Which Country is the Greatest Threat to World Peace Today?

The rest of the world. They're always there when they need us.

We should adopt a policy of not jumping in where help is needed until others have and are prepared to invest, proportionally, the same as we are. Until or unless, we're not interested.

If we had of done that from the start a lot of tensions probably would not exist today.
Unfortunately for you wishful thinkers, human conflict can only be contained by powerful authority. Ever hear of Pax Romanica? Like the declining Roman Empire, the United States is now the greatest threat to world peace precisely because of its abdication of power.
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Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.

Man, that's true. I mean over the last hundred years, what wars did Democrats get us in? Who did they ever attack? Nobody, that's who. When Democrats are President, we have peace. Well except:

Wilson (WWI), FDR (WWII), Truman (The Korean War), Kennedy/Johnson (The Vietnam War), Carter (troops into Iran) or Clinton (Kosovo, Haiti, The Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan).

And man, Obama really reduced our military involvement by following W's timeline in Iraq, expanding Afghanistan, attacking Libya and sabre rattling Syria.

You're right, dude, it's the Republicans, they're just nuts.

You people are a hoot. Wow, you're stupid. How do you dress yourselves in the morning? It's a poser.
Unfortunately for you wishful thinkers, human conflict can only be contained by powerful authority. Ever hear of Pax Romanica? Like the declining Roman Empire, the United States is now the greatest threat to world peace precisely because of its abdication of power.


If the US abdicated its power more often, we'd probably be a bit more popular.
I don't care what the paid talking heads are saying or what the idiots polled are saying - those same idiot voted for obama, so I am not surprised.

the greatest threat to the peace in the world is RUSSIA - as it has been for the last 400 years at least.

if you want to understand it - check the history of the world and not the brainwashing media you are listening to.

No end visible for the trend.
Russian drones aren't murdering and maiming US civilians:

"Sometimes the reasons for the world’s concerns are obliquely recognized in the United States, as when former CIA director Michael Hayden, discussing Obama’s drone murder campaign, conceded that 'Right now, there isn’t a government on the planet that agrees with our legal rationale for these operations, except for Afghanistan and maybe Israel.'”

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power

Why don't you explain how Russia's been the greatest threat to world peace "for the last 400 years at least."

Vox refuses to back any of her bullshit up with facts. She knows what she knows, and that's good enough for her. In other words, she is a retard.

oh, piss off, leftard

I know that leftards do not know either history, geography or biology.

They have the dimocrap brainwashing machine a.k.a. lame stream media instead :D
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"Zurich, Switzerland - 30th December 2013 - WIN/Gallup International, the leading global association in market research and polling, has today published, in collaboration with The BBC's Today programme, the results of its annual End of Year Survey which explores the outlook, expectations, hopes and fears of people from 65 countries around the world.

Despite a year of economic difficulty, almost 50% of people surveyed are more positive about 2014 than they were for 2013;
US, Canada and Australia are the countries where most people would like to live if they could;
US is considered to be the greatest threat to peace in the world, followed by Pakistan and China;
Over a third of those surveyed believe the world would be a better place if there were more female politicians;
Now in its 37th year WIN/Gallup International End of Year Survey finds that since 1989 people in general have a more positive outlook on economic prosperity for the coming year."

Global Results, End of Year survey, George gallup, WIN, WIN/Gallup International, Gallup International

I don't care what the paid talking heads are saying or what the idiots polled are saying - those same idiot voted for obama, so I am not surprised.

the greatest threat to the peace in the world is RUSSIA - as it has been for the last 400 years at least.

if you want to understand it - check the history of the world and not the brainwashing media you are listening to.

No end visible for the trend.
Russian drones aren't murdering and maiming US civilians:

"Sometimes the reasons for the world’s concerns are obliquely recognized in the United States, as when former CIA director Michael Hayden, discussing Obama’s drone murder campaign, conceded that 'Right now, there isn’t a government on the planet that agrees with our legal rationale for these operations, except for Afghanistan and maybe Israel.'”

