Which loopholes will Romney close?

It's because he has no idea which ones he'll close that will help middle class Americans.

Actually, did anyone catch in his answer during the debate, he talked about tax credits that were transferrable (in other words, here's credits, use it on what's most important to you) But picked a number out of his ass?

oh, let's say $2500.

The main goal of his tax plan is to reduce tax by 20% on rich guys. That should be exceedingly clear.
C'mon wing nuts. I was really looking forward to you all proving your objectivity. Or maybe you have...
I have never heard him mention capping credits/loopholes before. I thought that was an interesting idea.
neither candidate is being specific, except obama has been clear that he's going to keep increasing the deficit.

If that's not a reason to not vote for him, then you can't be helped
neither candidate is being specific, except obama has been clear that he's going to keep increasing the deficit.

If that's not a reason to not vote for him, then you can't be helped
Bishop Willard will increase the debt $8.716 trillion over 10 years and that is without including the cost of his planned war with Iran.
neither candidate is being specific, except obama has been clear that he's going to keep increasing the deficit.

If that's not a reason to not vote for him, then you can't be helped
Bishop Willard will increase the debt $8.716 trillion over 10 years and that is without including the cost of his planned war with Iran.

obama will jump it 15

and thats not including his planned war with Israel
I love the way these guys talk about closing loopholes and then cannot bother to mention whose oxen will be gored by it.

Mitt is planning on goring the HOME TAX DEDUCTIONS such that those of you who get to write off the intrest paid on your home mortgages won't be able to.

Basically Mitt's plan is to increase taxes on the WORKING CLASS and to give still more deductions and lower tex rates on capital gains to the MONIED CLASSES.

We are IN a class war, folks, make no mistake about it.
Obama is the biggest loophole we have right now, By electing Romney we get rid of Obama and close one big loophole ,so recovery can begin..............
Took me two minutes. From Mittromney.com:
Individual Taxes

America’s individual tax code applies relatively high marginal tax rates on a narrow tax base. Those high rates discourage work and entrepreneurship, as well as savings and investment. With 54 percent of private sector workers employed outside of corporations, individual rates also define the incentives for job-creating businesses. Lower marginal tax rates secure for all Americans the economic gains from tax reform.

Make permanent, across-the-board 20 percent cut in marginal rates
Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains
Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with AGI below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains
Eliminate the Death Tax
Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

Corporate Taxes

The U.S. economy’s 35 percent corporate tax rate is among the highest in the industrial world, reducing the ability of our nation’s businesses to compete in the global economy and to invest and create jobs at home. By limiting investment and growth, the high rate of corporate tax also hurts U.S. wages.

Cut the corporate rate to 25 percent
Strengthen and make permanent the R&D tax credit
Switch to a territorial tax system
Repeal the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
Gotta' look up "territorial tax system".
Unlike Obama, Romney wants to work WITH the Democrats to determine which loopholes to close. It's called BIPARTISANSHIP, dumb asses. Something Obama never figured out how to work.
Unlike Obama, Romney wants to work WITH the Democrats to determine which loopholes to close. It's called BIPARTISANSHIP, dumb asses. Something Obama never figured out how to work.

OH, bullshit. The Rethuglicans over the last 4 years were the biggest obstructionist pricks they could be.

Besiides which, there is no point in bipartisanship, when the other half is clearly insane.
Romney is being honest to the people.
He has suggested several different ones that needs to be eliminated.
You all know that it is Congress who will work out what tax deductions will be eliminated for the upper class. Romney has said this many times.
neither candidate is being specific, except obama has been clear that he's going to keep increasing the deficit.

If that's not a reason to not vote for him, then you can't be helped

I won't be voting for Obama. But that doesn't mean that I'm voting for Romney, either.
Unlike Obama, Romney wants to work WITH the Democrats to determine which loopholes to close. It's called BIPARTISANSHIP, dumb asses. Something Obama never figured out how to work.

srsly? The lack of bipartisanship has been on the part of Congress, not the President.

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