Which Country is the Greatest Threat to World Peace Today?

Unfortunately for you wishful thinkers, human conflict can only be contained by powerful authority. Ever hear of Pax Romanica? Like the declining Roman Empire, the United States is now the greatest threat to world peace precisely because of its abdication of power.
Like Rome, any abdication of power on the part of the US has more to do with the corrosive effect of money on our political process, and the use by Republicans AND Democrats alike of politics as a road to personal wealth.

8 striking parallels between the U.S. and the Roman Empire - Salon.com
I don't care what the paid talking heads are saying or what the idiots polled are saying - those same idiot voted for obama, so I am not surprised.

the greatest threat to the peace in the world is RUSSIA - as it has been for the last 400 years at least.

if you want to understand it - check the history of the world and not the brainwashing media you are listening to.

No end visible for the trend.
Russian drones aren't murdering and maiming US civilians:

"Sometimes the reasons for the world’s concerns are obliquely recognized in the United States, as when former CIA director Michael Hayden, discussing Obama’s drone murder campaign, conceded that 'Right now, there isn’t a government on the planet that agrees with our legal rationale for these operations, except for Afghanistan and maybe Israel.'”

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power

Why don't you explain how Russia's been the greatest threat to world peace "for the last 400 years at least."

Chomsky :lol:

you are more retarded than I first thought.

pick a book on the European history ( not the leftard brainwashing comic book, though) and begin some self education.

and have a map of Eastern hemisphere handy ( if you know what a map is and how to read it, which I doubt).
"A normal country would be concerned by how it is viewed in the world.

"Certainly that would be true of a country committed to 'a decent respect to the opinions of mankind,' to quote the Founding Fathers.

"But the United States is far from a normal country.

"It has had the most powerful economy in the world for a century, and has had no real challenge to its global hegemony since World War II, despite some decline, partly self-administered.

"The U.S., conscious of 'soft power,' undertakes major campaigns of 'public diplomacy' (aka propaganda) to create a favorable image, sometimes accompanied by worthwhile policies that are welcomed.

"But when the world persists in believing that the United States is by far the greatest threat to peace, the American press scarcely reports the fact.

"The ability to ignore unwanted facts is one of the prerogatives of unchallenged power.

"Closely related is the right to radically revise history."

Noam Chomsky | Prerogatives of Power
Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Iran kills people using proxies. They were heavily involved in the Lebanese civil war, by the way.. Russia invaded and took over S. Ossetia from Georgia a couple years ago. When was the last time the USA invaded a country and made it part of the USA?
The US and its proxy were heavily involved in the Lebanese civil war also:

"The establishment of the state of Israel and the displacement of a hundred thousand Palestinian refugees to Lebanon changed the demographic balance in favour of the Muslim population.

"The Cold War had a powerful disintegrative effect on Lebanon, which was closely linked to the polarization that preceded the 1958 political crisis, since Maronites sided with the West while Left Wing and pan-Arab groups sided with Soviet aligned Arab countries."

Lebanese Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of course if you're an American lib, you'll joyfully agree with the rest of the worlds take on the U.S.

Contrary to what republican propaganda would have you believe, just because a liberal says something doesn't mean it's automatically wrong.

Beware ye of the mind sickness that is group think.
Of course if you're an American lib, you'll joyfully agree with the rest of the worlds take on the U.S.

I'm a bit confused how you draw the conclusion that if your politics are left of center one would agree with the analysis that most intelligent global citizens have arrived at the conclusion that the US is the greatest threat to world peace. How is that a right/left issue? It seems to me a simple matter of deductive and inductive reasoning, doesn't it?

Which nation's economy relies on weapons manurfacture more than any other?

The United States.

Which nation's political system is influenced by the money infuesed by the might of it's major industries more than any other?

The United States.

If the Weapons industry, which is greater in the U.S. than any other nation on earth, wants to sell more arms, what necessarily has to happen? Well, obviously conflict has to originate somewhere, doesn't it? Or else, necessarily, it needs to sell arms, either to allies and third party sources, and/or the US military. This is, of course, whether the weapons are needed or not.

It is well known in political science, that once one party, group, or nation is armed, a competing group always feels the need to achieve parity. So the best way to increase arms sales, is simple by, well, selling arms. This is often why our arms industry will routinely be involved in selling arms to BOTH SIDES of a conflict. And what better way to sell weapons, but to infiltrate rebel groups and make tension zones sources of hot war.

If you don't know about these things, a nice book to read would be Confessions of an Economic Hit-man. Or you could view the documentary, War on Democracy. All of this has been well understood and has continued for decades.

And as they say, when you have it, it gets used. Why have it if you aren't going to use it? Power projects.

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Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.

Another promise that Obama couldn't pull out of his ass...the world still hates us.:eusa_whistle:

The world hates the US because of what Republicans have done.

