While everyone has their heads turned Isis making advances into Yemen, Lybia

ISIS Steadily Gaining Strength In Yemen And Libya While Everyone Looks The Other Way…. | Weasel Zippers

2 of Obama's and Hillary's success stories.
And they wanna take out asaad????

Got to use the possessive suffix on this one.
Affecting that situation means boots on the ground.

Do you want boots on the ground in Syria, Yemen, and Libya?

no boots in Libya, No boots in Yemen-----we may need to send planes into
Saudi arabia with the Shiite shit ---(houthis and Hezbollah) invade Saudi arabia
I like that!

At last we agree!
'While everyone has their heads turned Isis making advances into Yemen, Lybia'

CAN'T be...Obama has them contained...he said so. :p
Having isis control Yemen is part of obama's plan. Then he can send the terrorist leadership to Yemen from Gitmo.
ISIS Steadily Gaining Strength In Yemen And Libya While Everyone Looks The Other Way…. | Weasel Zippers

2 of Obama's and Hillary's success stories.
And they wanna take out asaad????

Got to use the possessive suffix on this one.

This story is obviously bullshit....the messiah told us they were contained so it must be true.

who you gonna believe ?? I rosie---oracle at usmb-----has ALREADY
ORACLEIZED-----the fact that the attack against Saudi arabia for RESCUE OF
THE ROCK------will be from Yemen. (how many times must I oracleize?)
But I thought Sunni Saudi Arabia was fighting the rebels in Yemen. Why are Sunni ISIS types fighting them?

It's all about the idol. Whoever controls the idol controls Allah. Whoever controls Allah controls Islam. 2 BILLION people bow to the idol 5 times a day. That hunk of meteor controls billions of people.

The idol is currently in Mecca, in the Kaaba. If ISIS can get the idol, it lends credence to their Caliphate,.

Rosie is right, Iran desperately wants to get the idol, and so does ISIS. Can the Wahhabi keep control of the idol with these two factions coming at them? Hard to say.

But never forget that Islam is based on the worship of the idol. Everything revolves around the idol.

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