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Where will all the Useful Idiots go when / if Marxism prevails in the US?

You’ve been duped. No one in Congress is pushing Marxist policies. They are all corporatists and warmongers controlled by the oligarchy. No politicIan pushing Marxism receives money from wealthy donors.

Look what the D Party did to Bernie, who is hardly a Marxists but was pushing progressive policies.

The oligarchy and the MIC will destroy anyone in leadership who is a Marxist. This is exactly what they’ve done in coups and assassinations around the world.
Mark Levin!?!?!? Listen, I wouldn't piss on that far rightwing scumbag to save him from burning to death.

"Mark Levin" ROTFLMBAO!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Spoken like a true commie.

I haven't seen this whole video yet (or have I? I always used to watch Levin except for a brief time recently when I could not)

But yeh, as I have said elsewhere: Remember the French Revolution, which was basically Marxist.. It was a war against the hated monarchy, but ended up killing so many people who had nothing to do with said govt system. Then, in the end the leaders of the F Reveloution were themselves sent to the guillatine.

So I say all this to the little "do as I'm told" Marxists out there who would destroy the US's capitalist system and replace it with... what happened directly in the wake of the F Revolution...

I can't say I know much about the devastation of the French Revolution right after it ended.. but I do know some and today, it's like even the French can't remember this history..

Mark Levin:

Marx believed that history starts ‘today’ and that "rejecting past history" is the key to a purportedly equitable society.

"It's all anti-humanism...

The second major group of adherents to American Marxism is the "fanatics" and people who crave power – which in turn means they must quash individual liberty to be able to control individuals, Levin said.

"These are diabolical people. And many of them are tenured professors other than our mouthpieces on television and radio," he said. "Some of them are elected from the state of Vermont," a veiled reference to Socialist Sen. Bernard Sanders.

There is no Marxism in the USA. The Democrats would be the "conservative party" in any other First World Nation.

The American Republican Party has reverted to McCarthyism - a commie under ever bed. Just as delusional as the idea that the election was "stolen" from Trump. Or Sandy Hook was a hoax.
Members of the American Nazi Party and the KKK are urged to vote Republican. By your own belief system, that means that Republicans really are racists and Nazi's.
You need lessons in thinking, dragon-crotch-lady.
There is no Marxism in the USA. The Democrats would be the "conservative party" in any other First World Nation.

The American Republican Party has reverted to McCarthyism - a commie under ever bed. Just as delusional as the idea that the election was "stolen" from Trump. Or Sandy Hook was a hoax.
Society is apparently made up of two sides:
* Control freaks
* Freedom seekers

The Marxists are the first mentioned, and they play the long game.

These hive-minded psychopaths have wrought Humanity such death and stupidity all throughout the 20th century till this very day.

The subversion of our media, edu, and governance has been DOCUMENTED as going on for DECADES!

The Reality of Red Subversion
The Recent Confirmation of Soviet Espionage in America


In an apparent effort to illustrate political simple-mindedness, Carroll Quigley derisively wrote in his noted (at least by the John Birch Society) Tragedy and Hope, that the “same groups who were howling about Soviet espionage in 1948-1955 were also claiming that President Roosevelt expected and wanted Pearl Harbor.”[1] In a previous contribution to The Occidental Quarterly, I dealt with the latter; here I will do some “howling” about the former. According to what until recently has passed as conventional wisdom for the liberal establishment, America in the late 1940s and early 1950s was gripped by a terrible Red scare, a period of anti-Communist hysteria and witch hunts. Malicious “red-baiters” slandered innocent liberals as Communists in order to destroy the reforms of the New Deal and impede peace with the Soviet Union. At most, some of the more “anti-Communist” liberals would concede that there may have been a few Communist subversives, but nothing to justify the terrible anti-Communist overreaction, above all the antics of the demagogic Joe McCarthy. From the 1960s through the 1980s, one of the strongest taboos in American political discourse was the subject of Soviet influence within the United States.

