Where's the Outrage from Fair-Minded Rightwingers on the Breonna Taylor Verdict?

Prove that claim. Go ahead.
I stated most-likely, and you already know that means based on a logical conclusion, not empirical facts.

But since you're losing, you have to nitpick on unimportant issues.

National socialists are a leftist group in Italy which became fascists in Germany or Nazis as you call them. You forget this along with lefties and the KKK, Dems starting slavery, etc???
Todat's Republicans are a fascists. Thanks for reminding me.
Oh yeah, those are Republicans harassing innocent people eating dinner, demanding people leave their homes, attacking people wearing the wrong hat, shouting through megaphones into people's faces. We know who the fascists are. YOU.
You really shouldn't be running your mouth---you are just proving yourself a liar and idiot. New video out today showing how innocent the poor cops really were...........

Their entering wasn't not illegal---and Breonna was certainly was no innocent. But is funny that she was shot 6 times while her boyfriend wasn't shot at all---they think that he was using her for a human shield.
Explain why Breonna wasn't innocent.
Her car had a dead body in it, it was on video at trap houses, and had packages delivered to her house in drug dealers names. She’s not innocent..
OK Boris, please post a link to backup this bogus claim.
Why didn’t the boyfriend (Kenneth Walker) tell Breonna to take cover or get behind him? He had enough time.

From the article: “Walker describes how he and Taylor kept asking who was banging on the door, but hearing no response.”

It looks like Walker was using her as a human shield.
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Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

Here is the problem and the fact is the Police had what is called a no-knock warrant which mean that they can and could kick the door in without any announcement of who they are.

Now you blame the officers for firing the multiple shots into the apartment after breaking the door down but what has been forgotten the boyfriend fired the first shot and caused the Police to fire back.

Should the officers involved in the shooting be held accountable?

In my opinion no seeing they had no clue if the person firing was a drug dealer or not.

Now with that written Louisville Mayor and Officials should take responsibility for their failure to do away with no-knock warrants.

Also let be clear an officer was shot during this incident and death of the young lady, so let look at reality and know if you shoot at cops then you will be shot back at...

Also if it is discovered the Warrant was obtained with information that was based on fabricated evidence then the officers involved that supplied the evidence should be held accountable and some form of punishment should be handed out.

Now what I wrote you will disagree with but let me be clear if the Police are breaking down my door even with a no-knock warrant and I fire on them then I should expect return fire and either my death or casualties...

It is the sad part of reality but let me also be clear no-knock warrants should not be legal at all because it put the officer life in danger along with if they make a mistake ( like they did here ) it could get an innocent person killed.

So again I blame the Mayor and Officials of Louisville for her death and not the officers until it is proven that the information was indeed fabricated then the investigating officer or officers should be held accountable for her death...

Proof this witness was "forced by the cops" which of course is a crime or retract.
You previously stated it was witnessES, now you're stating WITNESS.

Another GD liar.

And the word is "prove" Einstein.

*rolls eyes*

I'm using your words fuckhead.

So prove your goddamned witness was "forced by the cops" or retract.

Don't play fucking word games with me son. I'm 10 times smarter than you while I'm sleeping.

You made a fucking claim, BACK IT UP DIPSHIT.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

What verdict?
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Here's why...

For a shorter version, check this one...

This is as unjust as it comes.

All Malarkey from our white racist.

You really shouldn't be running your mouth---you are just proving yourself a liar and idiot. New video out today showing how innocent the poor cops really were...........

Their entering wasn't not illegal---and Breonna was certainly was no innocent. But is funny that she was shot 6 times while her boyfriend wasn't shot at all---they think that he was using her for a human shield.
Explain why Breonna wasn't innocent.
Innocent people don't date drug dealers-------------don't count drug dealers cash.............don't allow their boyfriends to shoot at cops and don't hide drugs while their boyfriend shoots at cops........they also don't have dead bodies in their trunk......
Here is the problem and the fact is the Police had what is called a no-knock warrant which mean that they can and could kick the door in without any announcement of who they are.

Take a pause and educate yourself.

It was not a no-knock warrant and, according to witnesses in the surrounding units, the police announced themselves several times before breaking down the door. Standing in the hallway was Brianna and her boyfriend who had a gun and was in a shooter's stance. He fired, hitting one of the police who went down.

What do you think would happen next?
Notice he makes stupid fucking claims like "the cops forced the witness" to testify, yet when asked to back up this claim, he's silent? And attacks you, splits hairs, moves goalposts, etc?

He is a paid shill. I'm convinced he's not this stupid, he's playing us like a violin.
There was no "unlawful intruder". Try again.
From the perspective of the victims, they were being unlawfully intruded upon.

The cops were too stupid to say who they were.

No dice.
Dumb fuck!

WItnesses stated the police clearly identified themselves MULTIPLE TIMES... your a lying POS.
And this right here is why I don’t listen to leftists about anything. Every time one of these cases pops up... they lie their asses off about the facts of the case.

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