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power

Why don't you explain how Russia's been the greatest threat to world peace "for the last 400 years at least."

Chomsky :lol:

you are more retarded than I first thought.

pick a book on the European history ( not the leftard brainwashing comic book, though) and begin some self education.

and have a map of Eastern hemisphere handy ( if you know what a map is and how to read it, which I doubt).
The rest of the world. They're always there when they need us.

We should adopt a policy of not jumping in where help is needed until others have and are prepared to invest, proportionally, the same as we are. Until or unless, we're not interested.


this country jumped in twice in the last century to save the idiots from self destruction.

which they are engaging in yet AGAIN.
No nation in history has ever had the power of the US and used it less
Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Iran kills people using proxies. They were heavily involved in the Lebanese civil war, by the way.. Russia invaded and took over S. Ossetia from Georgia a couple years ago. When was the last time the USA invaded a country and made it part of the USA?
It is the US

We are also the first ones they call when they need help

But WHY do other nations need help? Stop for a momment and think on that. Oh wait, anyone who has been around a while knows who you are. You're either a dupe of the establishment, or their shill. You couldn't give the correct answer if it was given to you on a gold leaf piece of parchment and offered a harem of women to type the correct answer. But you know why other nations need help. Why do the people of Syria need help? Because our clandestine services are funding terrorists which are trying to bring down the Syrian government. Why did the people of Nicaragua need help? Or why do any of the other Latin American nations "need our help?"

Ever hear of the School of the Americas? It got such a bad reputation, like Black-water, it had to change it's name. Meet the new School of the Americas, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.

If Americans would turn off their TV's and Radios, and stop reading wire newspapers so much, do a little independent research, they may find that foreign media isn't actually crying out for our help. They want us to mind our own damn business.

Not very American, to be sure:

"the Romans fought for Empire. The Pride of that haughty people was to domineer over the rest of Mankind. But this is not our Object. We contend for the Liberty of our Country and the Rights of human Nature."
-- Samuel Adams; letter to Alexander McDougall (May, 13, 1782)

"Were armies to be raised whenever a speck of war is visible in our horizon, we never should have been without them. Our resources would have been exhausted on dangers which have never happened, instead of being reserved for what is really to take place"
-- Thomas Jefferson; from 6th State of the Union Address (Dec. 2, 1806)
The rest of the world. They're always there when they need us.

We should adopt a policy of not jumping in where help is needed until others have and are prepared to invest, proportionally, the same as we are. Until or unless, we're not interested.
Are you arguing for isolationism?

"The ability to ignore unwanted facts is one of the prerogatives of unchallenged power. Closely related is the right to radically revise history.

"A current example can be seen in the laments about the escalating Sunni-Shiite conflict that is tearing apart the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria.

"The prevailing theme of U.S. commentary is that this strife is a terrible consequence of the withdrawal of American force from the region - a lesson in the dangers of 'isolationism.'

"The opposite is more nearly correct.

"The roots of the conflict within Islam are many and varied, but it cannot be seriously denied that the split was significantly exacerbated by the American- and British-led invasion of Iraq.

"And it cannot be too often repeated that aggression was defined at the Nuremberg Trials as 'the supreme international crime,' differing from others in that it encompasses all the evil that follows, including the current catastrophe."

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power

How much more US "help" can the people of the Middle East tolerate?
Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.
Republicans AND Democrats seem to serve the same Masters:

"It's odd that the Obama administration, which came into office promising to be more open and more attentive to civil liberties than the previous one, has been so reluctant to explain its policies in this area.

"Obama and his aides have refused to answer questions about drone strikes because they are part of a covert program, yet they have repeatedly taken credit for their victories in public."

Doyle McManus: U.S. targeted killing program needs discussion - Los Angeles Times
Are you arguing for isolationism?


Not interfering in foreign wars is not isolationism. Participating in trade and diplomacy maintains a connection with other countries without interfering in their business.

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