Which does more damage 1 million barrels or 325 barrels???

Well, the 325 barrel max is complete bullshit (of course). But hey, I'll take a million barrels in the middle of the Atlantic over 350 barrels in my water supply any day.

Hey Healthmyths, do you think this pipeline transporting oil from Canada to ports in the Gulf is going to make gas cheaper in the US?

Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???

AND YOU ARE an IDIOT! HOW..f..king much WATER do you consume in ONE DAY?
YOU don't even know that and YOU make a stupid comment about 325 NOT 350 barrels idiot can't even read can you ?

Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!


8537 will crush you in the facts game homey. Fall back.

That may be true... I'm just asking why is it that there was so much concern of the possibility 325 barrels would spill in one mile of pipeline BUT no one seems concerned about 1 million barrels EACH day in ONE ship on the ocean when WE KNOW what happened with Exxon Valdez!

There are approximately 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines (usually 8 - 24 inches diameter).. ..why the concern over ADDING just 3% of the 55,000 miles!
Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???

AND YOU ARE an IDIOT! HOW..f..king much WATER do you consume in ONE DAY?
YOU don't even know that and YOU make a stupid comment about 325 NOT 350 barrels idiot can't even read can you ?

Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!


8537 will crush you in the facts game homey. Fall back.

That may be true... I'm just asking why is it that there was so much concern of the possibility 325 barrels would spill in one mile of pipeline BUT no one seems concerned about 1 million barrels EACH day in ONE ship on the ocean when WE KNOW what happened with Exxon Valdez!

There are approximately 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines (usually 8 - 24 inches diameter).. ..why the concern over ADDING just 3% of the 55,000 miles!

Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius.

8537 will crush you in the facts game homey. Fall back.

That may be true... I'm just asking why is it that there was so much concern of the possibility 325 barrels would spill in one mile of pipeline BUT no one seems concerned about 1 million barrels EACH day in ONE ship on the ocean when WE KNOW what happened with Exxon Valdez!

There are approximately 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines (usually 8 - 24 inches diameter).. ..why the concern over ADDING just 3% of the 55,000 miles!

Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius.
Into very dangerous container ships like the Exxon Valdez! We better stop this international oil transportation thing, pronto.

Besides, I've been to the Gulf. I've seen all those kids in the water? You think they ain't pissing in it? Ruined, I tell ya.

8537 will crush you in the facts game homey. Fall back.

That may be true... I'm just asking why is it that there was so much concern of the possibility 325 barrels would spill in one mile of pipeline BUT no one seems concerned about 1 million barrels EACH day in ONE ship on the ocean when WE KNOW what happened with Exxon Valdez!

There are approximately 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines (usually 8 - 24 inches diameter).. ..why the concern over ADDING just 3% of the 55,000 miles!

Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius.
NO question.. IT could be re-shipped into 1 million barrel tankers at the end of the 2,147 pipeline! YES you are right!
BUT it didn't have to travel 2,147 MORE miles by tanker!
AGAIN dumb.f..k.. WHICH IS MORE AT RISK of CRASHING the 1 million barrels traveling the 2,147 miles by sea or 2,147 miles by pipeline?

DUH... YOU CAN'T WIN THIS BECAUSE the simple premise is:
2,147 miles by pipeline with at most one mile at risk : 325 barrels!
OR 2,147 miles by TANKER 1 million BARRELs!
YOU seriously can't admit that can you!
And see that's the problem with totally ignorant people that can't accept realities
and it is a reality.. 1 million barrels going by tanker every day has a greater chance of spilling MORE oil then 325 barrels in one mile of pipeline!
A pipeline that can be SHUT down immediately .. TANKER how you going shut it down!
That may be true... I'm just asking why is it that there was so much concern of the possibility 325 barrels would spill in one mile of pipeline BUT no one seems concerned about 1 million barrels EACH day in ONE ship on the ocean when WE KNOW what happened with Exxon Valdez!

