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Where/When have Dems been as Terrible as the GOP???????

pknopp plain and simple--saddam started those wars.....the Iraq war was a ''continuation'' of PG1 [ which saddam started ]
....please, people, google '''''cease fire''' and what that means

It means Bush and Cheney lied. Even Powell ended up admitting to that.
And then bitch because people still want enough money to live on.
Most politicians elected as Progs have only more spending to offer. It is now detrimental to the nation. No matter how much people bitch. If you believe we can compete with other nations building products at a much lower price with our current conditions then you are the fool. I guarantee you that if they brought people from East Asia here to work in many fast food places, you would see excellence. You can go to those places and see varying degrees of quality easily depending on where they are at.
you posted opinion, if you think not, answer one question

Who in New York stated ordered covid patients into nursing homes infecting the most vulnerable resulting in thousands of deaths.
so now according to you numbers are opinions !!!!!!! Thats some real Trumpian logic right there !!

I get it, the facts and numbers make Trump and Bush and the GOP look terrible, because they were terrible, but to try and say that fact based numbers written in stone are opinion ????!?!?!?!?!

Holy shit ! Look at the extent of lies and bullshit you fabricate to explain Trump's total failure. Pathetic.

Trumps covid numbers of world record deaths and world record cases are his numbers. And that is how the big boy world works...
And those numbers plummeted instantly when Biden took over.

You can fabricate any lie you want, but to say facts and numbers are opinions??? That is just pathetic, look at the scope of lies you need to try and explain the total failure of Trump and Bush.
We Democrats have had our moments too, but nothing as bad as the republican party. They are simply tools of the oligarchy.

It's easy to spot the pattern. Economy tanks, rights to to hell, And so on and people get scared and tired of it an elect Democrats.

The Democrats fix the economy, settle the unrest, and generally make things better and people happier for 8 years.

Happy people look for things to be unhappy about. The republican party starts telling everyone how terrible things are under the Democrats and that is the brown immigrants that are the real problem and the Democrats are gonna take your guns and such. People get riled up over this artificial outrage and vote for a republican.

The republican spends the next 4-8 years trashing the economy giving benefits like tax breaks and such to their wealthy overlords while doing nothing about the issues the got folks all riled up about and limiting the rights of many groups of Americans like the LGBTQ crowd or the legal immigrants and people of different colors.

Then when the economy is in shambles, unemployment is high, wages are down, our rights are in danger... We elect a Democrat to fix everything Again.

It's a vicious circle that has been going on for decades.

Pure fantasy.
This will be very surprising:

I totally agree with the OP.

The democrats aren’t perfect. In fact they get pulled too much toward corporate interests but there is no comparing the two parties when it comes to abject failure. Republicans are in their own league. The OP just scratched the surface.
Most politicians elected as Progs have only more spending to offer. It is now detrimental to the nation. No matter how much people bitch. If you believe we can compete with other nations building products at a much lower price with our current conditions then you are the fool. I guarantee you that if they brought people from East Asia here to work in many fast food places, you would see excellence. You can go to those places and see varying degrees of quality easily depending on where they are at.

What's your solution? To elect another politician that says they will balance the budget but instead as 8 trillion in debt?
This will be very surprising:

I totally agree with the OP.

The democrats aren’t perfect. In fact they get pulled too much toward corporate interests but there is no comparing the two parties when it comes to abject failure. Republicans are in their own league. The OP just scratched the surface.
The dems have done plenty bad, but when you compare the records of the 2 parties:

The Dems are the NE patriots
The GOP are the NY Jets.

The GOP has failed miserably, terribly, over the past 30 years and the lemming republicans live in total denial of this fact.
Obama got us involved in at least three wars. Syria, Yemen and Libya.

This is an utter fabrication. You weren't involved in Syria other than as advisors. Congress refused to authorize it and Obama respected the vote. Trump got you involved in Yemen, and again there was no direct involvement, and Libya was a 2 week UN mission to oust Khadaffi.

FOX News and the right wing crazies have been bleating about this for years, but the bald fact is that while Obama didn't end all of the wars, he didn't start any either. Ditto Clinton. American troops were involved in preventing a genocide in Bosnia, but Clinton didn't start a war, and participated in Bosnia very reluctantly, citing the fact that there were no "American interests" there.

"American interests" only exist when American corporations own significant property or assets in a foreign country. American corporations never have to repay the billions spent protecting their "interests", but if you look at the places in the world where terrible things have happened (genocide), unless there is a heavy corporate presence in such countries, the USA never intercedes to prevent or stop these horrors, unless there are "American interests". There are no "American interests" in former Soviet countries, like Bosnia because American corporations were barred from doing business there.

Every Republican President except Trump has started at least one war. The last Democrat to get you involved in starting war was Truman and Korea.
Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world.

You can attempt to spin the facts all you want, but you are what your record says you are, and Trump had the most deaths and the most cases in the world. Along with 24+ hr wait times for testing and then when Biden took over cases instantly plumeted.

These are the facts. I get it, you are total partisan sheep and you must defend the GOP at all costs, but you do not live in fact based reality. Everything I posted is 100% fact and you can not accept that.

All you do is make excuses for GOP failure and it is pathetic. I love watching you squirm and flail at the sight of facts.
Who in New York stated ordered covid patients into nursing homes infecting the most vulnerable resulting in thousands of deaths.

