Where were you on Nov. 22, 1963:

I remember that night when they brought Oswald out and the public saw him for the first time. i was thinking this guy looks crazier than a shit house rat
I remember that night when they brought Oswald out and the public saw him for the first time. i was thinking this guy looks crazier than a shit house rat

Agreed...and yet it is totally inconceivable he acted alone, assuming he acted at all.

If you were accused of killing a president in broad daylight, you might look crazy too.
I remember that night when they brought Oswald out and the public saw him for the first time. i was thinking this guy looks crazier than a shit house rat

Agreed...and yet it is totally inconceivable he acted alone, assuming he acted at all.

If you were accused of killing a president in broad daylight, you might look crazy too.

the Dallas PD screwed the pooch by letting Ruby murder him. so we'll never know. had he stood trial that would have been something to see.
I remember that night when they brought Oswald out and the public saw him for the first time. i was thinking this guy looks crazier than a shit house rat

Agreed...and yet it is totally inconceivable he acted alone, assuming he acted at all.

If you were accused of killing a president in broad daylight, you might look crazy too.

the Dallas PD screwed the pooch by letting Ruby murder him. so we'll never know. had he stood trial that would have been something to see.

I don't believe the Dallas PD allowed Ruby to take out Oswald, by incompetence. I suspect a higher power had something to do with it.

It is incomprehensible that the Dallas PD (and Federal agents who must have also been present) would allow Ruby to walk into the building unmolested, and shoot the man who they claimed had murdered a president, all on national TV. It was planned.
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Agreed...and yet it is totally inconceivable he acted alone, assuming he acted at all.

If you were accused of killing a president in broad daylight, you might look crazy too.

the Dallas PD screwed the pooch by letting Ruby murder him. so we'll never know. had he stood trial that would have been something to see.

I don't believe the Dallas PD allowed Ruby to take out Oswald, by incompetence. I suspect a higher power had something to do with it.

It is incomprehensible that the Dallas PD (and Federal agents who must have also been present) would allow Ruby to walk into the building unmolested, and shoot the man who they claimed had murdered a president, all on national TV. It was planned.

Ruby was in tight with the PD long before the shooting. lots a connections there. so they gave him a free pass to come and go. and they spent a lot of time in his bar.
the Dallas PD screwed the pooch by letting Ruby murder him. so we'll never know. had he stood trial that would have been something to see.

I don't believe the Dallas PD allowed Ruby to take out Oswald, by incompetence. I suspect a higher power had something to do with it.

It is incomprehensible that the Dallas PD (and Federal agents who must have also been present) would allow Ruby to walk into the building unmolested, and shoot the man who they claimed had murdered a president, all on national TV. It was planned.

Ruby was in tight with the PD long before the shooting. lots a connections there. so they gave him a free pass to come and go. and they spent a lot of time in his bar.

Yes that is correct. But to think they would allow Ruby access, on the day Oswald is transferred, is absurd. Do you really think security was that lax?

A president is murdered in broad daylight and his suspected assassin is murdered in the policy department on national TV. I find it most difficult to accept that the Dallas PD was that incompetent.

When you consider the numerous inconsistencies related to the JFK assassination, it is hard to believe Oswald's murder was NOT part of a conspiracy and cover-up.
I don't believe the Dallas PD allowed Ruby to take out Oswald, by incompetence. I suspect a higher power had something to do with it.

It is incomprehensible that the Dallas PD (and Federal agents who must have also been present) would allow Ruby to walk into the building unmolested, and shoot the man who they claimed had murdered a president, all on national TV. It was planned.

Ruby was in tight with the PD long before the shooting. lots a connections there. so they gave him a free pass to come and go. and they spent a lot of time in his bar.

Yes that is correct. But to think they would allow Ruby access, on the day Oswald is transferred, is absurd. Do you really think security was that lax?

A president is murdered in broad daylight and his suspected assassin is murdered in the policy department on national TV. I find it most difficult to accept that the Dallas PD was that incompetent.

When you consider the numerous inconsistencies related to the JFK assassination, it is hard to believe Oswald's murder was NOT part of a conspiracy and cover-up.

conspiracy. I think we have a forum for this??? they did allow Oswald to walk out of the building scott free. yes. that's lax
I was at school in San Francisco and had just attended a football rally as we were scheduled to play that afternoon at Kezar Stadium to decide who would play for the City AAA Championship game on Thanksgiving morning, when we learned that the President had been shot.

