Where will all the Useful Idiots go when / if Marxism prevails in the US?

You’ve been duped. No one in Congress is pushing Marxist policies. They are all corporatists and warmongers controlled by the oligarchy. No politicIan pushing Marxism receives money from wealthy donors.

Look what the D Party did to Bernie, who is hardly a Marxists but was pushing progressive policies.

The oligarchy and the MIC will destroy anyone in leadership who is a Marxist. This is exactly what they’ve done in coups and assassinations around the world.
I am not saying that all what u say is un-true. I know there is truth in it. But don't u see how this admin is trying to make everyone poor? they are trying to take $$ from taxpayers any way they can.. on any pretense they can come up with.. They are trying to sic the IRS on Middle America, to come up with excuses to take even more $ from them, while furthering agendas most Americans do not care about (and rightly so. Climate change is bogus ) ...

I could go on and on but I get the feeling I may be... well, this: :bang3:
I am not saying that all what u say is un-true. I know there is truth in it. But don't u see how this admin is trying to make everyone poor? they are trying to take $$ from taxpayers any way they can.. on any pretense they can come up with.. They are trying to sic the IRS on Middle America, to come up with excuses to take even more $ from them, while furthering agendas most Americans do not care about (and rightly so. Climate change is bogus ) ...

I could go on and on but I get the feeling I may be... well, this: :bang3:
None of that is true. It’s propaganda. Stop watching Fox News.
You can look it up for yourself, assuming you're intellectually capable of doing an online search and understanding words.
Are you lacking those basic skills?
I detect annoyance. I am annoyed myself when people ask others to do their homework for them... They are likely not lacking in skills but just want to be difficult. They want u to define some word just so they can pounce and say THAT's NOT THE RIGHT DEFINITION!

brandon and his sick party. They want the US taxpayers to support and give $$ for "climate change" when really the money will be used to tyrannize Americans and force them into poverty (take away their gas-using cars, for one) so the ruling class can live well and the peasants -not..

that may sound simplistic but I don't have time for details right now.. Some of us get what is going on..
Do you think taxpayer money for climate change is Marxism?
That quote is not Marxist..

Do you think taxpayer money for climate change is Marxism?
I think destroying this country's economy is Marxism or neo-Marxism

and taxing people to death is destroying the country. If you think otherwise, I question your sanity
Marx was just like the modern day marxist

he acted like he cared for the masses but he most definitely did NOT.

This equality bs is just an excuse for big government. And once govt is a certain level of big / tyrannical... it is communist or virtually communist

It is a huge lie that Marx ever cared about the little people. He didn't even care about his own family, some of whom went insane and some killed themselves and i heard one or 2 of them starved to death or came close
I think destroying this country's economy is Marxism or neo-Marxism

and taxing people to death is destroying the country. If you think otherwise, I question your sanity
Lol. That’s not marxism. Its corporatism. Its what the duopoly does. It’s how they they enrich their donors and themselves.
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You’ve been duped. No one in Congress is pushing Marxist policies
Student loan forgiveness is a marxist policy. From those with means, to those with needs. The taxpayers have the means, the deadbeat borrowers are the needy.
No you’re not retarded.
I already knew that.

Whatever you call it, marxism or communism or socialism, it is BAD for this country. We have all the proof we need w/ CRT and the open borders letting any freak into our country to use our resources (while some Americans do not have access to same).

call it what u want.. it is sick and it is closer to communism (what these a-holes in charge are trying to do) than it is to Americanism / capitalism (and no, i do not and never have supported unfettered capitalism)
I detect annoyance. I am annoyed myself when people ask others to do their homework for them... They are likely not lacking in skills but just want to be difficult. They want u to define some word just so they can pounce and say THAT's NOT THE RIGHT DEFINITION!

No, that's not why I want you to define it.

So whatta ya say? Ready to give us a working definition?
Student loan forgiveness is a marxist policy. From those with means, to those with needs. The taxpayers have the means, the deadbeat borrowers are the needy.
not all of them are dead beats but i don't see how it is fair that some who have faithfully paid back their loans should accept paying off the loans of those who do not or cannot. That said, there are a lot of school scams... schools that get people in debt easily, not explaining to them just what they are doing. I personally know of a case where a person expected this and that from a school, didn't get it at all but had to pay back the$$... Changes need to be made at different places along the route of getting an education (so called)
Student loan forgiveness is a marxist policy. From those with means, to those with needs. The taxpayers have the means, the deadbeat borrowers are the needy.
So free higher education provided by nearly all first world nations is Marxism? Is that right?
frankly, i don't like talking to liberals. they are baby killers.. open border nuts, illogical...
trump was pretty vicious to the immigrant families whom he separated. Lot's of those kids will never know who their parents were. Can't get more vicious than that murderous piece of shit.

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