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Where/When have Dems been as Terrible as the GOP???????

Biden just surrendered Afghanistan and left in the middle of the night. The facts simply disagree with you.

Obama was in charge of Iraq in 2011, when Obama retreated from Iraq.

You stated both wars were lost. Democrats were and are in charge, while those wars were lost. I cant change those facts, you cant change those facts.
Huh? nothing you posted is even remotely fact. Bush and the idiot GOP started these wars and mismanaged them terribly and they quickly fell into chaos due to their idiocy. The wars were long lost and in total chaos long before Obama even became president. You are trying to re-write history.

You conviently left that part out...

GOP logic right here on display. The GOP started these wars, and fucked them up fiercly, but somehow these mega GOP failures are Obama and Biden's fault???


You are the epitome of a sheep. Bush's Iraq war failure was all Obama's fault...

The GOP has been acomplete and total failure, with totally failed results, and you have not offered any explanation for this terrible failure beyond, "its all Obama's fault" even trying to somehow re-write history and blame Obama for Bush's failure.

This is a pathetic display of blame. You people can not take personal responsibility for anything in life ever.
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GOP logic right here on display. The GOP started these wars, and fucked them up fiercly, but somehow these mega GOP failures are Obama and Biden's fault??

You are the epitome of a sheep. Bush's Iraq war failure was all Obama's fault...
So, what you are saying is that Biden and Obama are incompetent at fighting wars, there is no way for Democrats to win wars? Hence they must do what the Democrats did two weeks ago, surrender.

Yes, Obama ran for president, knowing that a war was ongoing. Obama knew exactly what he was getting into. I guess when elected, and serving as the Commander in charge of Armed Services, upon seeing all the intelligence, Obama and the Democrats were only clever enough to retreat, surrender, lose the war (as you stated).

Sad that Obama is not educated nor has knowledge of military tactics, so that when handed the greatest, strongest, best equiped military on earth he could not defeat the tent and cave dwellers of the 18th century.

8 years of power after Bush left office, and Obama/Biden could not come up with one strategy to beat tent and cave dwelling terrorists.
So, what you are saying is that Biden and Obama are incompetent at fighting wars, there is no way for Democrats to win wars? Hence they must do what the Democrats did two weeks ago, surrender.

Yes, Obama ran for president, knowing that a war was ongoing. Obama knew exactly what he was getting into. I guess when elected, and serving as the Commander in charge of Armed Services, upon seeing all the intelligence, Obama and the Democrats were only clever enough to retreat, surrender, lose the war (as you stated).

Sad that Obama is not educated nor has knowledge of military tactics, so that when handed the greatest, strongest, best equiped military on earth he could not defeat the tent and cave dwellers of the 18th century.

8 years of power after Bush left office, and Obama/Biden could not come up with one strategy to beat tent and cave dwelling terrorists.
WOW !!!!!!

SO you plan is to just make shit up again and try to claim that the wars were fine and great under Bush and not a total cluster fuck of failure??? Really??? Were you living under a rock in 2004?? How old are you, 16???
That is your argument??? What a total joke...

I guess while you are at it why not say the earth is flat and the sky is pink??? 2+2= 7

Here it is for all to see, GOP stupidity on full display. I have totally destroyed you and all you can do now is create a fabricated reality trying to claim that Obama is to blame for the War in Iraq !!!
It was Obama's fault all along !!

WOW !! You are a total joke.
This is where the GOP is at right now, a party of total failure. Failure so bad that you need to re-write history in order to explain it...

I am definitely archiving this so everyone can see your total stupidity. An alternate reality right here.
This is what you have been reduced to because I have destroyed you and all you can do now is try and re-write history... good luck with that you're doing great !!!!!
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WOW !!!!!!

SO you plan is to just make shit up again and claim that the wars were fine and great under Bush and not a total cluster fuck of failure??? Really???
That is your argument??? What a total joke...
You made that up, but under the last year of Trump in Afghanistan, there were zero American deaths and all combat troops were pulled out.

Trump did clean up the mess that Obama made out of Iraq and Syria.

All I said, it was the Democrats that surrendered Afghanistan in the middle of the night, retreating like yellow bellied bastards.

