White Genocide

If you factor in the liberal insane support for the murder of the unborn you can make a case that liberals are not the defenders of women. As a matter of fact the sissie movement in the crazy world of metrosexual liberalism places the "needs" of fake women above genetic females.
bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.
Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent.
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?
Now YOU are being the bigot. Southern people inflict hate and oppression? What youre doing is no different than what nazis do, you just picked a different group, but its still just as unfair and hateful.
bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?
Now YOU are being the bigot. Southern people inflict hate and oppression? What youre doing is no different than what nazis do, you just picked a different group, but its still just as unfair and hateful.
What have I done? Post my quote of the Nazi hate post that you think I’m unfairly inflicting
[It is] not "genocide" unless the low birth rate is IMPOSED

This is an important misconception. It is IMPOSED in a stealth manner by taking over the public schools, MSM, etc. Then brainwashing Whites with fake guilty feelings for founding civilization, the arts, inventions, everything that makes life interesting and rewarding. And convincing non-Whites that Whites are their enemies and that they created everything but Whites covered that up. If the "genocide" was imposed directly there are still enough folks not brainwashed to shut it down. However, in South Africa, obviously there is an actual genocide going on. It is ironic but not surprising those pushing the agenda claim they were genocided, but could care less about an actual genocide happening as they force public schools to teach they were genocided.
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Hot smart white women:

I agree with the sentiments expressed in this video. However, the word: race should be replaced with the word: culture. The climax of post-Enlightenment Western state sanctioned slavery was the end of legalized slavery in America, an event which also concluded the since the dawn of time socialized and politicized ownership of human beings as commodified property.

The end of the many millennium long run of state sanctioned slavery; or slavery for use as a political and social weapon of internal oppression and the disposing of conquered peoples , also coincided with the inception of the politicalized use of the ideological term and meme: racism, as a weapon of intercultural warfare between peoples possessed of differing inherent traits, ethnic origins, belief systems or traditions, coexisting as citizens within the borders of the same nation or empire. In many meaningful ways, the word: racism--and its use as a cultural and social weapon--was intended to replace ideologically, the ancient real-world practice of slavery; in order to accomplish the same oppression as slavery and to the lay the groundwork for state instituted race war and eventually, a worldwide war of cultural replacement of the West.

Who was the politically weaponized concept of racism intended to be used against? The irony of the answer to this question is as sharp as the efficacy of the concept's double edged sword to cut both ways: to do as much political and cultural damage against the so-called victim of racism as to the so-called racist himself. Racism as concept, as anti-philosophy and as definition of practice, was created as a magic bullet of potent enough caliber to bring down the big game breeds of white European imperialist derived post-Enlightenment regimes, and, the biggest Western civilizational game of all: the US of A.

On every global and civilizational strata of historical dominance imaginable--from academic proliferation of pro-democratic societies to unmatched military power--white western empires have commanded the entire world for many centuries. Non-white cultures on the other hand, have been historically unable to either resist or counter-dominate white-dominated imperial expansion, either militarily or economically.

Enter the concept of racism.

In order to strike back against the white-dominated West, and unable to do so with direct violent or economic counteraction, non-white civilizations only means of effectively doing so was to launch a worldwide war of cultural replacement. A war whereby the ancient generational white people (and their cultures) of Old World Europe and generational settlers of North America would be replaced--with slow but increasing speed over decades and then year by year--by masses of refugees from south of their southern borders.

The catalyst, or the concept which was to enable this world cultural war against the West and ensure its eventual success, continue to be the concept of: racism. Without racism enabled intercultural race warfare used as a political, social and philosophical weapon, extreme Leftist Western regimes, through dissemination of the ideological concept of racism from liberal dominated universities, would never have been able to program students: future academics, professionals and politicians, to become cultural revolutionaries who would spread the false narrative of racial hatred and teach and incite guilt and self-hatred for being white.

In all likelihood, the concept of racism, its politicization and use as a weapon, and the presently intensifying world cultural replacement war against the West on every civilizational level, are all a campaign of revenge for centuries of white civilization led imperialism. In other words, we who are white--or predominantly white, are being attacked racially, culturally and politically for the so-called "sins-of-our-ancient-fore-father's" against non-white cultures. The instigators of this world cultural replacement war expect white culture folks to one, accept the superiority of non-whites across the social and cultural spectrum, and two, to despise our own skin tone, heritage, religion and white created governments so deeply, that we work together to bring them crashing to the ground of historical deletion.

Alas, the full weight of the regretful truth lies in the fact that inherently, no differing skin tones hate each other. The only aspect of divergent mistrust and source of interracial turmoil lies in the clash of incompatible cultures--some of which truly cannot coexist together within the bounds of small geographical areas without oppressing or slaughtering each other. A popular policy of largely Western liberal governments has for centuries been to force cultural integration to the great detriment of societies.

Perhaps saddest of all is the truth that we should all be Americans first, divided cultures never.

In my opinion any combination of "races" can peacefully and meaningfully coexist to the benefit of their societies. However, peoples of different cultures possessed of radically different languages, religions, traditions and ideologies must not be forced to integrate with one another, if one of said cultures vehemently resists assimilation into the majority culture's ways of doing things--at least on a political, legal and public level.

Of course, so long as racism is used as a weapon against majority peoples in Western civilizations--such as whites; and so long as the world war to culturally replace white heritage, governmental structure and the people themselves--who are the majority generational citizenry of most of their nations--rages on, there can be no completely peaceful and socially mutually beneficial intercultural coexistence.
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[It is] not "genocide" unless the low birth rate is IMPOSED
from snout
"This is an important misconception. It is IMPOSED in a stealth manner by taking over the public schools, MSM, etc. Then brainwashing Whites with fake guilty feelings for founding civilization, the arts, inventions, everything that makes life interesting and rewarding"

from rosie
HUH ? whites "founded" civilization??? and "everything that makes life interesting" ????

from snout
. It is ironic but not surprising those pushing the agenda claim they were genocided, but could care less about an actual genocide happening as they force public schools to teach they were genocided.[/QUOTE

from rosie
HUH??? who are "those pushing the ''''agenda"""
"??? whatevah IS THE AGENDA?
What is "white genocide"? Is anyone killing people of Caucasian descent because of it? Is anyone preventing people of Caucasian descent from conceiving and having babies? Anyone preventing a Caucasian from being a father or mother? Any firing squads or gas chambers or ovens?
I didn't watch the video, too much good old rock and roll music on my play list to bother. