White American or Hispanic American or Asian American?

Which race?

  • White

  • Hispanic

  • Asian (by the Census defined as people from India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Thailand etc.)

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

My paternal grandmother was Roma. From Slovenia. I figure that makes me 25%.

Hey- let's go knock off some liquor stores together. :thup:
I am an American, born and raised here and as indigenous as anyone could be after eight generations. I have no relevant ties to any other country or heritage other than as an historical novelty.
Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

50% Romanian gypsy? That's fuckin' cool. One of my favorite bands is led by a gypsy.

Direct lineage, last of my family arrived in the 1830s, first in the 1740s.
Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

50% Romanian gypsy? That's fuckin' cool. One of my favorite bands is led by a gypsy.

serbian gypsy but gypsies are called romas in their own language and it is politically correct to call them romas (but you dont need to if you dont want im not offended by gypsy) there is a confusion between romanian and roma though romanians are a people in south-central-eastern europe and descendt of dacian balkan people and speak a romance language, roma are a ancient tribe from northern india and speak a indo-aryan language and have generally a dark asian-indian look


Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

50% Romanian gypsy? That's fuckin' cool. One of my favorite bands is led by a gypsy.

serbian gypsy but gypsies are called romas in their own language and it is politically correct to call them romas (but you dont need to if you dont want im not offended by gypsy) there is a confusion between romanian and roma though romanians are a people in south-central-eastern europe and descendt of dacian balkan people and speak a romance language, roma are a ancient tribe from northern india and speak a indo-aryan language and have generally a dark asian-indian look



Interesting I did not know that :thup:
my dad is a quarter roma and three quarter serbian (RIP) his picture is in the video, my mum her picture is also in the video is 7/8 roma and 1/8 russian. that makes me 56.25% roma and 37.5% serb and 6.25% russian but i know nothing about russians i identify only as serbian culturally and with roma background
my dad is a quarter roma and three quarter serbian (RIP) his picture is in the video, my mum her picture is also in the video is 7/8 roma and 1/8 russian. that makes me 56.25% roma and 37.5% serb and 6.25% russian but i know nothing about russians i identify only as serbian culturally and with roma background
Just be black, it's popular now-a-days...
Half Native American (Cherokee). Have a picture of my great grandmother who looked exactly like a female Geronamo.
Im neither White nor Hispanic im 56.25% romany gypsy (a ancient tribe from northern india) and 43.75% balkan south eastern european, but where do I better fit if I lived in USA? And why are Northafricans and Mideasterners and Arabs White in the USA? Here is my Video for those who dont know how I look like and to get a impression, also there are pictures at the end of the Video of me as a kid and of my parents. Asian here means not Chinese or Thai but Pakistani or Indian, just for the ones who could be confused.

Your video looks like Pakistani/Indian, to me, far more than Southeastern European, yet you're only slightly more than half. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
my dad is a quarter roma and three quarter serbian (RIP) his picture is in the video, my mum her picture is also in the video is 7/8 roma and 1/8 russian. that makes me 56.25% roma and 37.5% serb and 6.25% russian but i know nothing about russians i identify only as serbian culturally and with roma background
Just be black, it's popular now-a-days...
Don't forget to remind him he can never go back :thup:
Is it even important to label yourself like that? I heard that when you send your children to school you need to register there race probably in hospital too when they are born or when you go to the doctor etc. when you seek a job etc. Is that true or you dont need to do that? In Austria I dont need to declare any race and I like it that way. No one asks me if im white or black

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