Where ya at?

Where is your Allegiance? (private ballot)

  • I'm a proud Republican!

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • I'm a Republican alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Right.

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Left.

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • I'm a Democrat alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • I'm a proud Democrat!

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • I'm a member of a third party (Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, Green, Constitution...)

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters
Conservative... registered republican to be able to vote in the primary

Fiscally conservative.. I believe in a flat tax system with zero loopholes and every citizen paying the exact same flat rate on every dollar earned by whatever means... HUGE proponent of reducing government and adhering to original intent on the constitution... socially more moderate... I believe in charity and not government entitlement... I believe in harsh punishments for criminals.. I believe in a strong military, strong defense, and a strong bond with out allies... I believe in term limits eliminating career politicians... I think that is a good start in summing up what I am and where I stand
Independent. Though I do lean right. Last Dem I voted for was Carter. God gag me with a spoon.
I'm leaning towards whatever direction Sarah Palin goes. Which is the better vote? Vote for complete liars like the usual Democrat and Republican candidates or vote for somebody that knows how to field dress a moose. I vote for the moose skinner. Besides, she looks better in a dress. Also, if you stop and consider what really goes on in the real world, if Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy. I would like that in a President or Vice-President.
i guess i should chime in.

im an independent voter.

was a republican senator in the junior state of america, but never picked an affiliation as an adult/voter. went clinton, bush, ZZZzzZZZZzz, obama since ive been of age. no regrets. im sad to see the neocon run on the GOP, and think it is crippling the party, hence jeopardizing the balance in our two-party system. if i could have it my way, a republican legislature would wag a finger at a democrat chief (ala clinton parte deux).

im bent away from the neocons.
Brandish your allegience with pride in this informal polling of the USMB community.

If you know why, let it be known.

I'm a proud Republican!

I'm a Republican alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Right.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Left.

I'm a Democrat alright, but i dont like my party's direction.

I'm a proud Democrat!

I'm a member of a third party (Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, Green, Constitution...)

Can we edit in one more option? How about just plain old American who does not believe in ANY party?

If not i'll end up voting 3rd party as I'm closest to a libertarian.
Brandish your allegience with pride in this informal polling of the USMB community.

If you know why, let it be known.

I'm a proud Republican!

I'm a Republican alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Right.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Left.

I'm a Democrat alright, but i dont like my party's direction.

I'm a proud Democrat!

I'm a member of a third party (Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, Green, Constitution...)

Can we edit in one more option? How about just plain old American who does not believe in ANY party?

If not i'll end up voting 3rd party as I'm closest to a libertarian.

independence meets structure, huh. welcome to a voting booth.
Brandish your allegience with pride in this informal polling of the USMB community.

If you know why, let it be known.

I'm a proud Republican!

I'm a Republican alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Right.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Left.

I'm a Democrat alright, but i dont like my party's direction.

I'm a proud Democrat!

I'm a member of a third party (Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, Green, Constitution...)

Can we edit in one more option? How about just plain old American who does not believe in ANY party?

If not i'll end up voting 3rd party as I'm closest to a libertarian.

independence meets structure, huh. welcome to a voting booth.

I dunno who you are antagon but i like your sense of humore :clap2:
Brandish your allegience with pride in this informal polling of the USMB community.

If you know why, let it be known.

I'm a proud Republican!

I'm a Republican alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Right.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Left.

I'm a Democrat alright, but i dont like my party's direction.

I'm a proud Democrat!

I'm a member of a third party (Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, Green, Constitution...)

I'm right fucking here. Who are you?:eusa_eh:
Brandish your allegience with pride in this informal polling of the USMB community.

If you know why, let it be known.

I'm a proud Republican!

I'm a Republican alright, but I dont like my party's direction.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Right.

I'm an independent voter, but I'm leaning to the Left.

I'm a Democrat alright, but i dont like my party's direction.

I'm a proud Democrat!

I'm a member of a third party (Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, Green, Constitution...)

I'm right fucking here. Who are you?:eusa_eh:


laughing! :lol:
I am an American.

Where am I at? I am sitting in my chair reading this, and am convinced that we are screwed because we choose to label ourselves on a political level.*SIGH*
I will vote conservative--doesn't matter if they're a democrat or republican--just as long as they're conservative.
There are democrat conservatives?

My Mom and Dad were registered democrats that were socially conservative, my Dad has dumped the party and is now a registered republican.

I think the only reaon they were democrats was the union thing :cuckoo:

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