And I stated Obama deserted, surrendered, retreated from Iraq.

Those are facts, not stuff that is made up, it is history you can not dispute. Putting words into people mouths and attaching lies to people is all you democrats have, thanks for unwittingly providing examples for all to see.
You made that up, but under the last year of Trump in Afghanistan, there were zero American deaths and all combat troops were pulled out.

Trump did clean up the mess that Obama made out of Iraq and Syria.

All I said, it was the Democrats that surrendered Afghanistan in the middle of the night, retreating like yellow bellied bastards.

And I stated Obama deserted, surrendered, retreated from Iraq.

Those are facts, not stuff that is made up, it is history you can not dispute. Putting words into people mouths and attaching lies to people is all you democrats have, thanks for unwittingly providing examples for all to see.
Now you're backpedaling on your lies because you look pathetic and stupid. Your pathetic attempt at re-writing history has made you look ridiculous, clueless, and stupid AF.

Are you 16??? Were you alive in 2004??? We're you living under a rock???

The War in Iraq was Obama's fault all along Whoo knew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the repeated failures of Bush and Trump are all Obama's fault !!!!! It's alll Obamaaaa'sss fault !!!!!!

You are the biggest joke on this entire message board, and I have reduced you to nothing but a fuckin joke fabricating history.

You are the new Village Idiot.
WOW !!!!!!

SO you plan is to just make shit up again and claim that the wars were fine and great under Bush and not a total cluster fuck of failure??? Really???
That is your argument??? What a total joke...

I guess while you are at it why not say the earth is flat and the sky is pink??? 2+2= 7

Here it is for all to see, GOP stupidity on full display. I have totally destroyed you and all you can do now is create a fabricated reality trying to claim that Obama is to blame for the War in Iraq !!!
It was Obama's fault all along !!

WOW !! You are a total joke.
This is where the GOP is at right now, a party of total failure. Failure so bad that you need to re-write history in order to explain it...

I am definitely archiving this so everyone can see your total stupidity. An alternate reality right here.
This is what you have been reduced to because I have destroyed you and all you can do now is try and re-write history... good luck with that you're doing great !!!!!
Braggarts like you are a dime a dozen. First you make shitposts, then claim to have "destroyed" your opponent after posting a weak rebuttal , then continue with your shitposting.

Poor baby! :laughing0301:

Braggarts like you are a dime a dozen. First you make shitposts, then claim to have "destroyed" your opponent after posting a weak rebuttal , then continue with your shitposting.

Poor baby! :laughing0301:

View attachment 535103
I have reduced you clowns to fabricating lies and trying to re-write history ignoring 2003-2008 completely...

The GOP has failed so bad that you have no fact based explanation for anything I posted.

11 of the last 12 recessions all occured under GOP pres. Every single GOP pres has had a recession for the past 100 years. You can't even put a president in the White House that doesn't have a recession. TOTAL FAILURE.
the GOP record is one of total failure, add in the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that we didn't even need, Trump's world record covid deaths and covid cases, and the insurrection at the Capitol based on lies... How many cops died from that????

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP policy failures.
Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity. Bush gave us the Dark Ages of total failure. Trump imploded on the world stage and fucked up Covid so bad that he was the laughing stock of the entire world.
Now Biden has given us the best start to a presidency ever in US history with a booming economy, booming jobs, and booming corporate growth. The Biden Boom has just begun.

How come all the successful presidents are Dems and all the failed presidents are GOP???
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Now you're backpedaling on your lies because you look pathetic and stupid. Your pathetic attempt at re-writing history has made you look ridiculous, clueless, and stupid AF.
I am just here, so you can keep digging your hole.

Lies? Go ahead and quote me anywhere you want. You wont do that, will you. You know what was funny, when I asked which two wars you were referred to and you claimed you never brought up wars, yet it was the first false premise of your op.

Rewriting history, as stated, The Democrats control Washington D.C., the Democrats, in control of the World's greatest military, have not got the foggiest idea of how to use, hence they surrendered in the middle of the night to a early 20th century equipped bunch of cave dwellers.

There is not one thing, in that statement that you have refuted. You dont answer with facts, you simply babble that it is lies.