1. The GOP invaded another country for fun and to rip off their natural resources.

2. The GOP tried to bring down the world economy.

3. Because the GOP hates foreigners.
Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.

Man, that's true. I mean over the last hundred years, what wars did Democrats get us in? Who did they ever attack? Nobody, that's who. When Democrats are President, we have peace. Well except:

Wilson (WWI), FDR (WWII), Truman (The Korean War), Kennedy/Johnson (The Vietnam War), Carter (troops into Iran) or Clinton (Kosovo, Haiti, The Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan).

And man, Obama really reduced our military involvement by following W's timeline in Iraq, expanding Afghanistan, attacking Libya and sabre rattling Syria.

You're right, dude, it's the Republicans, they're just nuts.

You people are a hoot. Wow, you're stupid. How do you dress yourselves in the morning? It's a poser.

The US attacked Libya?
Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.
Republicans AND Democrats seem to serve the same Masters:

"It's odd that the Obama administration, which came into office promising to be more open and more attentive to civil liberties than the previous one, has been so reluctant to explain its policies in this area.

"Obama and his aides have refused to answer questions about drone strikes because they are part of a covert program, yet they have repeatedly taken credit for their victories in public."

Doyle McManus: U.S. targeted killing program needs discussion - Los Angeles Times

Not true. The fact the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else proves the parties are far different.
Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.
Republicans AND Democrats seem to serve the same Masters:

"It's odd that the Obama administration, which came into office promising to be more open and more attentive to civil liberties than the previous one, has been so reluctant to explain its policies in this area.

"Obama and his aides have refused to answer questions about drone strikes because they are part of a covert program, yet they have repeatedly taken credit for their victories in public."

Doyle McManus: U.S. targeted killing program needs discussion - Los Angeles Times

Not true. The fact the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else proves the parties are far different.

Republicans refuse to bribe people for their votes. Its the tougher course, but also the more noble one.
Everybody loves to hate a super power.
When the super power maims, murders, and displaces millions of innocent civilians, what's surprising about hatred from its victims?

Evil America...don't you worry, it's chickens will come home to roost.:eusa_whistle:

Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.

Another promise that Obama couldn't pull out of his ass...the world still hates us.:eusa_whistle:

The world hates the US because of what Republicans have done.

1. The GOP invaded another country for fun and to rip off their natural resources.

2. The GOP tried to bring down the world economy.

3. Because the GOP hates foreigners.

that Sherry is a loon :tinfoil: Why she feels competent to even post in this thread is a mystery. Look at her zany statements above. Go back to the Coffee shop Sherry you hateful, rw tool. :thup: :bye1:
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Republicans AND Democrats seem to serve the same Masters:

"It's odd that the Obama administration, which came into office promising to be more open and more attentive to civil liberties than the previous one, has been so reluctant to explain its policies in this area.

"Obama and his aides have refused to answer questions about drone strikes because they are part of a covert program, yet they have repeatedly taken credit for their victories in public."

Doyle McManus: U.S. targeted killing program needs discussion - Los Angeles Times

Not true. The fact the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else proves the parties are far different.

Republicans refuse to bribe people for their votes. Its the tougher course, but also the more noble one.

What are tax cuts?
The DNC.

Consider how at risk the entire world becomes when the USA is too weak to act as a world stabilizer.

The goal of the DNC is to weaken the USA to the point where we can no longer be that stabilizing force.
The DNC.

Consider how at risk the entire world becomes when the USA is too weak to act as a world stabilizer.

The goal of the DNC is to weaken the USA to the point where we can no longer be that stabilizing force.

The biggest threats to Americans come from within the country not from outside
Agree, it's us in the USA. For all their faults, DPRK, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, they're not startng wars and toppling other countries, we are.

Iran kills people using proxies. They were heavily involved in the Lebanese civil war, by the way.. Russia invaded and took over S. Ossetia from Georgia a couple years ago. When was the last time the USA invaded a country and made it part of the USA?

So it's ok to invade another country and topple it's government and occupy it with troops for 60years or so, just as long as we don't make it join us.
The DNC.

Consider how at risk the entire world becomes when the USA is too weak to act as a world stabilizer.

The goal of the DNC is to weaken the USA to the point where we can no longer be that stabilizing force.

The biggest threats to Americans come from within the country not from outside

Obama did not come from within the country... just sayin.
Seems to depend on how much power Republicans have.
Republicans AND Democrats seem to serve the same Masters:

"It's odd that the Obama administration, which came into office promising to be more open and more attentive to civil liberties than the previous one, has been so reluctant to explain its policies in this area.

"Obama and his aides have refused to answer questions about drone strikes because they are part of a covert program, yet they have repeatedly taken credit for their victories in public."

Doyle McManus: U.S. targeted killing program needs discussion - Los Angeles Times

Not true. The fact the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else proves the parties are far different.


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