Which Country is the Greatest Threat to World Peace Today?

It's not Iran, Pakistan, or China; however, the latter two nation state finished among the top three according to WIN/Gallup's latest annual global End of the Year survey.

Number one is the USA

"As the year 2013 drew to an end, the BBC reported on the results of the WIN/Gallup International poll on the question: 'Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?'

"The United States was the champion by a substantial margin, winning three times the votes of second-place Pakistan.

"By contrast, the debate in American scholarly and media circles is about whether Iran can be contained, and whether the huge NSA surveillance system is needed to protect U.S. security.

"In view of the poll, it would seem that there are more pertinent questions: Can the United States be contained and other nations secured in the face of the U.S. threat?"

Nations like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran, for example.

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power
The answer depends on who you poll.
I can conduct a poll "proving" that eating dog shit is the number one preferred culinary taste treat among 'those surveyed'. All I need to do is travel around to a bunch of insane asylums and find out who's in them who 'likes their dog shit' and poll them.
Put up the polling protocols used and we'll see who was/where they were/when they were polled.
Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.

Man, that's true. I mean over the last hundred years, what wars did Democrats get us in? Who did they ever attack? Nobody, that's who. When Democrats are President, we have peace. Well except:

Wilson (WWI), FDR (WWII), Truman (The Korean War), Kennedy/Johnson (The Vietnam War), Carter (troops into Iran) or Clinton (Kosovo, Haiti, The Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan).

And man, Obama really reduced our military involvement by following W's timeline in Iraq, expanding Afghanistan, attacking Libya and sabre rattling Syria.

You're right, dude, it's the Republicans, they're just nuts.

You people are a hoot. Wow, you're stupid. How do you dress yourselves in the morning? It's a poser.

The US attacked Libya?

Damn, you really don't follow the news even with all the time you spend on a political site discussing it? That explains a lot.

Here you go, Skippy. I saved you the Google search.

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's not Iran, Pakistan, or China; however, the latter two nation state finished among the top three according to WIN/Gallup's latest annual global End of the Year survey.

Number one is the USA

"As the year 2013 drew to an end, the BBC reported on the results of the WIN/Gallup International poll on the question: 'Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?'

"The United States was the champion by a substantial margin, winning three times the votes of second-place Pakistan.

"By contrast, the debate in American scholarly and media circles is about whether Iran can be contained, and whether the huge NSA surveillance system is needed to protect U.S. security.

"In view of the poll, it would seem that there are more pertinent questions: Can the United States be contained and other nations secured in the face of the U.S. threat?"

Nations like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran, for example.

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power
The answer depends on who you poll.
I can conduct a poll "proving" that eating dog shit is the number one preferred culinary taste treat among 'those surveyed'. All I need to do is travel around to a bunch of insane asylums and find out who's in them who 'likes their dog shit' and poll them.
Put up the polling protocols used and we'll see who was/where they were/when they were polled.
Why don't you substitute pig shit and "prove" your asylum's protocols?

Everybody loves to hate a super power.
When the super power maims, murders, and displaces millions of innocent civilians, what's surprising about hatred from its victims?

Evil America...don't you worry, it's chickens will come home to roost.:eusa_whistle:
Where have you been?

"The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of al-Qaeda.

"Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[2]

"In bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] U.S. support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many more chickens are likely to arrive after the US response to 911?
When the super power maims, murders, and displaces millions of innocent civilians, what's surprising about hatred from its victims?

Evil America...don't you worry, it's chickens will come home to roost.:eusa_whistle:
Where have you been?

"The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of al-Qaeda.

"Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[2]

"In bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] U.S. support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many more chickens are likely to arrive after the US response to 911?

Considering it took well over a decade to find the cave dweller, I'd say there's room in the coop for plenty of chickens.

Stateless terrorist attacks don't give anyone a head to hunt. We're fortunate Bin Laden didn't manage to martyr himself in an attack on US soil before we got to him, or it'd have further emboldened those who have a grudge against the US.

It doesn't mean it can't happen, though.
Evil America...don't you worry, it's chickens will come home to roost.:eusa_whistle:
Where have you been?

"The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of al-Qaeda.

"Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[2]

"In bin Laden's November 2002 'Letter to America',[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] U.S. support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq."

Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many more chickens are likely to arrive after the US response to 911?

Considering it took well over a decade to find the cave dweller, I'd say there's room in the coop for plenty of chickens.

Stateless terrorist attacks don't give anyone a head to hunt. We're fortunate Bin Laden didn't manage to martyr himself in an attack on US soil before we got to him, or it'd have further emboldened those who have a grudge against the US.

It doesn't mean it can't happen, though.
The next "New Pearl Harbor" that happens in the US will Change Everything.
Maybe I'm being paranoid, but some elements of our government seem to be doing their best to inspire as many "terrorists" as possible:

"The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) Global Terrorism Database – part of a joint government-university program on terrorism - is hosted at the University of Maryland.

"START is the most comprehensive open source terrorism database, which can be viewed by journalists and civilians lacking national security clearance.

"A quick review of charts from the START database show that terrorism has increased in the last 9 years since the U.S. started its “war on terror”.

"This chart shows the number of terror attacks conducted in Iraq"

U.S. "War On Terror" Has INCREASED Terrorism Washington's Blog
Which Country is the Greatest Threat to World Peace Today

The Nation of Islam
Not true. The fact the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else proves the parties are far different.

Republicans refuse to bribe people for their votes. Its the tougher course, but also the more noble one.

What are tax cuts?

Promising to give tax cuts is promising not to TAKE their money. Taking money and giving money are two totally different things.
Republicans AND Democrats seem to serve the same Masters:

"It's odd that the Obama administration, which came into office promising to be more open and more attentive to civil liberties than the previous one, has been so reluctant to explain its policies in this area.

"Obama and his aides have refused to answer questions about drone strikes because they are part of a covert program, yet they have repeatedly taken credit for their victories in public."

Doyle McManus: U.S. targeted killing program needs discussion - Los Angeles Times

Not true. The fact the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else proves the parties are far different.

Republicans refuse to bribe people for their votes. Its the tougher course, but also the more noble one.

You mean "negotiate". Besides, you don't need to negotiate when you practice voter suppression.
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They think they are and they try to act as if they were. I'd say that's close enough.

How do you know what they think and what makes you believe they dictate to you what a country is?

I don't. What makes you think you can dictate what a country is to me?

And it seems more than likely that people who claim to be a nation consider themselves to be one.

You just said you know what they think. Now you dont? You cant possibly be that stupid can you? A nation is not a country dumbass. A nation is a group of individuals united by a culture etc etc. A country is a geographic political term. You can be a nation without a country. Get a dictionary for cryin out loud.
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Some of the people I have debated with would probably say the FISA, but as that does not exist yet, it doesn't count. I'd probably have to say of actual countries, Switzerland. :lol:
Just kidding, my honest answer would probably be the US as well.

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