Where's Global Warming

Sorry, I confused you.

Raise taxes on the rich to the levels they were under Clinton.

That doesn't help your reality check at all, Chris.

You are the one who doesn't understand reality.

We are done with military adventures for a while. We can't afford them. We are broke. We also can't afford to keep low tax rates for the rich.

Fortunately the people in power realize this.

No more Bush the Lesser...

Is that why Obama is asking for another $800 billion for Iraq?
Chris, when you are actually interested in protecting the human species let me know. Wasting all this money on research and products (thus lining Gores pockets with it) hasn't changed anything in the last 20 years .... that's 20 years we have reduced (by force) ALL of our impacts on the environment, yet the graphs still show it all spiking according to your "in the pocket" scientists. The statistic you ignore the most is the fact that our pollution output and use of "dangerous" chemicals is down, a LOT. Factor that in for a bit of reality.
Chris, when you are actually interested in protecting the human species let me know. Wasting all this money on research and products (thus lining Gores pockets with it) hasn't changed anything in the last 20 years .... that's 20 years we have reduced (by force) ALL of our impacts on the environment, yet the graphs still show it all spiking according to your "in the pocket" scientists. The statistic you ignore the most is the fact that our pollution output and use of "dangerous" chemicals is down, a LOT. Factor that in for a bit of reality.

You are changing the subject.

Al Gore is not the issue. Who cares about Al Gore?

We are causing the earth to warm, and the effect is cumulative and continuous and the consequences will be profound.
The following is occurring in NY, NY this month and debunks the junk science of global warming.

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change

More than 70 of the world’s elite scientists specializing in climate issues will confront the subject of global warming at the second annual International Conference on Climate Change in New York City March 8-10, 2009.
The following is occurring in NY, NY this month and debunks the junk science of global warming.

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change

More than 70 of the world’s elite scientists specializing in climate issues will confront the subject of global warming at the second annual International Conference on Climate Change in New York City March 8-10, 2009.

I can hardly wait to see the lineup of losers at that conference.

Will Penn and Teller be there?
Some of the presenters:

American astronaut Dr. Jack Schmitt—the last living man to walk on the moon.

William Gray, Colorado State University, leading researcher into tropical weather patterns.

Richard Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the world’s leading experts in dynamic meteorology, especially planetary waves.

Stephen McIntyre, primary author of Climate Audit, a blog devoted to the analysis and discussion of climate data. He is a devastating critic of the temperature record of the past 1,000 years, particularly the work of Michael E. Mann, creator of the infamous “hockey stick” graph. That graph--thoroughly discredited in scientific circles--supposedly proved that mankind is responsible for a sharp increase in greenhouse gases.

Arthur Robinson, curator of a global warming petition signed by more than 32,000 American scientists, including more than 10,000 with doctorate degrees, rejecting the alarmist assertion that global warming has put the Earth in crisis and is caused primarily by mankind.

Willie Soon, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Roy Spencer, University of Alabama at Huntsville, principal research scientist and team leader on NASA’s Aqua satellite.
We are putting 8 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.

We are responsible for the 40% increase in CO2 in the last 200 years.
They have not proven a correlation with CO2 output and global warming.

They have shown that years of global warming are correlated with Sun activity.
This is from nzclimatescience.net

To start with the "global warming" claim. It is based on a graph showing that "mean annual global temperature" has been increasing.

This claim fails from two fundamental facts

1. No average temperature of any part of the earth's surface, over any period, has ever been made.

How can you derive a "global average" when you do not even have a single "local" average?

What they actually use is the procedure used from 1850, which is to make one measurement a day at the weather station from a maximum/minimum thermometer. The mean of these two is taken to be the average. No statistician could agree that a plausible average can be obtained this way. The potential bias is more than the claimed "global warming.

2. The sample is grossly unrepresentative of the earth's surface, mostly near to towns. No statistician could accept an "average" based on such a poor sample. It cannot possibly be "corrected"

It is of interest that frantic efforts to "correct" for these uncorrectable errors have produced mean temperature records for the USA and China which show no overall "warming" at all. If they were able to "correct" the rest, the same result is likely

And, then after all, there has been no "global warming", however measured, for eight years, and this year is all set to be cooling. As a result it is now politically incorrect to speak of "global warming". The buzzword is "Climate Change" which is still blamed on the non-existent "warming"

The other flagship set of data promoted by the IPCC are the figures showing the increase in atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. They have manipulated the data in such a way to persuade us (including most scientists) that this concentration is constant throughout the atmosphere. In order to do this, they refrain from publishing any results which they do not like, and they have suppressed no less than 90,000 measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide made in the last 150 years. Some of these were made by Nobel Prizewinners and all were published in the best scientific journals. Ernst Beck has published on the net all the actual papers.
The following is occurring in NY, NY this month and debunks the junk science of global warming.

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change

More than 70 of the world’s elite scientists specializing in climate issues will confront the subject of global warming at the second annual International Conference on Climate Change in New York City March 8-10, 2009.

I can hardly wait to see the lineup of losers at that conference.

Will Penn and Teller be there?

Chris, you always have a blind eye to the truth. Maybe you could learn something new if you would just be open to it...maybe...but i doubt you would do that.
Thanks for the negative rep, Spider. This just shows me how much of a baby you really are. You really do need to mature as an adult, and not somebody stuck in the whole LSU persona. But, I do expect nothing less from you. By the way I will give you a positive rep. Why? because I'm a bigger man than you are. You might ask yourself,"what is a bigger man"? It's one that didn't neg rep you for your bogus poll. You should have had one on that. See it all comes down to "integrity" and no integrity.
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The following is occurring in NY, NY this month and debunks the junk science of global warming.

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change

More than 70 of the world’s elite scientists specializing in climate issues will confront the subject of global warming at the second annual International Conference on Climate Change in New York City March 8-10, 2009.

I can hardly wait to see the lineup of losers at that conference.

Will Penn and Teller be there?

Penn and Teller do more homework than you.
Thanks for the negative rep, Spider. This just shows me how much of a baby you really are. You really do need to mature as an adult, and not somebody stuck in the whole LSU persona. But, I do expect nothing less from you. By the way I will give you a positive rep. Why? because I'm a bigger man than you are. You might ask yourself,"what is a bigger man"? It's one that didn't neg rep you for your bogus poll. You should have had one on that. See it all comes down to "integrity" and no integrity.

I got one from the moron to, took my 14,000 some odd and dropped it by one ... still over 14,000 so I must be doing something right.
Factfinder, I didn't think there was anyone left who would deny that the earth is warming.

Most people would accept the fact that most of the world's glaciers are melting as definitive evidence that the earth is warming.

That and the melting of North Polar Ice Cap make the proof irrefutable.
I'm not denying or confirming that the earth is cooling or warming. I do contend that man has little to do with either.

It has been proven that IPCC has used junk science and picks and chooses from that what they will reveal to the public. Now why do suppose that is?
Factfinder, I didn't think there was anyone left who would deny that the earth is warming.

Most people would accept the fact that most of the world's glaciers are melting as definitive evidence that the earth is warming.

That and the melting of North Polar Ice Cap make the proof irrefutable.

No one is denying that the earth is warming. What many deny, is that humans are causing it. There's a reason why farmers 30 miles inland from the Texas coast dig up oyster-shells in their cotton and milo fields. I've seen in first hand. My father in law farms and occasoinally he'll plow up some oyster shells in the middle of his fields. There's an old Spanish mission in Goliad, TX that is called the Presidio de la Bahia. (Bahia means bay). Writings from Spanish missionaries and soldiers indicate that you could see the water (bay) from the mission. Today, you have to drive 45 minutes to an hour to get to the water. Glaciers and ice caps have melted before.
Global warming is a hoax. It's a matter of opinion. The science differs. It' bad for the economy. THE ECONOMY IS COLLAPSING. As far as opinons go, wow, the climiate is changing. Some of you say it's colder than usual, some of us say it's warmer. Same thing, opinons vary. Like the blind men and the elephant. The cause? That is near the point. It's natural? We can't do anything about it. If it isn't, then WE can do something. I say, since that holy cow of economics s already a mess, what difference does it make if we blame humans for causing this mess and crack down on carbon emmisions ? What do we have to lose?
CO2 causes the earth to retain heat. This was proven experimentally in 1859.

We have increased the amount of CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years, and the rate of increase is accelerating. We are adding 8 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year.

You can read about the science of CO2 at this link....

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

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