which parts of leviticus should we follow

we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

Leviticus is about praising God before Jesus was born.

Now that he's been born Leviticus is canceled out.

Next subject.
I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.
How about we just convert to Islam and just kill them all?
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

Leviticus is about praising God before Jesus was born.

Now that he's been born Leviticus is canceled out.

Next subject.

"Not one jot or tittle"?
We should follow the part that says "Thou shalt giveth Eagleseven your treasure, else he will poke you with his pointy stick of righteousness."
if leviticus is canceled out why do the Christians still use it to bash gay people?
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

Those damn Jews! It's always the Jews fault, isn't it!!!!!
Is there any specific reasons we need to follow the rules for a levite?
if leviticus is canceled out why do the Christians still use it to bash gay people?

We dont. We invite all people, including gays, to repent and come to Christ.

Unfortunately, the message is rarely listened to and applied.
if leviticus is canceled out why do the Christians still use it to bash gay people?

We dont. We invite all people, including gays, to repent and come to Christ.

Unfortunately, the message is rarely listened to and applied.

The Word of God is more than "Law"> Yet so many people seem to weant to put it all into legalism. They are NOT listening when we say that the Book of Leviticus is more than just laws. It is general principles of what is sin and what should bne avoided. The laws were for the people of that day that God was specifically developing. The Levitical laws are all history. Christians should not even use those passages to talk about punishment of gays. However, the fact that homosexual acts are sin cannot be overlooked. Children still disobey their parents, and it is still a sin, but Jesus has made a way for forgiveness and repentence. There are still wages for sin, but they all include only separation forever from God.

Some people might not take that seriously, but they don'g know that in the world today the presence of God is actually more of a blessing to everyone than it might seem. When that presence is gond, look out!

We take fresh air for granted, but when it becomes poluted, look out!
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

Every single person who got a divorce should be stoned as well! Blasphemers... :lol:
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

all unfaithful women should be stoned to death?

sorry can't follow Leviticus very well myself. I love seared decaying swine flesh.
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

all unfaithful women should be stoned to death?

sorry can't follow Leviticus very well myself. I love seared decaying swine flesh.

trying to tell us something u s
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

all unfaithful women should be stoned to death?

sorry can't follow Leviticus very well myself. I love seared decaying swine flesh.

trying to tell us something u s

Well I guess you could conclude that I am not a JOO?
we all know that the gay people get a rough time due to Leviticus but I think Christians aren't following jesus properly b/c I have yet to see someone stoned for blaspheming the lord as instructed here:

Leviticus 24:16 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com

I think Christians either need to start stoning people to do death or they need to stop picking on gays, otherwise they are hypocrites.

all unfaithful women should be stoned to death?

sorry can't follow Leviticus very well myself. I love seared decaying swine flesh.

Especially those that might tell your wife what you have been doing? :lol:


J/K!!!! I have no information that USC has done anything at all to break his vows to his wife.
Both Jeremiah and Ezekial used the same phrasology in fortelling the lifting of a specific curse of the Law found within the plain text of one of the ten commandments. (the sins of the father will be visited on the children to the third and forth generation of them that hate God.)

Jeremiah in chapter 31 and Ezekial in chapter 18 said you will hear this proverb no more in Israel; The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the childrens teeth are on edge. Both described a coming new covenant where the Lord would give us new hearts and new minds and we would all be responsible for our own sins. Ezekial 18 goes into great detail about what the terms would be under this foretold new covenant.

Of course, one has to actually accept and live up to the terms of the new covenant to be out from under this curse of the Law. With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.
"which parts of leviticus should we follow"

All of it. In the same note that is meant for each individual personally to follow, the Ten commandments still apply always and forever. Search out your own heart and kill those things within yourself that are an abomination to God. Pretty simple really.

Generally most Believers do know and/or understand what that "Personal relationship" means personal/self examination.

"But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand. I and [my] Father are one."

The Ten Commandments do not apply along with everything else in the OT regarding atonement with God for Christians. There is a reason why it is called the OLD Testament. Plus, Heb 8:13 specifically states it no longer applies. The fundamental flaw in your claim is not realizing atonement with God cannot be achieved by our actions. It is Grace alone.

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