutably proven to be dishonest, or reach political enlightenment, cease opposition to progress, and then all will be good, are delusions derived from the accurate aspects of the government experiment model, but nullified by the unidentified adverse aspects.

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