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Where/When have Dems been as Terrible as the GOP???????

Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

Just look at the mess most of the major cities and states like California and Illinois are in being run by dems with no opposition to speak of,
Just look at the mess most of the major cities and states like California and Illinois are in being run by dems with no opposition to speak of,
Banker baby has Alzheimer’s diseace,we took him to school on another of his whiney threads that every major war in the past was started by Democrats. Ww I woodrow wilson,wwII FDR,Korean war Harry Truman,Vietnam Lyndon Johnson,the only major one started by a GOP was traiter RINO George bush whom he ignores Obama expanded the war on and was just as much a traiter. :lmao: :rofl:
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Obama fought Afghanistan for 8 years, Bush fought Afghanistan for just a bit more than 7 years.

Obama, with the world's greatest military and more time than Bush could not stop the chaos and devastation. It is great for you to point that out to us.

Of course, I did say that Obama retreated from Iraq, which is true. It is a fact that Obama surrendered Iraq. How you could be so stupid as to think I mentioned Obama in connection with Afghanistan shows you must be a heavy dope smoker. Right, dude?

Anyhow, you state that Afghanistan was total chaos and devastation, Obama certainly did worst than Bush, with more time. Biden being Vice President throughout those 8 years, and a senator during the 7 years Bush fought the Afghanistan war, and now half a year as president, is thee most experienced politician on Afghanistan.

For you to suggest that Biden is helpless and must obey Trump, I guess with dementia and the two brain aneurysms you could be right, but I see that as pathetic on your part. Given the many years of experience Biden has dealing with Afghanistan.

Thank you for giving us another aspect of the Democrat failure.

7 years as Senator, Biden is part of the government dealing with the war in Afghanistan.
8 years as Vice President, Biden is dealing with the war in Afghanistan
8 months as President.

Obviously, Biden spent much more time on Afghanistan than any other politician.

Biden and the Democrats surrendered in the middle of the night, leaving behind women and children. The Democrats certainly have reason to blame everyone but themselves, they are pathetic cowards.
More total babble and bull shit.

You have brought a little knife to a gun fight. Your little weak arguments pale in comparison to my post. Nobody believes that Iraq is Obama's fault. That is the most pathetic and laughable argument I have ever heard.

You have dug yourself into a hole with that one and you can't get out. No unbiased person in the world would blame Obama for Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up, it is laughable to even suggest that.

Get back to me when the GOP can put a president in the White House that doesn't crash the economy. Because the GOP can't do that. Every single GOP president for the past 100 years has had at least 1 recession !!!
The argument was over when you tried to blame Obama for Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up. The Iraq war is Obama's fault, not Bush's !!! You heard it right here from this total retard.
There you go again with your shitposting.
View attachment 535125
I know the facts I post destroy you and you can't acept it.


Every single GOP president for the past 100 years has had at least 1 recession, and some more than one, DISGUSTING. The GOP record is abhorrent and deplorable. The GOP is the party of total failure..
Just look at the mess most of the major cities and states like California and Illinois are in being run by dems with no opposition to speak of,
Big deal, any mistakes by the dems pale in comparison to the Mega fuck ups of the GOP.

Get back to me when the dems start 2 wars we don't need and then fuck those wars up bigly. terrible.
Oh wait a republican just crashed the economy again, just like Bush did after he inherited a balance budget.
Oh look there's Trump's world record covid failure with the most deaths in the whole world.

The GOP is the party of complete and total failure, with failed results.
You have dug yourself into a hole with that one and you can't get out. No unbiased person in the world would blame Obama for Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up, it is laughable to even suggest that.
I am flattered that you found use of my comments, I first said you dug yourself into a hole, now you use my comment. Plagiarist.
More total babble and bull shit.

You have brought a little knife to a gun fight. Your little weak arguments pale in comparison to my post. Nobody believes that Iraq is Obama's fault. That is the most pathetic and laughable argument I have ever heard.
You have a gun? Ha, ha, ha. Is that what you call your babbling, a gun fight. I am playing rock paper scissors with you, and you keep losing. Arguments? I pointed out how your OP is a giant failed premise. I stated it with facts in four seperate posts, disintegrating your wild accusations and opinion with facts. You never responded to those posts, why is that.
Big deal, any mistakes by the dems pale in comparison to the Mega fuck ups of the GOP.

Get back to me when the dems start 2 wars we don't need and then fuck those wars up bigly. terrible.
Oh wait a republican just crashed the economy again, just like Bush did after he inherited a balance budget.
Oh look there's Trump's world record covid failure with the most deaths in the whole world.

The GOP is the party of complete and total failure, with failed results.

Keep playing dodegeball with all the facts we have given you that proves your full of shit trollboy.

change it to Demorats are the party of complete and total failure with failed results and you hit the nail on the head. :thup:
Yeah yeah trollboy,Obama did not conspire with fauci to release the virus and Cuomo did not murder the elderly residents in New York :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
You have a gun? Ha, ha, ha. Is that what you call your babbling, a gun fight. I am playing rock paper scissors with you, and you keep losing. Arguments? I pointed out how your OP is a giant failed premise. I stated it with facts in four seperate posts, disintegrating your wild accusations and opinion with facts. You never responded to those posts, why is that.
Yup tell us again how the war in Iraq is Obama's fault !!!!


You are typing empty words on a page that have no factual basis.
Anybody can type words, but they actually have to be truthful words...

The debate was lost when you tried to blame Bush's epic Iraq War fuck up on Obama, that is just pathetic.

