Where would we be without the tolerant left?

This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.

Cool story bro.

Try using your brain for once.

No I get it. Republicans don't like education and desire for a dumbed down populace. I was simply complimenting your projection.
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!

That's true. But the problem is that the two partisan sides aren't fighting for what is right, they're fighting for their own agendas. So the fight has become more important than anything else, and too many people keep this up. People vote for the same people, the same tired old partisan ideas, and anything that is potentially better will be knocked down.

Go watch Jamie Oliver's program where he tried to change school meals in West Virginia, it's embarrassing to see how Americans reacted to something that would have made a positive difference, and how they clung to their ridiculous tired old ideas.
I fully agree that for the partisans it's all about the fight, and not about what's right for the people. It's all about the agenda, the narrative, and "compromise" means only that the other side buckles completely in compliance with what each side wants.
People are afraid to vote for new people because those same old partisan "representatives" have sold their constituents on the idea that they will lose all kinds of goodies if they don't keep those vested in the power structure in place. What we really need to do is to completely clean house and no one who has held public office, ever, should be permitted to run for office. New blood all around. The only "qualifications" brought to office by incumbents now are the skills required to play the system for their advantage, screw the people.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.

Cool story bro.

Try using your brain for once.

No I get it. Republicans don't like education and desire for a dumbed down populace. I was simply complimenting your projection.

Well, my point was that if you were going to write something, write something that is actually worth writing.
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!

That's true. But the problem is that the two partisan sides aren't fighting for what is right, they're fighting for their own agendas. So the fight has become more important than anything else, and too many people keep this up. People vote for the same people, the same tired old partisan ideas, and anything that is potentially better will be knocked down.

Go watch Jamie Oliver's program where he tried to change school meals in West Virginia, it's embarrassing to see how Americans reacted to something that would have made a positive difference, and how they clung to their ridiculous tired old ideas.
I fully agree that for the partisans it's all about the fight, and not about what's right for the people. It's all about the agenda, the narrative, and "compromise" means only that the other side buckles completely in compliance with what each side wants.
People are afraid to vote for new people because those same old partisan "representatives" have sold their constituents on the idea that they will lose all kinds of goodies if they don't keep those vested in the power structure in place. What we really need to do is to completely clean house and no one who has held public office, ever, should be permitted to run for office. New blood all around. The only "qualifications" brought to office by incumbents now are the skills required to play the system for their advantage, screw the people.

What is needed is a change in the way the system works.

Proportional Representation is needed, at the very least for the House in Congress.

In Germany they have a nice duel system. You vote twice, once for a representative of your area in FPTP and another for PR for who you want the govt to be. In this system 10% of people vote for the main parties in FPTP but choose lower parties for PR. It leads to more parties, which is more choice, and positive voting. FPTP is often negative voting, people voting against someone, not for who they want.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
The left has been in charge of government supplied education for decades now. Can it possibly get any further dumbed down than safe spaces and having actual free speech zones off in a corner? Protesting speakers instead of listening to them? Thinking you are owed all of this great "education" for free? Race qualifications over actual academic skills for multiculturalism. Actually having a class teaching white priviledge. The ridiculous degrees being offered that have no chance of actually becoming a paying job.

You try to blame Republicans but it sure seems to me you Democrats have done a fine job of "dumbing" the education system down.
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!

That's true. But the problem is that the two partisan sides aren't fighting for what is right, they're fighting for their own agendas. So the fight has become more important than anything else, and too many people keep this up. People vote for the same people, the same tired old partisan ideas, and anything that is potentially better will be knocked down.

Go watch Jamie Oliver's program where he tried to change school meals in West Virginia, it's embarrassing to see how Americans reacted to something that would have made a positive difference, and how they clung to their ridiculous tired old ideas.
Give us a link and the Readers Digest version of this program.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
Here ya go:
1. Identify those professions best served by academic training vs. those better served by practical training.
2. Allow young people at about the age they would normally enter high school to identify a choice, academic or professional training.
3. Those who choose professional training are enrolled in an apprenticeship program that includes both classroom instruction pertinent to the physics, mathematics, etc, needed to succeed professionally, as well as actual hands-on training.
4. Those who select academic training are seated in subject appropriate classes. Subsequent to successful completion of academic training, individuals should be able to successfully pass subject-specific examinations prior to licensing.
Political curriculum and all such superfluous material should be offered only as extracurricular (elective) courses.

Excellent post. Sadly America is run by over educated snobs who have nothing but contempt for those who have education lower than what their parents bought for them, and while getting their worthless degree they learned no humility nor pride in their achievements, nor have they attained higher intelligence or wisdom.

Nobody is more pathetic than a college educated employee asking his high school graduate colleague to check his spelling.
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
Im not even gay. I just don't have the maturity of someone in junior high who thinks someone different from me deserves less rights. Duh.
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
Im not even gay. I just don't have the maturity of someone in junior high who thinks someone different from me deserves less rights. Duh.
Oh please, you've sucked a few dicks. The point is you don't deserve less rights in your bedroom. Do what ever you want, let your freak flag fly as long as the other or other's involved are adults. And don't let the consequences of what you do in there become my problem such as asking for tax dollars or special treatment for the results of your bedroom jungle romp. You and Frank000 want to get married? Have at it, Go find someone into your bedroom antics to make a cake and take some pictures.