Biden and the Democrats have surrendered Afghanistan in the middle of the night, leaving behind billions of dollars in military equipment.

The democrats retreated from Afghanistan in the middle of the night, as cowards, leaving behind American women and children.

Thank you for the oppurtunity to reiterate.
I am just here, so you can keep digging your hole.

Lies? Go ahead and quote me anywhere you want. You wont do that, will you. You know what was funny, when I asked which two wars you were referred to and you claimed you never brought up wars, yet it was the first false premise of your op.

Rewriting history, as stated, The Democrats control Washington D.C., the Democrats, in control of the World's greatest military, have not got the foggiest idea of how to use, hence they surrendered in the middle of the night to a early 20th century equipped bunch of cave dwellers.

There is not one thing, in that statement that you have refuted. You dont answer with facts, you simply babble that it is lies.

Biden and the Democrats have surrendered Afghanistan in the middle of the night, leaving behind billions of dollars in military equipment.

The democrats retreated from Afghanistan in the middle of the night, as cowards, leaving behind American women and children.

Thank you for the oppurtunity to reiterate.
More backpedaling. You are just making shit up that I never said. Total lies, per usual.

You're pathetic attempt at re-writing history has failed and you look stupid.

Nothing you have posted refutes the fact that Bush and the idiot GOP started 2 wars we didn't need then they couldn't win those wars and those wars fell into total chaos and devastation because Bush fucked them up and failed miserably, like a true republican always fails. THEN you try and re-write history and claim it was all Obama's fault !!!!!!!!!!!! Obama's fault !!!!! All that Bush, GOP failure is all Obama's fault !!!!!! How old are you?? Are you 16???
Worse still Bush and the GOP crash the economy viciously with one of the worst crashes ever, 7 years into the presidency, after Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus. That is one of the biggest economic failures in US history, by Bush and the idiot GOP. Budget surplus to Mega crash.
Worse still they followed that Mega failure up with the Trump Covid blunder. The worst covid response in the whole entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. This is your GOP party of total failure. FACTS. Worst in the entire world. Trump had the worst covid response in world history.
Finishing off that historic failure with an insurrection at the Capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened, All because trump was too pathetic to admit he lost the election.
Just like when you tried to blame Bush's failure in Iraq on Obama !!! Pathetic all the way. You tried to blame Iraq on Obama ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Pathetic, re-writing history to try and erase the GOP failure machine.

Add to that 11 of the last 12 recession all occured under a GOP president. AND every single GOP president has has at least 1 recession. EVRY SINGLE ONE, for the last 100 years. TOTAL FAILURE. Every single republican president has had at least 1 recession, some more than 1 !!!!!!
the GOP is the epitome of failure, they can't even put a fuckin president in the WH without a recession.

Get back to me when you can man the fuck up and admit reality, or when the GOP can run the country without crashing the economy, which they can't do. They have not had a recession free president in 100 years and that is completely pathetic and total failure. That is as bad as it gets. They have not had a recession free president in 100 years.
Nothing you say compares to the Mega failure of the GOP, the party of total failure. Nothing the dems have done compares to the total failure of the GOP, 4 Mega failures. 100 years !!!!!
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Nothing you have posted refutes the fact that Bush and the idiot GOP started 2 wars we didn't need then they couldn't win those wars and those wars fell into total chaos and devastation because Bush fucked them up and failed miserably, like a true republican always fails. THEN you try and re-write history and claim it was all Obama's fault !!!!!!!!!!!! Obama's fault !!!!!
Obama fought Afghanistan for 8 years, Bush fought Afghanistan for just a bit more than 7 years.

Obama, with the world's greatest military and more time than Bush could not stop the chaos and devastation. It is great for you to point that out to us.

Of course, I did say that Obama retreated from Iraq, which is true. It is a fact that Obama surrendered Iraq. How you could be so stupid as to think I mentioned Obama in connection with Afghanistan shows you must be a heavy dope smoker. Right, dude?

Anyhow, you state that Afghanistan was total chaos and devastation, Obama certainly did worst than Bush, with more time. Biden being Vice President throughout those 8 years, and a senator during the 7 years Bush fought the Afghanistan war, and now half a year as president, is thee most experienced politician on Afghanistan.

