White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

The US is getting gayer by the minute, in Oklahoma no less. I thought that state was supposed to be "right wing"?

People says nagger and people launch into organized protest :lol:

All 77 counties voted against Obama, not once, but twice. I don't know how you can get any more right wing than that.

You can act like an asshole all you want, especially while you're sitting comfortably at home, behind your keyboard. However, you'd be too much of a chickenshit-coward to say any of these things out loud and in public.

You're a real internet trooper!

I have said ****** and other politically incorrect things in public spaces, even at my university. Hopefully there is some retroactive mechanism for my expulsion. :lol:

You must not live where any Black people are close enough to knock your teeth down your throat.

Yea my country is really missing out on the vibrancy of high crime rates and super sensitive feels. :lol:

No wonder you feel safe saying those things. Otherwise you would be just another scary white boy saying ****** under his breath in his moms basement.

Lol I like how you brag about acting like a 5 year old and hitting someone for mean words. Go sit at the principal's office until your mommy comes to pick you up :lol:
I like how you get into a fit over someone saying the nagger word.

Mommy he said a mean word! :lol:

Yes they did and they have a right to say it

The University also has a right to say they don't want organizations that enjoy dancing around and singing the word on their campus
We have the right to free speech as long as you we don't hurt your precious feelings. Lol nice.
Even then you have the right. However if you live in the states we have a right to fuck with your livelihood, education, finances, and peace of mind for doing so.
You have the right, as long as you say what we like. Same thing in the old East Bloc as well.
Too bad. So sad.
Chill out 'comrade' :lol:
All 77 counties voted against Obama, not once, but twice. I don't know how you can get any more right wing than that.

You can act like an asshole all you want, especially while you're sitting comfortably at home, behind your keyboard. However, you'd be too much of a chickenshit-coward to say any of these things out loud and in public.

You're a real internet trooper!
I have said ****** and other politically incorrect things in public spaces, even at my university. Hopefully there is some retroactive mechanism for my expulsion. :lol:
You must not live where any Black people are close enough to knock your teeth down your throat.
Yea my country is really missing out on the vibrancy of high crime rates and super sensitive feels. :lol:
No wonder you feel safe saying those things. Otherwise you would be just another scary white boy saying ****** under his breath in his moms basement.
Lol I like how you brag about acting like a 5 year old and hitting someone for mean words. Go sit at the principal's office until your mommy comes to pick you up :lol:
I like how you brag about how brave you are and say ****** at school then we find out you arent really all that brave since you only say it surrounded by whites without a Black person within 100 miles. What a soft pussy you are.
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Yes they did and they have a right to say it

The University also has a right to say they don't want organizations that enjoy dancing around and singing the word on their campus
We have the right to free speech as long as you we don't hurt your precious feelings. Lol nice.
Even then you have the right. However if you live in the states we have a right to fuck with your livelihood, education, finances, and peace of mind for doing so.
You have the right, as long as you say what we like. Same thing in the old East Bloc as well.
Too bad. So sad.
Chill out 'comrade' :lol:
Chill out monkey boy.
Sorry, I didn't realize this website was a hugbox for your precious wittle feelings about mean words.

Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

In uniform their code of conduct and misrepresentation of the organized club violates the clubs values and the schools agreed on constitution in regards to conduct of organized clubs.
Sorry, I didn't realize this website was a hugbox for your precious wittle feelings about mean words.

Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

In uniform their code of conduct and misrepresentation of the organized club violates the clubs values and the schools agreed on constitution in regards to conduct of organized clubs.
Free speech, not a university value.
News - Media Statements - Fraternity Leadership Closes Chapter at University of Oklahoma - Sigma Alpha Epsilon They misrepresented their Fraternity. So they should be kicked out

This type of racist behavior will not be tolerated and is not consistent with the values and morals of our fraternity. We have more than 15,000 collegiate members across the nation, and this incident should not reflect on other brothers because this type of hateful action is not what Sigma Alpha Epsilon stands for. This is absolutely not who we are. Sigma Alpha Epsilon is not a racist, sexist or bigoted fraternity. Not only have we provided education and training on these and other issues, we are working to make sure that discussions and awareness on these and other topics is at the forefront of our membership experience.

They violated the University's Constitution in regards to student organizations

An electronic copy of your constitution must be provided to the Student Life Office in the fall of every third year, according to the schedule determined by the UOSA General Counsel, and every time the constitution is amended. The constitution must be approved by the UOSA General Counsel’s Office in order for your organization to achieve Registered Student Organization Status and the accompanying benefits. Specifically, every constitution must contain the following: 1. Proper name (“OU” and “University of Oklahoma” are trademarks of the University of Oklahoma and generally may not be used by student organizations. “Sooner” and “Sooners” are also trademarks of the University of Oklahoma, but may be used by student organizations upon completion of a non-commercial license form, available at the Office of Student Life) 2. Statement of purpose clause 3. Membership clause limiting full membership to OU students 4. Non-discrimination clause 5. Full-time OU faculty or staff advisor 6. A preemption clause if the organization is part of a parent organization 7. Statement that the organization is subject to Local, State, and Federal Laws

http://www.ou.edu/content/studentlife/get_involved/student_organizations/register/jcr:content/contentpar/download/file.res/Model Constitution 2012.pdf

Perhaps, but the United States Constitution trumps the University's Constitution. Would the KKK or Black Panthers be forced off campus if they chose to demonstrate? I really don't know if they would or not. They used to be able to, but things may have changed now. My guess is that if University property is defined as public property they would be allowed to according to the first amendment. This wasn't even on university property (I am assuming at least) so I don't see how this is any different.

And allow me to clarify...I am not defending the actions of these assholes. I am looking at it from a purely constitutional perspective.

