Which Republican Senators would support Obama's Supreme Court nominee?

they should consider his nominee in a timely fashion as well, as there is no rational reason not to.

voters are watching and they are free to TRY to delay...

and they are also free to explain their rejection rationale with conviction, so voters can decide for themselves how to view who is representing their best interest and who is being irrationally obstructionist...

It's not obstructionist to demand someone like justice Scalia to fill his seat. Now, that's a hard pair of shoes to fill for even a republican president, he was one of our greatest. But the chances of the current bozo in the white house picking someone of Scalia's caliber are virtually nil. But for the record, I agree... the SJC should convene hearings in a timely manner and they should deliberate Obama's nominee thoroughly and extensively... then reject them and make Obama start over. I don't want them to obstruct the process, I want them to use the process to run the clock out.
Yup seeing as how Obama will nominate someone not acceptable there is no reason to think his nominee will pass.
You should see who he nominates first so not to look like a stupid partisan hack who's clearly playing fucking games with our democracy. Thank you for turning out the vote.

We don't have a black man to get blacks to show up to vote so how about the next Justice will believe that Black Lives Matter? That Muslim Americans are not the enemy. That gays should have equal rights and women should have a choice over their reproductive rights. That illegals deserve a path to citizenship. Despite what Trump says Mexicans are not all rapists.
His short list is Holder Lynch and a couple other liberal scum, why do you think he will nominate someone acceptable?

He is not going with Lynch. She is already Attorney General and Obama does not want to go through another AG confirmation nightmare
Yup seeing as how Obama will nominate someone not acceptable there is no reason to think his nominee will pass.
You should see who he nominates first so not to look like a stupid partisan hack who's clearly playing fucking games with our democracy. Thank you for turning out the vote.

We don't have a black man to get blacks to show up to vote so how about the next Justice will believe that Black Lives Matter? That Muslim Americans are not the enemy. That gays should have equal rights and women should have a choice over their reproductive rights. That illegals deserve a path to citizenship. Despite what Trump says Mexicans are not all rapists.
His short list is Holder Lynch and a couple other liberal scum, why do you think he will nominate someone acceptable?

He is not going with Lynch. She is already Attorney General and Obama does not want to go through another AG confirmation nightmare
Bottom line is the supreme Court won't be as conservative as it was before scalia died. No way a right wing nutters gonna be appointed. I'll take a moderate.

America just got more liberal and Republicans know it.

And trumps taken over yer party
Those in Washington just need to do their jobs. Fortunately there is a big enough base of Independents to punish either party when they're seen as simply playing games.
Those in Washington just need to do their jobs. Fortunately there is a big enough base of Independents to punish either party when they're seen as simply playing games.
I wish that were true. In Australia 90% vote so the politicians fight for the independent and undecided votes. In America we have low voter turnout so politicians cater to the extreme right and left

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