Where were the riots when Barack Obama won

So you want to force evolutionary teaching on everybody? And burn Bibles...
typical of a progressive.
Like I said all along Progressive control freaks cant tolerate people disagreeing with them...
What the fuck are you talking about? I tell you why separation is settled law from the beginnings of the nation and you come back with that shit? That's why Jefferson absolutely despised the clergy, they have no concept of logic, science and rationality.
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.

You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.
What the fuck are you talking about? I tell you why separation is settled law from the beginnings of the nation and you come back with that shit? That's why Jefferson absolutely despised the clergy, they have no concept of logic, science and rationality.
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.
George Washington also was not a career politician, he did not want the job he saw it as a duty so he did it anyway. The only president to be that way.
George Washington was what we had for career politicians when we were still a British colony, a wealthy powerful landowner. He was also into overt use of federal power.
But he did not want the job, he saw is as a duty.
Which cannot be said for any following president… Fact
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.
George Washington also was not a career politician, he did not want the job he saw it as a duty so he did it anyway. The only president to be that way.
George Washington was what we had for career politicians when we were still a British colony, a wealthy powerful landowner. He was also into overt use of federal power.
But he did not want the job, he saw is as a duty.
Which cannot be said for any following president… Fact
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
It's obvious, a large overbearing government only helps career politicians...
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact

I don't think there would have been riots if not for the Soros machine starting riots across the country over the last several years. Most are paid thugs. Sure, locals join in but those riots were not spontaneous, they were orchestrated. It eventually caught on to the point where taking to the streets and being violent became the immediate response to anything that emotionally upset them. Sadly, the reactions weren't due to actual facts, just a perceived wrong that was pushed by media and a few race baiters.

The same false and nasty rhetoric that fueled protests after police shootings eventually lead to a mentality that destroying neighborhoods was their right when someone upsets them. I fully expected riots if Trump won because it's become the norm when these ignorant people don't get their way. And, like all the previous riots, this one is largely fueled by hired thugs who bus into cities to ensure that the violence gets going.

Neighborhoods were completely destroyed in the past over justified shootings by police. Now they are doing the same simply because they are unhappy that they didn't get their way. As they did before, the media has fueled people's anger with a false narrative. Claiming that Trump is racist was all some needed to hear. The perpetually angry people never question that accusation. It sets them off immediately and no amount of reason is going to change their feelings. The left has done a bang up job of brainwashing people into believing that they are doomed unless leftist nanny government is at the wheel.

Soros has an agenda and it requires the nation to remain divided. The rhetoric from media has been instrumental in inciting people and keeping them divided and angry.
So you want to force evolutionary teaching on everybody? And burn Bibles...
typical of a progressive.
Like I said all along Progressive control freaks cant tolerate people disagreeing with them...
What the fuck are you talking about? I tell you why separation is settled law from the beginnings of the nation and you come back with that shit? That's why Jefferson absolutely despised the clergy, they have no concept of logic, science and rationality.
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.

You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.
George Washington also was not a career politician, he did not want the job he saw it as a duty so he did it anyway. The only president to be that way.
George Washington was what we had for career politicians when we were still a British colony, a wealthy powerful landowner. He was also into overt use of federal power.
But he did not want the job, he saw is as a duty.
Which cannot be said for any following president… Fact
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
It's obvious, a large overbearing government only helps career politicians...
If you had taken a couple of minutes to think about it, there were no career politicians as you think about them at the beginning but every one of those men were rich important people who immediately set about carving themselves a cozy little seat of power. It's not the length of a political career that matters but how it is started. We tell congressmen to be "business friendly" so they go cozy up to the big business lobby, what do you expect? The very few who do not get in bed with the big corporate interests are called commie socialist job killers and you hate them.
What the fuck are you talking about? I tell you why separation is settled law from the beginnings of the nation and you come back with that shit? That's why Jefferson absolutely despised the clergy, they have no concept of logic, science and rationality.
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.

You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.
"Where were the riots when Barack Obama won"

There's no call for civility today. This shows how much the American family has deteriorated over the last 8 years.
George Washington also was not a career politician, he did not want the job he saw it as a duty so he did it anyway. The only president to be that way.
George Washington was what we had for career politicians when we were still a British colony, a wealthy powerful landowner. He was also into overt use of federal power.
But he did not want the job, he saw is as a duty.
Which cannot be said for any following president… Fact
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
It's obvious, a large overbearing government only helps career politicians...
If you had taken a couple of minutes to think about it, there were no career politicians as you think about them at the beginning but every one of those men were rich important people who immediately set about carving themselves a cozy little seat of power. It's not the length of a political career that matters but how it is started. We tell congressmen to be "business friendly" so they go cozy up to the big business lobby, what do you expect? The very few who do not get in bed with the big corporate interests are called commie socialist job killers and you hate them.
That's why Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet long-term
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.

You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.
And George Washington disagreed…
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.

You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.

Lol! See, you provide drama and laughs. Now maybe you nutters have learned to put forth a viable candidate in 2020, instead of the worst candidate of all time.
George Washington was what we had for career politicians when we were still a British colony, a wealthy powerful landowner. He was also into overt use of federal power.
But he did not want the job, he saw is as a duty.
Which cannot be said for any following president… Fact
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
It's obvious, a large overbearing government only helps career politicians...
If you had taken a couple of minutes to think about it, there were no career politicians as you think about them at the beginning but every one of those men were rich important people who immediately set about carving themselves a cozy little seat of power. It's not the length of a political career that matters but how it is started. We tell congressmen to be "business friendly" so they go cozy up to the big business lobby, what do you expect? The very few who do not get in bed with the big corporate interests are called commie socialist job killers and you hate them.
That's why Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet long-term
Why? Because it is subject to overwhelming attack by the rich? It's what we have always had here, most truly populist policies are sabotaged and ultimately destroyed.
George Washington is not the guy the anti-government right is always talking about. Oh wait, you are all pro-government nationalists now. Time to put all the Gadsden flags and tricorn hats away until another democrat is elected president.

