Where's the Outrage from Fair-Minded Rightwingers on the Breonna Taylor Verdict?

Again, why are you whining? Perfect excuse to get out and stand in the middle of the street, set some houses on fire, steal some 4k bigscreens, maybe shoot a couple of shop owners.....all those things you terrorists love to do.
Butthurt cause your lies are all coming apart at the seams huh?

What lies? Which part of what I said is NOT true? Wackos standing in the streets, or idiots setting fire to buildings, or murdering rioters killing shop owners, or thugs stealing tvs from stores? Which one moron?
What lies? Which part of what I said is NOT true? Wackos standing in the streets, or idiots setting fire to buildings, or murdering rioters killing shop owners, or thugs stealing tvs from stores? Which one moron?
List all these victim store owners who have been killed in the streets.
Where's the NRA on this? They're supposed to have been first in line defending a citinzen's right to defend themselves w/the 2nd Amendment against unlawful intruder.

The white militia's should be up in arms about "big government" intrusion, to the point of death.

What we get from these rubes....? Silence.

Looks like the coloreds are upset about it, they're starting to retaliate...

Watchout I hear he is a mean school resource officer
Tazing a young mother for not wearing a mask....
Someone needs to taze that racist's fat ass

Did you even watch the video before spouting your nonsense? She was asked to wear a mask to conform with school rules. she refused. She was then asked to leave school property and refused, then she was ordered to leave and warned that she was trespassing, then she resisted arrest for criminal trespassing, and finally she was tazed. She deserved everything she got and more.
What lies? Which part of what I said is NOT true? Wackos standing in the streets, or idiots setting fire to buildings, or murdering rioters killing shop owners, or thugs stealing tvs from stores? Which one moron?
List all these victim store owners who have been killed in the streets.
No because I am tired of looking up facts for idiots.
This is the part where you play dumb, huh.
If the FACTS are on your side, you'd have no problem doing what I asked.

So please, explain who is the drug dealer in this story.

Or admit you're just another run-of-the-mill USMB far rightwing lying racist.
This is the part where you play dumb, huh.
If the FACTS are on your side, you'd have no problem doing what I asked.

So please, explain who is the drug dealer in this story.

Or admit you're just another run-of-the-mill USMB far rightwing lying racist.
Again, you are wasting great rioting time.....go get hit by a car, get some more innocent people or police in trouble gee what a fun night!
National socialists are a leftist group in Italy which became fascists in Germany or Nazis as you call them. You forget this along with lefties and the KKK, Dems starting slavery, etc???
Today's Republicans are a fascists. Thanks for reminding me.
The information you have is not the information that the INVESTIGATION revealed. But since that doesn't fit the "poor black victim" narrative, feel free to continue to ignore it.

The cops knocked. Breonna was not asleep in bed. Answering your questions on the Breonna Taylor case
OK, so she wasn't asleep, but she was in bed when the intruders arrived.

Big whoop!

You know someone has a loosing argument when they start nitpicking on unimportant things.

None of the information anywhere, supports your "all blacks are criminal thugs" narrative though.

Such a damn liar.
She was in the HALL..........who sleeps through a fire fight and someone breaking down their door with a battering ram.

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