Which would you prefer?

Which one would you prefer?

  • A bunch of racists with freedom to say anything

  • People can only say what the govt or other institution has predetermined is OK

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however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
Where you upset when antifa started riots and attacked people when they came our of buildings?
where you upset when hillary supporters attacked trump supporters?

where you cool with the cops being order to not stop the violence?

I'm basically calling you a fucking hypocrite, since the left openly supported these actions and not one thread came out otherwise.
I only recall ONE poster here supporting Antifa's violence--he was a self proclaimed anarchist and I don't think he's here anymore.
EVERYONE else disavowed the violence Antifa was using.
uhm, no.

all the leftists cheered and support antifa, if they didn't, antifa would be gone.
I knew you'd say that, but I put the truth up anyway, just for the record.
feel free to post a link where a known leftist is clearly against antifa and Hillary supporter violence.
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
Where you upset when antifa started riots and attacked people when they came our of buildings?
where you upset when hillary supporters attacked trump supporters?

where you cool with the cops being order to not stop the violence?

I'm basically calling you a fucking hypocrite, since the left openly supported these actions and not one thread came out otherwise.
Well, I'm calling you a fucking asshole racist. As for Antifa, the Klan came first to Charlottesville. Shove your statue up your ass.
the opinion of someone that openly hates the Constitution is meaningless if they still live in country.

have you moved to some shithole?
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
So you think only certain people should be defended by our govt?
You sir, are fucked up. And selfish as hell. A regressive, if you will.
No I don't think any group should get a parade permit if the intent is to incite civil unrest. The purpose for the Klan march that I referred to, and the one in Charlottesville, was for a minority of people to gather together as a mob and attack other people. I don't see why govt should have to facilitate that because it is not "speech."
and there's more proof.

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