What do you remember?

I was in school. I was 12. I think it was 6th grade. I remember some of the kids crying.
I was in class right after lunch.

The girls started crying when the announcement came over the PA that the president has been shot.
In my class, I remember boys and girls crying, one boy's face stands out in my memory because he was crying so much. Our teacher that year was the only black teacher in the school; I think the first black teacher our school had ever had. She was from a well to do family and lived in the hills that rose above our working class neighborhood. She was a very good teacher and very much a lady. She'd been listed in Jet Magazine as one of the best dressed black women in the country. She's the one who told us about the assassination. A few days later she gave us an assignment to write a sympathy letter to Mrs. Kennedy. Then she chose one to send to the White House. It was mine she chose and I was quite proud of that. I remember watching the news about the shooting, Oswald, and the funeral for days on our black and white television.

During the moon landing, our family had spent the day at the beach, an hour's drive from home. I remember sitting in the back seat with my brother and listening to it on the radio. It was evening and dark outside
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I don't believe the Dallas PD allowed Ruby to take out Oswald, by incompetence. I suspect a higher power had something to do with it.

It is incomprehensible that the Dallas PD (and Federal agents who must have also been present) would allow Ruby to walk into the building unmolested, and shoot the man who they claimed had murdered a president, all on national TV. It was planned.

Ruby was in tight with the PD long before the shooting. lots a connections there. so they gave him a free pass to come and go. and they spent a lot of time in his bar.

Yes that is correct. But to think they would allow Ruby access, on the day Oswald is transferred, is absurd. Do you really think security was that lax?

A president is murdered in broad daylight and his suspected assassin is murdered in the policy department on national TV. I find it most difficult to accept that the Dallas PD was that incompetent.

When you consider the numerous inconsistencies related to the JFK assassination, it is hard to believe Oswald's murder was NOT part of a conspiracy and cover-up.

Gipper you are wasting your time.this kid is just that,a kid who is here to troll.a kid who lives in a fantasyworld he served in nam.

Nam veterans understand that they were lied to about the vietnam war,that Johnson insitgated the war and esculated it with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.

You spell it out to him that even Robert Mcnamara as well as the commander of that ship have even said that they were never fired on and he just trolls evading those facts.

Just look at this thread,and how evades facts and evidence for yourself.


Yeah good point on the transfer of Ruby.Only and idiot retard would still believe it all these years that Oswald was the lone assassin.:lol:

yeah your right he was tight with the dallas pd.alrright.there were many people that came forward and told independent investigaters in the weeks and months after the assassination,that they saw ruby and oswald together at resteraunts,bars,and other locations prior to the assassination.

Like you said,he was so connected to the DPD who was so corrupt back then,they allowed his corruption to run afoot in dallas and turned a bline eye to it.for those favors,Ruby allowed them free girls every night at his club he ran.

ther thing that proves that it wasnt just imcompetence by the police is that nobody got fired for their imcompetence that day for allowing Ruby to get through there and waltz right on in with no problems.there should have been multiple firings that day but there were none.you screw up at your job,you get fired,period. same with the secret service,nobody got fired for their alleged incompetence.:cuckoo:

when I first got obsessed with this case back in the mid 80's,i read everybook i get could my hands on.I was talking to people who were around back then who were adults at the time and many of them told me they didnt believe a word of the warren commissions version from day one because they also told me they thought it was way too conveinet and way too easy for Ruby to have just waltzed right in there with no problems and shoot oswald like he did.only an idiot would believe he could have got past the police like that with no problem and no conspiracy by them.:cuckoo:
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JFK was shot by Lee Oswald. Does anybody still doubt it after all these years?

there you go trolling as always.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey Hey LBJ
How many presidents did you kill today?
Dont forget his pal Nixon as well.

Many people knew Lbj was involved as early as back then the fact that it happened in his homestate of texas.im not so sure the assassination would have worked had it been anywhere other than Texas where the cops were in Lbj's pocket.

was in my apartment, getting ready for my university classes, and I heard the news on the radio.