Every single GOP president has had at least 1 recession in the past 100 years...
You have a gun? Ha, ha, ha. Is that what you call your babbling, a gun fight. I am playing rock paper scissors with you, and you keep losing. Arguments? I pointed out how your OP is a giant failed premise. I stated it with facts in four seperate posts, disintegrating your wild accusations and opinion with facts. You never responded to those posts, why is that.
He has a gun sense like I said earlier,it is pointed at his head while on the suicide hotline dealing with reality the dems are all going down and he has to watch his ship sink before his eyes.:abgg2q.jpg:comedygold.:lmao::rofl:
Yup tell us again how the war in Iraq is Obama's fault !!!!


You are typing empty words on a page that have no factual basis.
Anybody can type words, but they actually have to be truthful words...

The debate was lost when you tried to blame Bush's epic Iraq War fuck up on Obama, that is just pathetic.

Every single GOP president has had at least 1 recession in the past 100 years...
Comedy gold thst you live in denial that the dems have not had that as well thst obama created the worst recession ever only to be eclipsed and topped by Biden now.:rofl:
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I know the facts I post destroy you and you can't acept it.


Every single GOP president for the past 100 years has had at least 1 recession, and some more than one, DISGUSTING. The GOP record is abhorrent and deplorable. The GOP is the party of total failure..

Yup tell us again how the war in Iraq is Obama's fault !!!!
I am happy to, no problem, this time I will quote Obama to show his complete devotion to the war you stated was lost. Of course, the war is lost when the president in charge loses. Obama was that president in charge, and you as a loyal Democrat has stated that the USA did lose that war.
Now, that promise will be wholly fulfilled. Today, President Obama announced that the rest of our troops will be home by the holidays:

Over the next two months, our troops in Iraq—tens of thousands of them—will pack up their gear and board convoys for the journey home. The last American soldiers will cross the border out of Iraq—with their heads held high, proud of their success, and knowing that the American people stand united in our support for our troops. That is how America’s military efforts in Iraq will end.

But this moment represents more than an accomplishment for the President. It marks a monumental change of focus for our military and a fundamental shift in the way that the our nation will engage in the world:

The United States is moving forward, from a position of strength. The long war in Iraq will come to an end by the end of this year. The transition in Afghanistan is moving forward, and our troops are finally coming home. As they do, fewer deployments and more time training will help keep our military the very best in the world. And as we welcome home our newest veterans, we’ll never stop working to give them and their families the care, the benefits, and the opportunities that they have earned.
I am happy to, no problem, this time I will quote Obama to show his complete devotion to the war you stated was lost. Of course, the war is lost when the president in charge loses. Obama was that president in charge, and you as a loyal Democrat has stated that the USA did lose that war.
Wow you really like to go down with the ship.
So the war was just fine in 2004 when total chaos erupted and they were chopping off peoples head's daily and the whole country of Iraq was a total shit show mess and a complete disaster???
Everything was just great then and Bush was winning that war???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Why would you even attempt to say that???

The war was an epic fuck up by week 2. Bush's Iraq war mega fuck up cost the country thousands of needless soldier and contractor deaths... for no reason. In top of that we wasted $trillions for no reason. Iraq was a mega disaster by 2004. I guess you really are 16. You must live under a rock.

What's next the earth is flat. If you are dumb enough to somehow try and claim Bush didn't fail and fail badly in iraq then that is just pathetic.

You epitomize GOP failure. Bush devastated America with his Iraq war failure, and somehow that is Obama's fault. The GOP is the party of excuses and blame and failure, you have just proven my point perfectly. Bush's Iraq war fuck up was one of the biggest blunders in US history... Brought to you by the failed GOP.

Even Trump disagrees with you. Pathetic:

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.
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I have reduced you clowns to fabricating lies and trying to re-write history ignoring 2003-2008 completely...

The GOP has failed so bad that you have no fact based explanation for anything I posted.

11 of the last 12 recessions all occured under GOP pres. Every single GOP pres has had a recession for the past 100 years. You can't even put a president in the White House that doesn't have a recession. TOTAL FAILURE.
the GOP record is one of total failure, add in the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that we didn't even need, Trump's world record covid deaths and covid cases, and the insurrection at the Capitol based on lies... How many cops died from that????

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP policy failures.
Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity. Bush gave us the Dark Ages of total failure. Trump imploded on the world stage and fucked up Covid so bad that he was the laughing stock of the entire world.
Now Biden has given us the best start to a presidency ever in US history with a booming economy, booming jobs, and booming corporate growth. The Biden Boom has just begun.

How come all the successful presidents are Dems and all the failed presidents are GOP???
All you have done is avoid hard to answer questions, you have yet to answer any of my questions that I laid out in my post. You are a joke. You want nothing to do with truth or honesty. You are a fake, fraud and mostly a coward.
Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to have an honest discussion instead of making false claims and excuses. I hate you partisan liars.
Banker is getting his ass kicked and is to stupid to realize how bad he is getting kicked.
He is now the dumbest poster on the board.
Yet everything i posted is 100% provable fact.

The truth hurts, that is why you watch fox news, they tell you the lies you need to hear in order to remain a loyal GOP sheep.

You care more about political party than America. You love the GOP more than America, it is sad and pathetic.

Everything you posted is 100% bullshit talking points regurgitated time and time again by the Left to their mindless followers.
Banker baby has Alzheimer’s diseace,we took him to school on another of his whiney threads that every major war in the past was started by Democrats. Ww I woodrow wilson,wwII FDR,Korean war Harry Truman,Vietnam Lyndon Johnson,the only major one started by a GOP was traiter RINO George bush whom he ignores Obama expanded the war on and was just as much a traiter. :lmao: :rofl:

Eisenhower got us involved in Vietnam. This after saying we should never get involved in the affairs of other countries.

Bush I did the first Gulf War. You aren't even considering the wars we simply backed and funded.

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