There are approximately 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines (usually 8 - 24 inches diameter).. ..why the concern over ADDING just 3% of the 55,000 miles!

Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius.
NO question.. IT could be re-shipped into 1 million barrel tankers at the end of the 2,147 pipeline! YES you are right!
BUT it didn't have to travel 2,147 MORE miles by tanker!

What the fuck are you talking about? It can't get from the Tar Sands to the ocean by tanker. I don't care to post a map, but you'll have to trust me when I say that Alberta and Saskatchewan are land locked.

Of course, they could build a pipeline to Vancouver.

DUH... YOU CAN'T WIN THIS BECAUSE the simple premise is:
2,147 miles by pipeline with at most one mile at risk : 325 barrels!
OR 2,147 miles by TANKER 1 million BARRELs!

Tell us more about these landlock oil tankers.
Did I hear something about Obama and 1000 of his friends wanting to piss in my drinking water?
Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius.
NO question.. IT could be re-shipped into 1 million barrel tankers at the end of the 2,147 pipeline! YES you are right!
BUT it didn't have to travel 2,147 MORE miles by tanker!

What the fuck are you talking about? It can't get from the Tar Sands to the ocean by tanker. I don't care to post a map, but you'll have to trust me when I say that Alberta and Saskatchewan are land locked.

Of course, they could build a pipeline to Vancouver.

DUH... YOU CAN'T WIN THIS BECAUSE the simple premise is:
2,147 miles by pipeline with at most one mile at risk : 325 barrels!
OR 2,147 miles by TANKER 1 million BARRELs!

Tell us more about these landlock oil tankers.

DO YOU REMEMBER YOU raised the POINT about once
you wrote:"Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius"

MY point was how does the OIL get to the Gulf if there was no 2,147 pipeline!
YOU said "where does the oil go gets to the gulf">..
MY point you dumb...a... was IF Canada doesn't sell to USA via the pipeline, it will go by pipeline OVER Canada to TANKERS on Canada west coast and then you idiot..
BY TANKERS to China or elsewhere...
GEEZ keep this straight...

1) Canada will produce 1 million barrels a day.
Either it goes over their pipeline to CHINA it will have to go by SHIP to CHINA RIGHT??

2) Canada sells to USA and goes to Texas refineries via pipeline 2,147 miles long!

If it gets to gulf via pipeline STILL could go from there by tanker BUT
AT LEAST the 2,147 miles of US coast line and the Pacific Ocean not at RISK!

So AGAIN... Ship OIL to CHINA BY tanker: 1 million barrels by ship at risk!
BUT if goes by pipeline to Texas EVEN if it's then re-shipped by TANKERS at least
1 million barrels won't be at risk of the Pacific Ocean!!!

NO way this can be denied!
Did I hear something about Obama and 1000 of his friends wanting to piss in my drinking water?

Too late! That's why I no longer swim in Lake Michigan.

(Well, that plus the fact that I live 2,000 miles away from it now)
NO question.. IT could be re-shipped into 1 million barrel tankers at the end of the 2,147 pipeline! YES you are right!
BUT it didn't have to travel 2,147 MORE miles by tanker!

What the fuck are you talking about? It can't get from the Tar Sands to the ocean by tanker. I don't care to post a map, but you'll have to trust me when I say that Alberta and Saskatchewan are land locked.

Of course, they could build a pipeline to Vancouver.

DUH... YOU CAN'T WIN THIS BECAUSE the simple premise is:
2,147 miles by pipeline with at most one mile at risk : 325 barrels!
OR 2,147 miles by TANKER 1 million BARRELs!

Tell us more about these landlock oil tankers.

DO YOU REMEMBER YOU raised the POINT about once
you wrote:"Where does the oil go once it gets to the gulf, genius"

No, I don't remember me raising that point once. Can you quote me saying that?

MY point was how does the OIL get to the Gulf if there was no 2,147 pipeline!