I walked to the university and found that the classes had been cancelled -- to my annoyance. Talked to some people, trying to piece together details and probable results. One young woman became almost hysterical because we were discussing the matter calmly. She would have preferred that we act like normal Americans and run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

The other memorable event was 9/11. Watching the television coverage and its contrived brainwashing and propaganda was instructive -- we have advanced so far from Hitler and Stalin in brainwashing the proles and molding the terms of discourse.

yeah because of the lies of the jfk assassination,i learned after that,not to listen to what the mainstream-err lamestream media says,cause they are controled by the CIA,so I had my suspecions they were behind 9/11 as well which has been proven to be the case.
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I don't believe the Dallas PD allowed Ruby to take out Oswald, by incompetence. I suspect a higher power had something to do with it.

It is incomprehensible that the Dallas PD (and Federal agents who must have also been present) would allow Ruby to walk into the building unmolested, and shoot the man who they claimed had murdered a president, all on national TV. It was planned.

Ruby was in tight with the PD long before the shooting. lots a connections there. so they gave him a free pass to come and go. and they spent a lot of time in his bar.

Yes that is correct. But to think they would allow Ruby access, on the day Oswald is transferred, is absurd. Do you really think security was that lax?

A president is murdered in broad daylight and his suspected assassin is murdered in the policy department on national TV. I find it most difficult to accept that the Dallas PD was that incompetent.

When you consider the numerous inconsistencies related to the JFK assassination, it is hard to believe Oswald's murder was NOT part of a conspiracy and cover-up.
It was Texas...I mean...everyone has a gun there.
JFK was shot by Lee Oswald. Does anybody still doubt it after all these years?

Actually I did not think many Americans actually believed that Oswald acted alone. You really believe the government BS?

Anyone who believes the Warren Commission and that Oswald acted alone, is completely uninformed.

There a numerous very good books, all well documented, on the assassination that clearly indicate a conspiracy.


Careful,you will override and fry the brains of namkid and whitehall with way too much of this logic and common sense you are using.:lol::D
you're making way too much sense for them to comprehend.yeah there are several documentaries out there that prove the official version is b.s

one of them is the really good one that they used to air on the history channel called The Men Wh Killed Kennedy.excellent documentary everybody here should view.
Ruby was in tight with the PD long before the shooting. lots a connections there. so they gave him a free pass to come and go. and they spent a lot of time in his bar.

Yes that is correct. But to think they would allow Ruby access, on the day Oswald is transferred, is absurd. Do you really think security was that lax?

A president is murdered in broad daylight and his suspected assassin is murdered in the policy department on national TV. I find it most difficult to accept that the Dallas PD was that incompetent.

When you consider the numerous inconsistencies related to the JFK assassination, it is hard to believe Oswald's murder was NOT part of a conspiracy and cover-up.

Gipper you are wasting your time.this kid is just that,a kid who is here to troll.a kid who lives in a fantasyworld he served in nam.

Nam veterans understand that they were lied to about the vietnam war,that Johnson insitgated the war and esculated it with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.

You spell it out to him that even Robert Mcnamara as well as the commander of that ship have even said that they were never fired on and he just trolls evading those facts.

Just look at this thread,and how evades facts and evidence for yourself.


Yeah good point on the transfer of Ruby.Only and idiot retard would still believe it all these years that Oswald was the lone assassin.:lol:

yeah your right he was tight with the dallas pd.alrright.there were many people that came forward and told independent investigaters in the weeks and months after the assassination,that they saw ruby and oswald together at resteraunts,bars,and other locations prior to the assassination.

Like you said,he was so connected to the DPD who was so corrupt back then,they allowed his corruption to run afoot in dallas and turned a bline eye to it.for those favors,Ruby allowed them free girls every night at his club he ran.

ther thing that proves that it wasnt just imcompetence by the police is that nobody got fired for their imcompetence that day for allowing Ruby to get through there and waltz right on in with no problems.there should have been multiple firings that day but there were none.you screw up at your job,you get fired,period. same with the secret service,nobody got fired for their alleged incompetence.:cuckoo:

when I first got obsessed with this case back in the mid 80's,i read everybook i get could my hands on.I was talking to people who were around back then who were adults at the time and many of them told me they didnt believe a word of the warren commissions version from day one because they also told me they thought it was way too conveinet and way too easy for Ruby to have just waltzed right in there with no problems and shoot oswald like he did.only an idiot would believe he could have got past the police like that with no problem and no conspiracy by them.:cuckoo:

well well. if its not town crier. and the forum liar. still reading Pinocchio ??? you even look like it.

meet 9/11 inside job forum. or as i call him hose nose


what a pussy
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I was in 2nd grade at St. Cornelius elementary school when the Mother Superior walked in and said, "The President has been shot!"

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