The Fraternity also spoke out against these members as they are misrepresenting and the sentiments spoke do not convey the values of the Fraternity.

There is code of conduct, misrepresenting a fraternity and they said the fraternity was into lynching and discriminating on who is allowed into their club.

But the fraternity is a private organization. They have the right to pull their charter for almost any reason at all. You make a good point about signing an agreement of conduct, but I am not sure one can legally sign away their constitutional rights. I mean they can, but I am not sure a court would find it legally binding. We will find out, I guess if it goes to court.
Sorry, I didn't realize this website was a hugbox for your precious wittle feelings about mean words.

Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:
What violence? I just want to see how brave they are. Most likely they are little scary white boys like you.
Gang assaulting someone for saying mean words. How brave that would be of them :lol:
Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:
What violence? I just want to see how brave they are. Most likely they are little scary white boys like you.
Gang assaulting someone for saying mean words. How brave that would be of them :lol:
Saying mean words is not gang assaulting. I bet they wouldnt sing their song though would they?
Government guarantees you free speech
Unless you say something they dont like at a government school, you are expelled. :lol: no double think there at all.
I love it when bad shit happens to stupid people

Dumb asses are singing one of their favorite songs while someone is taking video right in front of them

Then they whine as the whole University turns against their frat
I like how you get into a fit over someone saying the nagger word.

Mommy he said a mean word! :lol:

Yes they did and they have a right to say it

The University also has a right to say they don't want organizations that enjoy dancing around and singing the word on their campus
We have the right to free speech as long as you we don't hurt your precious feelings. Lol nice.

You can say what ever you want......you can also face the consequences of what you say

That is free speech
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:
What violence? I just want to see how brave they are. Most likely they are little scary white boys like you.
Gang assaulting someone for saying mean words. How brave that would be of them :lol:
Saying mean words is not gang assaulting. I bet they wouldnt sing their song though would they?
Of course it isnt. You want to punish someone for mean words yet support gang assault against them for saying it. Totally rational there :lol:
Government guarantees you free speech
Unless you say something they dont like at a government school, you are expelled. :lol: no double think there at all.

The government can't pass a law or prosecute you for your speech

You can get expelled from a government school for what you say just the same as a private school
I love it when bad shit happens to stupid people

Dumb asses are singing one of their favorite songs while someone is taking video right in front of them

Then they whine as the whole University turns against their frat
I like how you get into a fit over someone saying the nagger word.

Mommy he said a mean word! :lol:

Yes they did and they have a right to say it

The University also has a right to say they don't want organizations that enjoy dancing around and singing the word on their campus
We have the right to free speech as long as you we don't hurt your precious feelings. Lol nice.

You can say what ever you want......you can also face the consequences of what you say

That is free speech
Example 9999 of shitlib cognitive dissonance.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.


You said the students should be legally protected from getting expelled. Who the fuck did you have in mind that would provide that protection if not the government?

Who was going to do the expelling? You really are very very dense, arent you?

So state schools shouldn't be allowed to expel anyone once they're admitted, is that what you believe?
NO, you idiot. Are you planning on arguing by misrpresenting what I wrote? If so go fuck yourself.

If I misrepresented anything you wrote, it's only because you repeatedly contradict yourself.

On one hand you say you want the government to keep their noses out of it, and on the other hand you say these students should be legally protected from getting expelled.

Perhaps you should make up your mind.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:
What violence? I just want to see how brave they are. Most likely they are little scary white boys like you.
Gang assaulting someone for saying mean words. How brave that would be of them :lol:
Saying mean words is not gang assaulting. I bet they wouldnt sing their song though would they?
Of course it isnt. You want to punish someone for mean words yet support gang assault against them for saying it. Totally rational there :lol:
I only support people standing up for what they believe. To test that I think they should sing their song locked in a room with the OU football and hoop team. For example If I met you face to face I would say much worse to you than I say on this board and dare you to say anything back. You on the other hand wouldnt say anything.
Government guarantees you free speech
Unless you say something they dont like at a government school, you are expelled. :lol: no double think there at all.
What does that have to do with the consequences of that free speech? Youre an idiot in another country trying to interpret what goes on over here.
I am sorry I must have missed the clause in the first amendment that protects your precious feelings :lol:
Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

In uniform their code of conduct and misrepresentation of the organized club violates the clubs values and the schools agreed on constitution in regards to conduct of organized clubs.
Or for those who get their panties in a wad because some racists get kicked out of school
Your panties aren't just in a wad. They are deep up your anus and and giving you shitlib diarrhea of the mouth :lol:. Tell us more about how those with wrong think should be punished.
Lock them in the room with the OU hoop and football teams and see how many are brave enough to sing the song then.
Yea. Violence against people who say things in private. Totally rational, just as protesting against mean words in private is :lol:

In uniform their code of conduct and misrepresentation of the organized club violates the clubs values and the schools agreed on constitution in regards to conduct of organized clubs.
Free speech, not a university value.

I already posted the University constitution rules form that organizations and students have to agree to.

The fraternity denounced those members, they spoke ideals that are not representative of their fraternity.

Maybe they should just be home schooled ;)
Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

Sterling got $4Billion for an asset not worth more than $1Billion according to any reasonable DCF valuation.

Yeah, that's confiscation alright. :rofl:
Irrelevant how much he got. He was forced to sell his property against his will. That is confiscation.

Wrong again.

He could have chosen not to sell the team and nobody could have legally forced him to sell it. The NBA could however, kick him out of the league... which they had every legal right to do.

Facts matter. :thup:
NO, he was forced to sell it. That is clear.


He was not forced to do anything against his will.

In the end, the almighty dollar won out over his alleged principles.


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