Which presidential hopeful is talking about this?

“I haven't heard a single candidate mention this easy way to save so much money.”

That's because many find change frightening, particularly 'messing' with 'their' money.

I've seen countries change their currency all together, even old people managed, though with a bit of a struggle, to cope with that.

When Spain went from the Peseta to the Euro, 100 Pesetas was worth 60 cents. They only had pesetas, no cents or anything, but they managed it.
It's always do-able. But the main thing seems to be special interests at play. You bring this through you lose the support of two senators and maybe some members of the house too.
You borrow dollars from the Fed? Why? How?
The US does not have its own money. It borrows it from the Fed which is not a government department but a private bank.

The Federal government doesn't borrow currency from the Fed. Why would the government need currency?
And the Fed is part of the government, not private.
Not true. The Fed is a private banking cartel.

No. The Fed is owned by the US government.

Thanks for the idiotic video.
The Fed is Federal and it has trillions in reserves.
It is part of the government.
I could point out more of the errors, but why bother?

Who owns the Federal Reserve?
The Federal Reserve System fulfills its public mission as an independent entity within government. It is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution.
As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress of the United States. It is considered an independent central bank because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms.

However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by the Congress, which often reviews the Federal Reserve's activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government" rather than "independent of government."

The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by the Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized similarly to private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year.

FRB Who owns the Federal Reserve
ugh I would hate this so much. I despise change, I leave that crap on the counter everywhere cause I can't stand putting it in my pockets (I hate purses.)

Need one dollar bills to make the silly $XX9 though. I'd rather get rid of all coins personally (I already do anyway heh)

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