CDZ Where were the media watchdogs when Obama was in office?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch
And Lynch.
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch
The "watchdogs" were mere lapdogs.


But they loved their work!​
Where were the media watchdogs when Obama was in office?

They were sitting around partying and having a good time waiting until the next republican got elected. You see, the media's sole responsibility is not to report the news, but to simply run interference for the Democrats. Shield them from bad press to cover up the dirt they do, and hammer down the opposition any and all ways to keep democrats in office. That is what they call the government-media complex. Follow the money. People in media go work for the government. People in government go work for the media. That is Flopper's "experience."
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch

in love with obama
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch

they certainly were completely uninterested in Hillary's and Podesta's Russian interests, and their involvement was far more extensive and very lucrative, as was most of her time as SOS was. With Trump, they have squat after months and months of big noises n stuff, and nothing anywhere else for that matter. They're irrelevant, and they're all upset about it; they stand to lose huge amounts of election year ad cash, mainly, and almost nobody is taking anything they say seriously.
Where were the media watchdogs when Obama was in office?

They were sitting around partying and having a good time waiting until the next republican got elected. You see, the media's sole responsibility is not to report the news, but to simply run interference for the Democrats. Shield them from bad press to cover up the dirt they do, and hammer down the opposition any and all ways to keep democrats in office. That is what they call the government-media complex. Follow the money. People in media go work for the government. People in government go work for the media. That is Flopper's "experience."

they're so conceited and arrogant they can't grasp how utterly ignorant and stupid they are in real life; they're pretty much the same personality cult we find in academic circles.
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch
Trump is the only one with the appearance of obstruction of justice since Nixon.

That's the main difference.
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch

Exactly why so many tune out the MSM entirely.
Say what? Would you have the FBI, Congress, the press, or anyone overlook, rather than investigate, the "Russia thing" and "Saturday Night Massacre-esque" appearance of Trump firing the man tasked with leading the investigation into circumstances and events that may be tied to him personally and which even Senators in his own party recognize he's at every turn he's already acted to obstruct the investigative process being conducted to uncover the full picture of what in fact happened, who was involved in what nature and to what extent?

Regardless of what one thinks of the IRS-Tea Party "thing," it didn't result from a foreign actor's guileful legerdemain having been deployed in the U.S. electoral process in a way that benefitted him. Trump's glibly ignorant attitude, one that by discounting the significance of the matter borders on his exculpating the Russians, toward a series of events that amounts to the "cuckolding" of the U.S. POTUS and electoral process is more disconcerting than even Richard Nixon's actions to do so without a foreign actor's involvement.

I mean really. Would you countenance someone else inserting themselves into your family's squabbles and debates? I know nobody in my family would. On the contrary, any such person would become subject to the scorn and wrath of every member of my family that would start with a "butt the "F" out" (less vulgarly than that, but that'd be the message) heard from each of us to whom someone even mentioned the matter.
Where were the media watchdogs when Obama was in office?

They were sitting around partying and having a good time waiting until the next republican got elected. You see, the media's sole responsibility is not to report the news, but to simply run interference for the Democrats. Shield them from bad press to cover up the dirt they do, and hammer down the opposition any and all ways to keep democrats in office. That is what they call the government-media complex. Follow the money. People in media go work for the government. People in government go work for the media. That is Flopper's "experience."

they're so conceited and arrogant they can't grasp how utterly ignorant and stupid they are in real life; they're pretty much the same personality cult we find in academic circles.

It was best said long ago by a guy named Albert Osborn:

The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch is the attack arm of the Koch PAC's. None of their investigations have turned up any charges, or improprieties by the Clintons despite numerous investigations.

Nobody protected the Clintons or Obama. Contrary to the lies promulgated by the right, he didn't do anything illegal.

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The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch
Trump is the only one with the appearance of obstruction of justice since Nixon.

That's the main difference.
Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress...but that doesn't count as obstruction?
The MSM is all over Trump looking for evidence of collusion with the Russians. The MSN is hyping the FBI investigation. Where were the media when the FBI was suppose to be investigating the IRS under the Obama administration for targeting Tea Party groups?

The left with the left wing media are crying about Trump firing Comey while the FBI is investigating the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign. We could hear crickets from the left wing media while the FBI did a non-investigation of the IRS scandal. It is my opinion that Obama and his minions were protected by the Justice dept under Holder.

Judicial Watch: FBI Investigation Documents of IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch is the attack arm of the Koch PAC's. None of their investigations have turned up any charges, or improprieties by the Clintons despite numerous investigations.

Nobody protected the Clintons or Obama. Contrary to the lies promulgated by the right, he didn't do anything illegal.

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And nobody protected the IRS when they blantently destroyed supbeonoed evidence? A crime that if you or I had done we'd be locked up with the key thrown away.

