While the rest of America is focused on jobs and economic recovery most here? sex

Seems to me that the problem begins with Santorum as these are his positions, something you seem to deny.

You seem to not realize that I agree with his states right stance. Funny thing is he is running for president not governor.


So if a state wanted to go back to not allowing blacks to eat in the same restaurants as whites, that would be a state's right issue also? Or if a state wanted to ignore all federal pollution guidelines, that would be the states right also? As much as you may wish for the US to become a confederacy, where states can make up any law they choose, it is not.

Strawman fail. Federal law trumps states rights. So far as I know there is no federal law on buying rubbers.
Is Santorum going to equate gay marriage with bestiality again?

Why does it matter?

It doesn't. In his religious views sin is sin. Period.

You guys are going nuts because someone has convictions and lives by them. All be it causing no harm to you or anyone else.

If those are indicative of his views on homosexuality.....yes it does matter

As president, Santorum would be filling court appointments at all levels. We know what that will mean to gays
It happens, but on the other side Obama put in place two SCJ's that do not believe in the constitution. That's what happens when someone becomes president. Maybe santorum could offset sotomeyer and kagen and even the playing field some on the bench like it was meant tho be. <--------- I think that right there is what you are really worried about.
Why does it matter?

It doesn't. In his religious views sin is sin. Period.

You guys are going nuts because someone has convictions and lives by them. All be it causing no harm to you or anyone else.

If those are indicative of his views on homosexuality.....yes it does matter

As president, Santorum would be filling court appointments at all levels. We know what that will mean to gays

That doesn't matter. Only leftist judges try to legislate from the bench.

Two of which where just appointed, and one who openly just said she would not use our constitution as a model for Egypt.
Well its up the the GOP to get the discussion back on topic.

You know, the Debt, UE, the economy and all the rest of the important things out there.

Santorum, Romney and Gingrich need to stop pounding each other and go after Barry, his failed policies and the real State of the Union.

Jeeze. Ain't rocket science folks.
Nearly 3 pages in and as predicted no mention of the REAL problems we face. You guys must really be ashamed of where Obama has brought us in this nation.
This is happening on boards all across the net dude, the left have been told to stay off topic and to start arguments on issues that are nonfactors in this election cycle. They will do whatever it takes to derail honest debate on issues because it hurts there candidate and the cause.

Why does it matter?

It doesn't. In his religious views sin is sin. Period.

You guys are going nuts because someone has convictions and lives by them. All be it causing no harm to you or anyone else.

If those are indicative of his views on homosexuality.....yes it does matter

As president, Santorum would be filling court appointments at all levels. We know what that will mean to gays
It happens, but on the other side Obama put in place two SCJ's that do not believe in the constitution. That's what happens when someone becomes president. Maybe santorum could offset sotomeyer and kagen and even the playing field some on the bench like it was meant tho be. <--------- I think that right there is what you are really worried about.

No, I think you are wrong

Scalia and Thomas were put in by Reagan and Bush
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Many voters vote single issues, especially on the religious right, so asking that the conversation be only about the economy neglects reality.
I trust Mitt Romney to keep his religious beliefs out of his decisions as President much more than I trust Santorum
This is great.

The nutters think liberals are trying to take the discussion away from the economy. When, in fact, we are proudly trumpeting the recent successes in private sector job growth.....and growing manufacturing production......and the success at GM.

Lets talk economy.
You people are out of touch. We have REAL issues facing this country and so many of you are obsessed with sexual topics. Most pointedly Rick Santorums beliefs. He's made it VERY CLEAR that his personal beliefs are just that...PERSONAL. Not his public policy positions. But you gotta twist it up to make it a FAKE ISSUE.

Meanwhile the rest of America are concerned about our economy, jobs, taxes, wars, big govt vs small govt, Nanny state and many other issues. Yet many of you on the left are stuck in sex mode. Safe sex, sexual orientation, sex "rights". It's laughable.

I've said all along this election cycle we need to focus on the mechanical problems of our nation but so many just want to wallow in the gutter issues.

Pull you're collective heads out of you're asses and get some fucking perspectives about what's important.
You mean like......giving women the opportunity to.....

Anything to get the attention off our smoldering economy, high gas, food, commodities, unemployment is great news for O.

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