During the 1990s, the release of the Venona documents (see p. 49) by the U.S. government and the partial opening of the Soviet archives forced establishment minds to a reconsideration. Yes, Virginia, there really were Communist spies in the United States during the so-called “McCarthy era.” In fact, it now appears that even the slandered and smeared “red-baiters” of the period were unaware of just how far Soviet Communist subversion had penetrated. It must be added that even during the period of the so-called “witch hunt” there was more than enough evidence to prove the reality of Soviet Communist spying to any objective person. But, of course, if one is going to pass for an “educated,” “respectable” person, objective thinking must be eschewed—it’s simply not a Darwinian survival trait in modern America.

From Lenin onward Soviet Communist leaders have preached the necessity of underground activities, with foreign governments the key target for infiltration. The evidence for this from many countries is overwhelming. Communists in government engaged in espionage and acted to influence policy in a pro-Soviet direction. Many of the individuals engaged in these activities were Communist Party members; others were fellow travelers, who despite their lack of party discipline, sought to advance the interests of Soviet Communism.

The Reality of Red Subversion

Try reading the Mueller Report. There was lots of collusion, but insufficient evidence of a conspiracy to obtain a conviction. Insufficient evidence isn't "no evidence".

There was enough evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC to cause the Grand Jury to issue over 100 indictments, and to obtain 9 convictions against members of Trump's inner circle.
Does it require taking money from those with means to provide an education to those with needs?
If so, it is a marxist policy. That doesn't mean the entire country is marxist, just that there are marxist elements in play. Do you disagree?
We as a country used to valve an educated populace. Not so much anymore. The elites who control government have most of the wealth and don’t give a shit about improving our society.
Have Republicans lost their minds? What has Trump done to the Republican Party?

NPR reports, "When Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orbán, arrived in the U.S. this week, he bypassed the White House and President Biden to pay a visit to a more admiring U.S. president. He caught up with former President Donald Trump at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J.

"That was on the way to the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual gathering in Dallas, where Orbán gave the kickoff address on Thursday afternoon.

"Don't worry, a Christian politician cannot be racist, so we should never hesitate to heavily challenge our opponents on these issues," Orbán told his Texan audience. "Be sure: Christian values protect us from going too far."

"To many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success. His endurance — he won his fourth straight term as prime minister in April — relies on an unrepentant appeal to a white and Christian heritage for Hungary. It has also depended on rounds of crackdowns on civil liberties and dissenting voices inside the country."

To many in the right wing of the Republican party, Orbán offers a model for electoral success.

I was once a member of the Republican Party due to my adherence to conservative core beliefs. All that ended with Trump and the GOP's abandonment of conservative principles.

It is readily apparent that true American conservatives would not embrace a Hungarian dictator and allow him to be a guest speaker at a Conservative Political Action Conference.

The Republican Party believes that the state should control a woman's health in the case of a pregnancy. It is readily apparent that the Religious Right has superseded conservative principles within the Republican Party. True conservatives believe in less government control, not more, and a woman's body -- and a man's -- is sacrosanct, meaning the absence of government interference.

True American conservatives would come down hard on any President who gave approval to upend a Presidential election without offering proof the election was fraudulent. The Republican Party embraces Trump's baseless claim. He is the leader of the party, and most Republican candidates state without proof that the election was stolen from Trump.

So, I left the Republican Party during the summer of 2020 because of the GOP's complete abandonment of conservative principles.

I don't expect forum Republicans to respond to this message.

After all, what can they say? The truth shall set you free!
Im saying there isn’t a Marxist movement in the US.
No but their is a strong Fascist movement that is very much alive and well.
The members often wear bright red baseball caps and run around attacking the credibility of America's most essential institutions like the independent press and free and fair elections.
We as a country used to valve an educated populace. Not so much anymore. The elites who control government have most of the wealth and don’t give a shit about improving our society.
That's not a relevant response to my post.
Does it require taking money from those with means to provide an education to those with needs?
If so, it is a marxist policy. That doesn't mean the entire country is marxist, just that there are marxist elements in play. Do you disagree?
No but their is a strong Fascist movement that is very much alive and well.
The members often wear bright red baseball caps and run around attacking the credibility of America's most essential institutions like the independent press and free and fair elections.
There are plenty of Fascists throughout the duopoly.
Take it or don’t.
I'm just trying to have a conversation here, maybe find some common ground.
Do you agree that "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a phrase popularized by Karl Marx?
I'm just trying to have a conversation here, maybe find some common ground.
Do you agree that "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a phrase popularized by Karl Marx?

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