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Where/When have Dems been as Terrible as the GOP???????

Eisenhower got us involved in Vietnam. This after saying we should never get involved in the affairs of other countries.

Bush I did the first Gulf War. You aren't even considering the wars we simply backed and funded.
Indeed very few people are aware that Eisenhowhower got us into the Vietnam war so I don’t try and convince them here,people on the net never can admit it when they have been proven wrong and wont consider it,just look at all the babble from banker how HE evades facts.
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Everything you posted is 100% bullshit talking points regurgitated time and time again by the Left to their mindless followers.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Pretty much the entire board understands bullshit is all he knows to post.It’s only the shills from Langley that have penetrated this site that ever give him thumbs up.lol
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Wow you really like to go down with the ship.
So the war was just fine in 2004 when total chaos erupted and they were chopping off peoples head's daily and the whole country of Iraq was a total shit show mess and a complete disaster???
Everything was just great then and Bush was winning that war???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Why would you even attempt to say that???

The war was an epic fuck up by week 2. Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up cost the country thousands of needless soldier and contractor deaths... for no reason. In top of that we wasted $trillions for no reason. Iraq was a mega disaster by 2004. I guess you really are 16. You must live under a rock.

What's next the earth is flat. If you are dumb enough to somehow try and claim Bush didn't fail and fail badly in iraq then that is just pathetic.

You epitomize GOP failure. Bush devastated America with his Iraq war failure, and somehow that is Obama's fault. The GOP is the party of excuses and blame and failure, you have just proven my point perfectly. Bush's Iraq war fuck up was one of the biggest blunders in US history... Brought to you by the failed GOP.

Even Trump disagrees with you. Pathetic:

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

of course trump said thst dumbass because trump is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system so that’s why Bush and all the other globalists GOP ‘s like him all hate Trump you stupid fuck.:rofl:nobody here other than dumbass unkotore our resident troll is not claiming Bush did not fail and did not cost thousands of soldier deaths,contracters and trillions of dollars spent or badly fail in Iraq,what you can’t refute and you refuse to accept and thst you keep playing dodgeball at is that your hero Obama lied to the American people when he said he would reverse all of Bush,s policys and end the war when he did the exact opposite expanding Bushs policys and for sure expanding Bushs war murdering twice as many civilians invading Afghanistan,Syria and other countries as well and having more drone attacks in just his first term in office being four years than Bush did in his entire two terms in office being 8 years. :abgg2q.jpg:

we have checkmated you and taken you to school on that too many times to remember just to watch you run off with your tail between your legs changing the subject of Obama being a mass murderer back to the crimes of Bush even though nobody is defending Bush. You sure excel at embarrassing yourself here everyday to the entire board.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I know the facts I post destroy you and you can't acept it.


Every single GOP president for the past 100 years has had at least 1 recession, and some more than one, DISGUSTING. The GOP record is abhorrent and deplorable. The GOP is the party of total failure..
:dig: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
More total babble and bull shit.

You have brought a little knife to a gun fight. Your little weak arguments pale in comparison to my post. Nobody believes that Iraq is Obama's fault. That is the most pathetic and laughable argument I have ever heard.

You have dug yourself into a hole with that one and you can't get out. No unbiased person in the world would blame Obama for Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up, it is laughable to even suggest that.

Get back to me when the GOP can put a president in the White House that doesn't crash the economy. Because the GOP can't do that. Every single GOP president for the past 100 years has had at least 1 recession !!!
The argument was over when you tried to blame Obama for Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up. The Iraq war is Obama's fault, not Bush's !!! You heard it right here from this total retard.
Big deal, any mistakes by the dems pale in comparison to the Mega fuck ups of the GOP.

Get back to me when the dems start 2 wars we don't need and then fuck those wars up bigly. terrible.
Oh wait a republican just crashed the economy again, just like Bush did after he inherited a balance budget.
Oh look there's Trump's world record covid failure with the most deaths in the whole world.

The GOP is the party of complete and total failure, with failed results.
:dig: Get back to you when the dems start wars we don’t need.seriously?:abgg2q.jpg: Let’s see ww1,ww2, the Korean War,Somalia,Afghanistan,syria, not to mention all the dems who encouraged Bush to go and start the war in the Mideast.that’s just for starters, i just barely scratched the surface there embarrassing you trollboy.:rofl:
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

Only every time....I mean that's all.

Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

This post is in response to how bad things are really going right now so your argument is, "Yeah but look at the other side".
This is a trick question, right?

I mean, the Democrats are the Party of:

Civil Rights Oppositiin
Jim Crowe
The Clinton's
I did not have sex with that woman
Sexual Harrassers
Sexual Assaulters
Committees to pay f or their victims' silence
Decades of Illegal Spying
Failed Political Coup Attempts
Failed Impeachments based on no crime
Failed Impeachments based on no evidence
Failed Impeachmenrs based on no witnesses
Un-Constitutional Presidential Edicts
The Party that excludes itself from laws
The Party that excludes itself from mandates
The Party that sells out to China
The Party that most facilitates CCP espionage
WHO bitches about war then drags us into Syria
Who bombs civilians/kids & calls them ISIS-K
Who promised not to leave Americans behind...
Who Cheats in elections
Who Bails domestic terrorists out of jail
Who Arms/supplies/funds terrorists/Cartels
Who hosts the largest drug trafficking event ever
Who hosts the largest human trafficking event
Who hosts the largest child trafficking event ever
Who surrenders our national security
Who surrenders our border security
Who surrenders our energy independence
Who builds tge Taliban / Al Qaeda back better
Who builds ISIS back better
Who flushes 20 yrs down the tubes in 2 months
Whose ignorance cause over a dozen lived
Who withholds life-savibg drugs for political gain

