Which Five Countries Do You Think The U.S Should Militarily Defend?


America First...MAGA
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
According to the results from a Rasmussen Reports poll, here are the countries that matter most to Americans:

Just like last year, Canada leads the list of 18 countries regularly in the news when Americans are asked whether the United States should provide military assistance to that country if it is attacked.

The other four – in order – are Great Britain, Israel, Germany and Mexico. The level of support is basically unchanged from last year’s survey with the exception of Mexico for which support is down slightly.

Most Americans Name Just Five Countries That U.S. Should Defend Militarily - Rasmussen Reports
Israel, Mexico, Australia, the UK and Monaco.

Fuck Canada....they won't share their recipe for beer.
According to the results from a Rasmussen Reports poll, here are the countries that matter most to Americans:

Just like last year, Canada leads the list of 18 countries regularly in the news when Americans are asked whether the United States should provide military assistance to that country if it is attacked.

The other four – in order – are Great Britain, Israel, Germany and Mexico. The level of support is basically unchanged from last year’s survey with the exception of Mexico for which support is down slightly.

Most Americans Name Just Five Countries That U.S. Should Defend Militarily - Rasmussen Reports

Ill make it easy, the countries that would defend US if we were attacked.

Though I'm sure American support would be warmly welcomed by the U.K if she were to be attacked, I, and I'm sure the Prime Minister will agree with me, can only see America being called upon for protection if Britain were threatened by either Russia or China. The reason being that they overwhelm us in terms of manpower and assets. Even though those assets could be quite easily be rendered useless by a mere turn in the weather.

But it goes without saying that we'd still shed rivers of blood before we let the Russians or the Dinks get their grubby hands on the crown jewels.

Summing up, I like to think of the U.K and the U.S as cousins that constantly bicker and argue. But when one or the other is threatened by a tin-pot thug, they both reach for their war chests in unison.
It appears we are still part of the British Empire (of which Palestine was a part).

But, so was Saudi Arabia? And Saudi has a much larger strategic value.

Egypt and Panama control Strategic canals.

And what about Taiwan? South Korea?

I'm not even certain Canada isn't really part of the USA, and the USA isn't part of Mexico, so I suppose we need to defend them as much as we'd need to defend Arizona, or Maine.

So my list includes Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Panama, and Egypt.
I think, like most of America, Middleman assumes Isreal is guaranteed protection. So therefore see's no point in including it in the list.
Mexico, Canada, Great Britain, Australia.

Australia does have some nice beaches, but its a heluva long way to go to get wet.

The U.K. is I think, the largest investor in the U.S.......however, They can probably skip tea-time for a week or so and be able to protect themselves.
According to the results from a Rasmussen Reports poll, here are the countries that matter most to Americans:

Just like last year, Canada leads the list of 18 countries regularly in the news when Americans are asked whether the United States should provide military assistance to that country if it is attacked.

The other four – in order – are Great Britain, Israel, Germany and Mexico. The level of support is basically unchanged from last year’s survey with the exception of Mexico for which support is down slightly.

Most Americans Name Just Five Countries That U.S. Should Defend Militarily - Rasmussen Reports

all of europe (or most, anyway)
S korea
Basically no one.

And especially not Israel.

Israel does nothing but cause America grief and is a black hole for US tax payer money.

Little more complex than which ones would I support defending, I think for the most part just us however if China landed in Montreal or Mexico City, sure, I would support defending them or if a madman started conquering Europe but that does not mean we should keep a presence 24/7/365 around the world.
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Little more complex than which ones would I support defending, I think for the most part just us however if China landed in Montreal or Mexico City, sure, I would support defending them or if a madman started conquering Europe but that does not mean we should keep a presence 24/7/365 around the world.

Who is to say who is a madman, and who is a conniving bastard with territorial ambitions? Hell this country once put Theo. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Abraham Lincoln in the White House. Kinda hard to judge other countries leaders with that record.

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