While the Left Squeal, Trump Keeps Winning and Americans Know It


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
The left can BS all they want, but Americans know what they experience and see.

  • Economy booming, check.

  • Unemployment down, check.

  • Wages rising, check.

  • Border security being addressed, check.

  • Possible end to the Korean War that started 68 years ago, check.
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The left can BS all they want, but Americans know what they experience and see.

  • Economy booming, check.

  • Unemployment down, check.

  • Wages rising, check.

  • Border security being addressed, check.

  • Possible end to the Korean War that started 68 years ago, check.

I suspect it is dissent simply for the sake of dissent. The Left seems to think it's all about a position, an argument, a stance and winning arguments matter. When what really matters is the survival and improvement of our great nation. Seems they'd like to tear her down rather than admit they're wrong. It's about our children, our schools, our American way of life and security in a world increasingly gone mad. Our man President Trump is all about the result not political correctness or fear of hurt feelings. Takes a man's man to lead us out of purgatory. The Left can't even tell what gender they want to be. They need to just put on a pair of pants and man up, suck it up, Charlie mike.

  • Economy booming, check. Thanks, Obama.

  • Unemployment down, check. Thanks, Obama.

  • Wages rising, check. Fake News: wages remain fairly stagnant for the great majority.

  • Border security being addressed, check. This would not happen if they were blond blue-eyed ruddy complexioned immigrants.

  • Possible end to the Korean War that started 68 years ago, check. Kim fleeced Trump.

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