When you force someone else to participate in that you've brought your bedroom to my front porch. I told you I don't care. You do you crazy little freak. I will stay out of your freak show. You asking me, or forcing me to participate? Guess what, you forced me into your bedroom.
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
Im not even gay. I just don't have the maturity of someone in junior high who thinks someone different from me deserves less rights. Duh.
Oh please, you've sucked a few dicks. The point is you don't deserve less rights in your bedroom. Do what ever you want, let your freak flag fly as long as the other or other's involved are adults. And don't let the consequences of what you do in there become my problem such as asking for tax dollars or special treatment for the results of your bedroom jungle romp. You and Frank000 want to get married? Have at it, Go find someone into your bedroom antics to make a cake and take some pictures.

When you force someone else to participate in that you've brought your bedroom to my front porch. I told you I don't care. You do you crazy little freak. I will stay out of your freak show. You asking me, or forcing me to participate? Guess what, you forced me into your bedroom.
Lol me and dicks is clearly a fantasy of yours. Can you even explain how gay couples are getting special privileges over straight couples? No you cannot.
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
Im not even gay. I just don't have the maturity of someone in junior high who thinks someone different from me deserves less rights. Duh.
Oh please, you've sucked a few dicks. The point is you don't deserve less rights in your bedroom. Do what ever you want, let your freak flag fly as long as the other or other's involved are adults. And don't let the consequences of what you do in there become my problem such as asking for tax dollars or special treatment for the results of your bedroom jungle romp. You and Frank000 want to get married? Have at it, Go find someone into your bedroom antics to make a cake and take some pictures.

When you force someone else to participate in that you've brought your bedroom to my front porch. I told you I don't care. You do you crazy little freak. I will stay out of your freak show. You asking me, or forcing me to participate? Guess what, you forced me into your bedroom.
Lol me and dicks is clearly a fantasy of yours. Can you even explain how gay couples are getting special privileges over straight couples? No you cannot.
the gay couples are probably actually having sex, unlike straight ones,,And that scares them..
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
Im not even gay. I just don't have the maturity of someone in junior high who thinks someone different from me deserves less rights. Duh.
Oh please, you've sucked a few dicks. The point is you don't deserve less rights in your bedroom. Do what ever you want, let your freak flag fly as long as the other or other's involved are adults. And don't let the consequences of what you do in there become my problem such as asking for tax dollars or special treatment for the results of your bedroom jungle romp. You and Frank000 want to get married? Have at it, Go find someone into your bedroom antics to make a cake and take some pictures.

When you force someone else to participate in that you've brought your bedroom to my front porch. I told you I don't care. You do you crazy little freak. I will stay out of your freak show. You asking me, or forcing me to participate? Guess what, you forced me into your bedroom.
So you aren't just a peeping tom, you actually get invites from gay couples that make you perform sex acts??
We'd be a more tolerant society w/o them
Now that is flat out hilarious coming from you lol. You're too immature to not whine about what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
You're too damn stupid to figure out we don't care unless you make your bedroom activity our business. When we have to pay taxes for it, bake cakes, take photo's etc. We didn't go into your bedroom, you pushed your bedroom out on us.
Im not even gay. I just don't have the maturity of someone in junior high who thinks someone different from me deserves less rights. Duh.
Oh please, you've sucked a few dicks. The point is you don't deserve less rights in your bedroom. Do what ever you want, let your freak flag fly as long as the other or other's involved are adults. And don't let the consequences of what you do in there become my problem such as asking for tax dollars or special treatment for the results of your bedroom jungle romp. You and Frank000 want to get married? Have at it, Go find someone into your bedroom antics to make a cake and take some pictures.

When you force someone else to participate in that you've brought your bedroom to my front porch. I told you I don't care. You do you crazy little freak. I will stay out of your freak show. You asking me, or forcing me to participate? Guess what, you forced me into your bedroom.
So you aren't just a peeping tom, you actually get invites from gay couples that make you perform sex acts??
You're apparently too stupid to follow the thread. Billy said we shouldn't be in his bedroom. All the while making sure we all have to stop by and not only approve of his activities but throw some financial and business support his way. You don't need to be a peeping tom when the actors are out in the middle of the street saying you have to come watch. Oh, and bring a cake, and take pictures, or else.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
Here ya go:
1. Identify those professions best served by academic training vs. those better served by practical training.
2. Allow young people at about the age they would normally enter high school to identify a choice, academic or professional training.
3. Those who choose professional training are enrolled in an apprenticeship program that includes both classroom instruction pertinent to the physics, mathematics, etc, needed to succeed professionally, as well as actual hands-on training.
4. Those who select academic training are seated in subject appropriate classes. Subsequent to successful completion of academic training, individuals should be able to successfully pass subject-specific examinations prior to licensing.
Political curriculum and all such superfluous material should be offered only as extracurricular (elective) courses.

Excellent post. Sadly America is run by over educated snobs who have nothing but contempt for those who have education lower than what their parents bought for them, and while getting their worthless degree they learned no humility nor pride in their achievements, nor have they attained higher intelligence or wisdom.

Nobody is more pathetic than a college educated employee asking his high school graduate colleague to check his spelling.
One of the worst educational decisions made here was to absorb a fairly decent community college into the university system. While the core curriculum for most of the trade training classes is excellent, there are now additional general educational requirements. The costs per credit hour skyrocketed and the additional required "basics" make it even more expensive to learn a trade-related curriculum. But, hell, almost every mechanic, welder, etc, graduated from the University holds a university degree.

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