...& this is just a small portion...
Every Military adventure in the 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Liberal Princeton Professor Woody Wilson promised American mothers that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he sent Doughboys to fight for France. FDR was a great orator who could make a menu sound profound and he managed to excuse his incompetence for Pearl Harbor with a series of cliches. Harry Truman sent troops to Korean on an (illegal) executive order. The conflict was in his hands but he was apparently too timid to confront his own general. Truman's ineptitude turned Korea from a victory in a year to an quagmire that churned up anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans in three years. JFK authorized the CIA to raise and train an illegal army that they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ created a fake crisis that shipped Troops to Vietnam and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Bill Clinton bypassed congress and bombed a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down and 9-11 hijackers were attending flight school in Florida. Tell me about democrat administrations again.
Barak Obama armed, supplied, trained, defended, protected, & even pimped out our military to terrorists to help them kill the leader of the sovereign nation of Libya and take it for their own.
- His State Department- run by Hillary Clinton, hired a terrorist group associated with AL Qaeda to protect Americans in Benghazi FROM AL QAEDA. It also hired a security team that had never been in a combat zone & whose people had never carried weapons before in a security job before this job.

Barry ran guns to Mexican drug Cartels with the reported intent to cause a body count high enough to go after gun ownership in the UD - Americans were killed with those weapons.

The highest troop number in Afghanistan was reportedly under Obama.

Not only did he not end the war and bring troops home, Obama committed a United Nations-defined 'International War Crime' by 'illegally invading a sovereign nation without 1) that nation's leader's or 2) its government's permission or request to enter that country -- the country, of course, was SYRIA.
- Obama dragged the US into ANOTHER WAR for no reason, & when he left office he left US troops in Syria fighting HIS war.

One of the 1st things Biden did as President was to send MORE troops into Syria.....later when asked about US troops in Syria, the denentia-ravaged Commander and Chief actually responded by saying there are no troops in Syria...

Obama meddled in numerous elections, not just ours. Barry helped oust pro-US Egyptian leader Mubarak. HASNI MUBARAK was a dictator, their govt was not a copy of ours, but he pretty much had to be a dictator to keep all the terrorist groups in line and to protect the Christians there, which he did

After helping oust Mubarak, Barry interfered by suggesting to hold immediate elections instead of waiting for scheduled elections months later. The only ones prepared to run for office immediately was the terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood.. As a result of Barry's pressure on Egypt, elections were held immediately....and the terrorists seized control of the govt. It was 'open season' on Christians, & the Muslim Brotherhood swore to help destroy Israel. Things got so bad the Egyptian military overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood, took control of their govt, & held onto power until new elections could be held. Once a new leader was chosen they handed control of the govt back over. It took a military coup to oust the terrorist-run govt Barry helped create in our ally Egypt.

Barry also used US tax dollars to intervene in Israel's election in an attempt to oust Israel's leader Netanyahu, another of Obama's failed coup attempts.

We already discussed how Barry helped Al Qaeda murder Gadaffi, who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, which allowed them to take over Libya as their own.

For those counting, that's 2 nations Barry helped hand over to terrorists (Libya & Egypt) - 1 of those was overthrown by its own military....1 failed attempt in Israel, & 1 failed political coup attempt here in the US that he tried against President Trump.
Barry's most humiliating moment for him and for the US was when Barry threatened Syrian leader Al-Assad not to use chemical weapons on his own people again during the Civil War going on.

Al-Assad was a Putin ally - Putin backed him and was not going to allow him to be removed from power. Barry threatened military attack if Chem weapons were used again, calling it his 'Red Line.
- The thing about trying to BLUFF is that you had better to follow through with what you say if someone calls that bluff. With Putin behind him, Barry's bluff was called - Chem weapons were used again.

The whole world - enemies and allies - watched Barry back down. Trying to recover/ save face, Barry declared that it had NOT been HIS 'red line' but instead 'the world's'.

The rest of the world, our allies responded by declaring, "Ummm, NO!"

Many think that it was his battered and bruised pride from that inexperienced failed move that later was the reason why Barry invaded Syria.

Not to be outdone, Biden, who has never been right about any foreign policy decision, humiliated the US, damaged our allies' trust, & left Americans and allies in the hands of terrorists by promising not to leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans and allies had been evacuated .... then fled the country - chased out by the Taliban & other terrorists, leaving hundreds of Americans and allies behind.

Oh, & let's not forget his retaliatory drone strike he claimed killed ISIS-K members, but which really killed 10 innocent civilians, to include children and a US Aid worker.
Do you really think the electorate is overall that stupid? Trump supporters are, of course, but they are a declining pack of nitwits. The pandemic madness of the QOP is losing them voters fast.

Meanwhile, Biden is doing well.

The QOP can no longer win a national election without cheating, and that's what we'll see a lot of from now on.
Here it is. What anyone with an active brain cell knows these democrats haven't a clue on reality Look at the delusions they They rattle on about how bad
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

Right now.
Do you really think the electorate is overall that stupid? Trump supporters are, of course, but they are a declining pack of nitwits. The pandemic madness of the QOP is losing them voters fast.

Meanwhile, Biden is doing well.

The QOP can no longer win a national election without cheating, and that's what we'll see a lot of from now on.
As long as you don’t have any crisi, Biden does well. The border and Afghanistan haveprove that.

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