For you to suggest that Biden is helpless and must obey Trump, I guess with dementia and the two brain aneurysms you could be right, but I see that as pathetic on your part. Given the many years of experience Biden has dealing with Afghanistan.

Thank you for giving us another aspect of the Democrat failure.

7 years as Senator, Biden is part of the government dealing with the war in Afghanistan.
8 years as Vice President, Biden is dealing with the war in Afghanistan
8 months as President.

Obviously, Biden spent much more time on Afghanistan than any other politician.

Biden and the Democrats surrendered in the middle of the night, leaving behind women and children. The Democrats certainly have reason to blame everyone but themselves, they are pathetic cowards.
I have reduced you clowns to fabricating lies and trying to re-write history ignoring 2003-2008 completely...

The GOP has failed so bad that you have no fact based explanation for anything I posted.

11 of the last 12 recessions all occured under GOP pres. Every single GOP pres has had a recession for the past 100 years. You can't even put a president in the White House that doesn't have a recession. TOTAL FAILURE.
the GOP record is one of total failure, add in the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that we didn't even need, Trump's world record covid deaths and covid cases, and the insurrection at the Capitol based on lies... How many cops died from that????

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP policy failures.
Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity. Bush gave us the Dark Ages of total failure. Trump imploded on the world stage and fucked up Covid so bad that he was the laughing stock of the entire world.
Now Biden has given us the best start to a presidency ever in US history with a booming economy, booming jobs, and booming corporate growth. The Biden Boom has just begun.

How come all the successful presidents are Dems and all the failed presidents are GOP???
There you go again with your shitposting.
Poor banker baby troll,he is on the suicide hotline right now facing the horrible news his hero Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president ever,his hero Newsome is about to godown and suffer the same fate as his other hero cuomo did in New York.he has the 44 magnum pointed at his head as we speak on the suicide hotline knowing even the democrats have turned against lying Biden,cuomo and newsome. :rofl: :lmao: :abgg2q.jpg:
The Democrats?
Those Democrat?
bad schools
high taxes
race riots
banana republic
nation of islam
black panthers
muslim brotherhood
Rwanda, Vietnam (1973 War Powers act), support for Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc etc. And did I mention the KKK??? lmao.....oh; and EIGHT YEARS IN AFGHANISTAN as well as the recent debacle!!!


We really know banker boy is on the suicide hotline now.:lmao::rofl:
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I have reduced you clowns to fabricating lies and trying to re-write history ignoring 2003-2008 completely...

The GOP has failed so bad that you have no fact based explanation for anything I posted.

11 of the last 12 recessions all occured under GOP pres. Every single GOP pres has had a recession for the past 100 years. You can't even put a president in the White House that doesn't have a recession. TOTAL FAILURE.
the GOP record is one of total failure, add in the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that we didn't even need, Trump's world record covid deaths and covid cases, and the insurrection at the Capitol based on lies... How many cops died from that????

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP policy failures.
Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity. Bush gave us the Dark Ages of total failure. Trump imploded on the world stage and fucked up Covid so bad that he was the laughing stock of the entire world.
Now Biden has given us the best start to a presidency ever in US history with a booming economy, booming jobs, and booming corporate growth. The Biden Boom has just begun.

How come all the successful presidents are Dems and all the failed presidents are GOP???
Anymore fairytales for the day to tell us?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: I know your really going to get on the suicide hotline now after I tell you even life long DEMOCRAT Robert f kennedy jr has said the democrat party now That he grew up with is not the party he remembers,that he spoke the words “how did America become like it is now where the Democrat party is destroying America” :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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The Republicans are the successful cultural and economic back bone of America who the Democrat Loser Cult is obsessed with trying to destroy.
That wasn’t always the case,both parties through most of history have been a corrupt two party system,thst has all changed though thanks to trump,our first real president not part of the corrupt two party system sense kennedy who is rolling over in his grave now as we speak what his party has become,banker baby can’t handle that truth either or the truth rfk jr has said the dems are destroying America,the party he used to be proud of. :lmao:

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