You refuse to answer? Facts are facts, and when you ignore the facts, as I have just pointed out, you prove yourself wrong.
Oh boy. Another "I don't like this so I'm going to do and say anything I can make sure everyone knows I don't like it" thread that is posted by a closed minded person that is only here to enjoy hating something and enjoy pissing off people.

Just what we need, another thread that isn't constructive at all and only exists to vent.
Oh boy. Another "I don't like this so I'm going to do and say anything I can make sure everyone knows I don't like it" thread that is posted by a closed minded person that is only here to enjoy hating something and enjoy pissing off people.

Just what we need, another thread that isn't constructive at all and only exists to vent.
You've just described 99% of the posts here.
Who in New York stated ordered covid patients into nursing homes infecting the most vulnerable resulting in thousands of deaths.

You refuse to answer? Facts are facts, and when you ignore the facts, as I have just pointed out, you prove yourself wrong.
Cuomo, so what.
This is your pathetic attempt to make excuses for the failure of Trump.

It doesn't change the fact that trump was pres of the US, in charge of the US, and the US had the most covid cases in the world, and the most covid deaths in the world, worse than 3rd world "shit hole" countries.
Because Trump had these terrible numbers and terrible results, which were the worst in the world, Trump had the worst covid response in the world.

This is how the big boy world works, you are what your record says you are, you own your record. In your fantasy based world you just make excuses for the extreme failures of Trump and Bush and it is pathetic. You care more about your devotion to Trump than America. Party over country, sad sad sad.

You have not made 1 valid point yet. You have just made a series of pathetic excuses for the extreme failure of Bush and Trump. Reality is too harsh for you to accept so you choose to live in an alternate reality, void of facts. Everything I posted is provable fact, proven by the cold hard data.
Oh boy. Another "I don't like this so I'm going to do and say anything I can make sure everyone knows I don't like it" thread that is posted by a closed minded person that is only here to enjoy hating something and enjoy pissing off people.

Just what we need, another thread that isn't constructive at all and only exists to vent.
Translation facts, truth, and reality is too harsh for you to accept.

You would rather go about living a lie and wishing that the GOP wasn't a total failure.

I get it, the GOP record is extremely terrible and you can't handle that. But at what point do you actually care about the well being of America. The GOP has destrpyed America with their repeated policy failures, and the results of the GOP are disgusting and abhorent. i wish the GOP were better, but they are not, they have failed miserably and destroyed America with their failure.

Sometimes in life reality can be a tough fuckin pill to swallow, clearly you can not handle reality.
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need,..... t

Only an anti-American piece of shit, would claim that Afghanistan was "started" by an American.
Over the past 30 years the DNP has had a terrible record, while the Rep have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Dem talk about how they love America when Dem politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Repfailed as badly as Dem over the past 30 years??

What terrible record is that? By every measure, the economy performs better under Democratic Administrations than Republicans: GDP, job creation and unemployment, the stock market, wages, and the deficit. Illegal immigration falls.

Democrats reduce the size of government and the deficit. They raise wages for working people, and invest in infrastructure. Republican policies are turning the USA into a banana republic with an entrenched wealthy elite keeping working people living from paycheck to paycheck.

No Democratic President has EVER crashed the economy, and while recessions are a feature of a capitalist economy, Keynesian economic principles ameliorate the effects of those periods of economic contraction with a strong social safety net being a necessary component of a successful first world economy.

Republicans tax and economic policies reward wealth, not work, with the result that 80% of the people requiring social assistance to provide the basics of food and shelter for themselves and their families, have full-time jobs. If these people were paid a fair wage, they would require zero dollars in public assistance, reducing both taxes, and the size of government.

Republican tax and economic policies are shrinking the middle class, turning the USA into Brazil - economically stratified with brutal totalitarian police tactics keeping a permanent underclass of poor Brazilians living in fear and poverty. The wealthy live in gated enclaves for their safety and security. The poor live in gang infested communities with few opportunities to get out.

Police forces are currently sweeping through the poor neighbourhoods shooting anyone they suspect of being a gang member. There are no repercussions for police murders of civilians.

In the meantime, the rest of the first world is getting vaccinated and getting back to our lives. While the USA continues to politicize a disease, and shoot themselves in the foot at every turn, hoping that this will improve their election chances come midterms.

It would be laughable that Republicans are now going batshit crazy over protecting women's rights and voting rights in Afghanistan, while stripping both from American women and minorities at home, if it weren't so sad. When are you going to being an airlift of women out of Texas?

THIS, more than any other reason, is why the USA is no longer a beacon of either freedom or democracy in the world.
Who in New York stated ordered covid patients into nursing homes infecting the most vulnerable resulting in thousands of deaths.

You refuse to answer? Facts are facts, and when you ignore the facts, as I have just pointed out, you prove yourself wrong.

There were no deaths in the nursing homes as a result of that order. New York State has a lower rate of nursing home deaths than either Texas or Florida, which would not be the case if what you've posted is true. This chart is from September of last year - long after that order was rescinded.

This is just one example of how the Republican Party and right wing media continues to lie about and smear Democrats, with no basis in fact and no data to back up their assertions. But keep repeating that lie.

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