Remember IRS targeting was several magnitudes worse than anything Nixon did. Nixon had 100 or so names of political individual he viewed as enemies....the IRS admittedly targeted 1,000s of conservative GROUPS, effecting 100,000s of people, with BS red tape, and improper questionnaires that blew the top off the hatch act, which if your 501c3 is under audit, you can't donations, which effectively shuts down the cash flow to the groups. This is 1,000 times worse than anything Nixon did, and directly effected countless Americans citizens, why? For being conservative. I still can't believe how much the left just shrugs their shoulders at this. It's FUBAR.
Obama tossed the Russians out of those two compounds because of possible spying.

And of course, Pooting's favorite puppy is inviting them right back in.

Wanna bet the same damn RWNJ traitors won't have a problem with that either.


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Say what? Would you have the FBI, Congress, the press, or anyone overlook, rather than investigate, the "Russia thing" and "Saturday Night Massacre-esque" appearance of Trump firing the man tasked with leading the investigation into circumstances and events that may be tied to him personally and which even Senators in his own party recognize he's at every turn he's already acted to obstruct the investigative process being conducted to uncover the full picture of what in fact happened, who was involved in what nature and to what extent?

Regardless of what one thinks of the IRS-Tea Party "thing," it didn't result from a foreign actor's guileful legerdemain having been deployed in the U.S. electoral process in a way that benefitted him. Trump's glibly ignorant attitude, one that by discounting the significance of the matter borders on his exculpating the Russians, toward a series of events that amounts to the "cuckolding" of the U.S. POTUS and electoral process is more disconcerting than even Richard Nixon's actions to do so without a foreign actor's involvement.

I mean really. Would you countenance someone else inserting themselves into your family's squabbles and debates? I know nobody in my family would. On the contrary, any such person would become subject to the scorn and wrath of every member of my family that would start with a "butt the "F" out" (less vulgarly than that, but that'd be the message) heard from each of us to whom someone even mentioned the matter.

Part of the reason he was fired- Dereliction of Duty- in failing to arrest Her Thighness Clinton

Say what? Would you have the FBI, Congress, the press, or anyone overlook, rather than investigate, the "Russia thing" and "Saturday Night Massacre-esque" appearance of Trump firing the man tasked with leading the investigation into circumstances and events that may be tied to him personally and which even Senators in his own party recognize he's at every turn he's already acted to obstruct the investigative process being conducted to uncover the full picture of what in fact happened, who was involved in what nature and to what extent?

Regardless of what one thinks of the IRS-Tea Party "thing," it didn't result from a foreign actor's guileful legerdemain having been deployed in the U.S. electoral process in a way that benefitted him. Trump's glibly ignorant attitude, one that by discounting the significance of the matter borders on his exculpating the Russians, toward a series of events that amounts to the "cuckolding" of the U.S. POTUS and electoral process is more disconcerting than even Richard Nixon's actions to do so without a foreign actor's involvement.

I mean really. Would you countenance someone else inserting themselves into your family's squabbles and debates? I know nobody in my family would. On the contrary, any such person would become subject to the scorn and wrath of every member of my family that would start with a "butt the "F" out" (less vulgarly than that, but that'd be the message) heard from each of us to whom someone even mentioned the matter.

Yeah...except for the fact that even Alan Dershowitz, left wing activist lawyer says you don't know what you are talking about...there has been no crime committed, no obstruction, nothing.....there is nothing here.......the only actual crime so far was unmasking Flynn and then leaking his name to the press.....and now we find out that obama was unmasking people at an increased rate in the last years of his Presidency.....and that is bigger than watergate........
Say what? Would you have the FBI, Congress, the press, or anyone overlook, rather than investigate, the "Russia thing" and "Saturday Night Massacre-esque" appearance of Trump firing the man tasked with leading the investigation into circumstances and events that may be tied to him personally and which even Senators in his own party recognize he's at every turn he's already acted to obstruct the investigative process being conducted to uncover the full picture of what in fact happened, who was involved in what nature and to what extent?

Regardless of what one thinks of the IRS-Tea Party "thing," it didn't result from a foreign actor's guileful legerdemain having been deployed in the U.S. electoral process in a way that benefitted him. Trump's glibly ignorant attitude, one that by discounting the significance of the matter borders on his exculpating the Russians, toward a series of events that amounts to the "cuckolding" of the U.S. POTUS and electoral process is more disconcerting than even Richard Nixon's actions to do so without a foreign actor's involvement.

I mean really. Would you countenance someone else inserting themselves into your family's squabbles and debates? I know nobody in my family would. On the contrary, any such person would become subject to the scorn and wrath of every member of my family that would start with a "butt the "F" out" (less vulgarly than that, but that'd be the message) heard from each of us to whom someone even mentioned the matter.

And crime has been all...and even this article lies about what they say Trump allegedly did......while having to state Dershowitz said no crime has been committed...

Alan Dershowitz Says "No Crimes Committed" By Trump

I was amazed and intrigued to hear Alan Dershowitz, a renowned lawyer and constitutional scholar and no friend of Donald Trump, state on Fox that he does not see any justification for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion by the Trump team. His reasoning is that a special counsel is charged with investigating criminal activity. He says that nothing that he has heard breaks any laws.

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