You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.

Lol! See, you provide drama and laughs. Now maybe you nutters have learned to put forth a viable candidate in 2020, instead of the worst candidate of all time.
WOOF WOOF right back atcha dog.
But he did not want the job, he saw is as a duty.
Which cannot be said for any following president… Fact
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
It's obvious, a large overbearing government only helps career politicians...
If you had taken a couple of minutes to think about it, there were no career politicians as you think about them at the beginning but every one of those men were rich important people who immediately set about carving themselves a cozy little seat of power. It's not the length of a political career that matters but how it is started. We tell congressmen to be "business friendly" so they go cozy up to the big business lobby, what do you expect? The very few who do not get in bed with the big corporate interests are called commie socialist job killers and you hate them.
That's why Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet long-term
Why? Because it is subject to overwhelming attack by the rich? It's what we have always had here, most truly populist policies are sabotaged and ultimately destroyed.
Any sort of freedom and individuality cannot coexist with socialism... fact
You sure are going all out drama. Been an emotional week for you.

It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.

Lol! See, you provide drama and laughs. Now maybe you nutters have learned to put forth a viable candidate in 2020, instead of the worst candidate of all time.
WOOF WOOF right back atcha dog.

See you are a good boy, providing me my daily laughs.
OK you repeated yourself, does Washington have some bearing on how you think the government should be run?
It's obvious, a large overbearing government only helps career politicians...
If you had taken a couple of minutes to think about it, there were no career politicians as you think about them at the beginning but every one of those men were rich important people who immediately set about carving themselves a cozy little seat of power. It's not the length of a political career that matters but how it is started. We tell congressmen to be "business friendly" so they go cozy up to the big business lobby, what do you expect? The very few who do not get in bed with the big corporate interests are called commie socialist job killers and you hate them.
That's why Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet long-term
Why? Because it is subject to overwhelming attack by the rich? It's what we have always had here, most truly populist policies are sabotaged and ultimately destroyed.
Any sort of freedom and individuality cannot coexist with socialism... fact
You just elected a populist who is going to spend a shitload of money trying to make things better in the economy for working folk (so he says) by past definitions of Obama you just elected a socialist. Let's see if you cry about socialist spending in the coming 4 years. If the past is any indication no republican will ever mention the deficit again until they are out of power.
It has been for everyone, going to suck for you having to play defense until Trump gets voted out or impeached. Attacking is a lot more fun.

It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.

Lol! See, you provide drama and laughs. Now maybe you nutters have learned to put forth a viable candidate in 2020, instead of the worst candidate of all time.
WOOF WOOF right back atcha dog.

See you are a good boy, providing me my daily laughs.
Glad to be of service, too bad you suck at actual political discussion.
It isn't going to suck for me because he isn't my guy, I knew either Clinton or Trump would be a terrible President.

I don't have to play defense or offense, I can call it the way I see it and so far the liberals are crying, accusing, making crap up, rioting and for absolutely no reason. The liberal babies are going to have to endure four years and it is their punishment for nominating the worst candidate in American history. Now continue on with your drama, it is quite entertaining and funny.
Well have fun not giving a fuck about anything except being a brainless attack dog.

Lol! See, you provide drama and laughs. Now maybe you nutters have learned to put forth a viable candidate in 2020, instead of the worst candidate of all time.
WOOF WOOF right back atcha dog.

See you are a good boy, providing me my daily laughs.
Glad to be of service, too bad you suck at actual political discussion.

Same can be said for you drama queen.
Millions of people just like me have absolutely zero in common with Barry, absolutely zero agreement. He wants to take away livelihood from people he disagrees with. But no we did not Riot in the streets. Progressives are the most insecure control freaks on the planet. Fact
Barack Obama never disparaged groups of American citizens. Obama was not a bigoted hate monger.

That said, I guess you are sofa king stupid you do not remember the Tea Party & their demonstrations.

Nah...he just called Americans lazy and told half of them to get to the back of the bus....and thats just scratching the surface.

And i'd like to see some video of these violent Tea Party protests.
Which Tea Party actions compare to the Left's occupy movement, BLM movement and the Trump riots? there are none.
Electing a bunch of crazy people to sabotage the government to the point that it cannot even deal with something non political like the Zika virus is the kind of damaging things you people do.
Those are not movements. Can you name a specific thing like rioting or occupying or marching? You know... something that we would expect religious fanatics to do.

I am afraid that you are going to have to face the fact that you are a religious fanatic and your religion is socialism.
The right has a host of actual religious fanatics who want to ban all sorts of "immoral" things, bring churches into schools and secular policy, destroy science and bring about a christian dominated nation endlessly embroiled in a war on Islam. Are you somehow forgetting the evangelicals? The only difference between them and the Taliban is a matter of degree. These people state they want to control every aspect of your life regardless of the constitution and you call the left fanatics?
The right? I thought you were discussing the Tea Party. Can you point to any specific event thet the Tea Party held to protest anything like BLM or occupy did?
The tea party was practically all evangelicals so quit trying to split hairs. The problem here is that you, like many others, see mass demonstration as something to be stamped out and suppressed but in spite of all the noise, inconvenience and occasional vandalism it really is the only way for poor people to get noticed in this country. Occupy made even people like Trump start talking about inequality and BLM finally made us look at how bad an idea militarized policing is.
So in other words you can't name any protest or demonstration showing how the Tea Party were inflamed because of a social issue.

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