YOU said "where does the oil go gets to the gulf">..
MY point you dumb...a... was IF Canada doesn't sell to USA via the pipeline, it will go by pipeline OVER Canada to TANKERS on Canada west coast and then you idiot..
BY TANKERS to China or elsewhere...
GEEZ keep this straight...
They are not selling it to the US via the pipeline. They are shipping it across the USA via pipeline.

1) Canada will produce 1 million barrels a day.
Either it goes over their pipeline to CHINA it will have to go by SHIP to CHINA RIGHT??

oil is fungible and it sells on a spot market. Canadians selling oil to China will have the exact same impact on our price and supply as if the sold oil to US-based companies.

2) Canada sells to USA and goes to Texas refineries via pipeline 2,147 miles long!

If it gets to gulf via pipeline STILL could go from there by tanker BUT
AT LEAST the 2,147 miles of US coast line and the Pacific Ocean not at RISK!

No. if they shipped it to Vancouver none of our coastline would be at risk. In case you missed it, Vancouver is in Canada. And China is, well....in China. Part of Asia. Which is not part of the USA. Or even America. Or near America.

If kids in China piss in the ocean the water in SFO doesn't get polluted.

NO way this can be denied.
Just to let you know, we supply you with 25% of your energy needs. We can supply you with a lot more. Either the Chinese will buy the bitumen and refine it and do with it what they want or you can buy it, refine it , and do what you want with it. But we are going to sell it to some body despite Obama.
Just to let you know, we supply you with 25% of your energy needs. We can supply you with a lot more. Either the Chinese will buy the bitumen and refine it and do with it what they want or you can buy it, refine it , and do what you want with it. But we are going to sell it to some body despite Obama.

You supply about 30% of my state's energy via HydroQuebec! But I pay you back quite often by spending too much money in Montreal and Quebec city. The Scotch in Montreal is too good to pass up - and the beer ain't too shabby either.

The US government doesn't buy bitumen. Private, multinational firms do. Be they based in China or Mexico, the impact on the spot market is the same.
Well if you don't want all the spin offs from refining bitumen in Texas, not a problem, as I said we are diversifying. The Chinese are only to happy to take that away from you and we're happy to sell to them. A shame really.
You know, USCitizen, I hadn't thought of that earlier but that just blew this dude's whole entire thesis up in smoke.

Once the oil travels through the pipeline, the GULF will then be shipping the Millions of Barrels that the Pacific would have been shipping without the PIPELINE,

and instead of it ending up in Northern pacific waters, we have the Gulf of Mexico polluted with the million barrels which hurts us a great deal more.


Still whether shipped by 1 million barrel tanker from Canada to china OR
piped to Texas and then by tanker..
STILL DOESN'T alter the FACT that 1 million sent by tanker from Canada is 2,147 miles
MORE opportunities for disaster then ONCE it travels 2,147 miles at that point POSSIBLY goes by 1 million barrel tanker .. AT LEAST 2,147 miles of coast lines are NOT at risks!
False dilemma.

You know, USCitizen, I hadn't thought of that earlier but that just blew this dude's whole entire thesis up in smoke.

Once the oil travels through the pipeline, the GULF will then be shipping the Millions of Barrels that the Pacific would have been shipping without the PIPELINE,

and instead of it ending up in Northern pacific waters, we have the Gulf of Mexico polluted with the million barrels which hurts us a great deal more.


Still whether shipped by 1 million barrel tanker from Canada to china OR
piped to Texas and then by tanker..
STILL DOESN'T alter the FACT that 1 million sent by tanker from Canada is 2,147 miles
MORE opportunities for disaster then ONCE it travels 2,147 miles at that point POSSIBLY goes by 1 million barrel tanker .. AT LEAST 2,147 miles of coast lines are NOT at risks!

A tanker going from Canada to China has a much (much!) shorter trip than one going from the Gulf to China. In fact, if it travels from Vancouver to China it puts almost no US coastline at risk.
How much is a right of way from Canada to Texas going to cost private interests in the pipeline?

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