Which words are we allowed to be off topic with in threads?

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Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
Jimmy_Chitten has thoroughly proven that we can post "wyeho" in any thread without getting in trouble for being off topic. He has done this HUNDREDS of times. Ive reported it no less than 30-40 times, but nothing ever happens, so clearly "wyeho" is an acceptable response in any USMB thread.

Since its allowed, I WILL be posting "wyeho" a lot from now on (im actually starting to see other people post "wyeho" now too, so its catching on like fire!) but i was hoping there were some other things i can post off topic with. How about "fuck stink"? Can i be off topic by posting "fuck stink" too, or is "wyeho" the only off topic exception allowed in the rules?
Jimmy_Chitten has thoroughly proven that we can post "wyeho" in any thread without getting in trouble for being off topic. He has done this HUNDREDS of times. Ive reported it no less than 30-40 times, but nothing ever happens, so clearly "wyeho" is an acceptable response in any USMB thread.

Since its allowed, I WILL be posting "wyeho" a lot from now on (im actually starting to see other people post "wyeho" now too, so its catching on like fire!) but i was hoping there were some other things i can post off topic with. How about "fuck stink"? Can i be off topic by posting "fuck stink" too, or is "wyeho" the only off topic exception allowed in the rules?
I have not ween "wyeho" posted anywhere and claim ignorance on this one. So translate please. What is "wyeho"?
I have not ween "wyeho" posted anywhere and claim ignorance on this one. So translate please. What is "wyeho"?
Wyeho means nothing. Jimmy_Chitten just likes it when someone asks him what it means. He likes wasting your time with it, but he never answers if you ask him what it means.

Do a word search on USMB for "wyeho" and type in Jimmy_Chitten for the name. You will find 17 pages worth of search results, which is almost 400 times. Think about that... this guy has typed "wyeho" as a one word response in HUNDREDS of threads!!!!

Im telling you... you can absolutely be off topic in any thread you want, so long as you just type "wyeho". Ive reported him MANY times, but nothing happens, so i guess you can have at it! Wyeho is perfectly acceptable to spam in threads.
You will notice that the mods wont address this. They never do. Their lack of response is how you know you are allowed to troll any thread with this made up word. :dunno:
I have not ween "wyeho" posted anywhere and claim ignorance on this one. So translate please. What is "wyeho"?
If we speak it out we'd likely get hit with an infraction. Which means it should not be tolerated
W= would
Y= you

H= her
O= out
Remember the time OL didn't know what throwing hot dogs down a hallway meant? Heh heh heh.

I miss OL being around.
She really was a prim and proper Mainer.

I had a whole slew of things for OL. Most involve menstruation.

(cuz I found that really triggered 'er up)
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Jimmy_Chitten has thoroughly proven that we can post "wyeho" in any thread without getting in trouble for being off topic. He has done this HUNDREDS of times. Ive reported it no less than 30-40 times, but nothing ever happens, so clearly "wyeho" is an acceptable response in any USMB thread.

Since its allowed, I WILL be posting "wyeho" a lot from now on (im actually starting to see other people post "wyeho" now too, so its catching on like fire!) but i was hoping there were some other things i can post off topic with. How about "fuck stink"? Can i be off topic by posting "fuck stink" too, or is "wyeho" the only off topic exception allowed in the rules?
Not sure if fuck stink is allowable, but I'm sure they don't like nekkid pictures of Melania, even if you do put pasties on her nipples and she mostly covers her cootch with her hand.
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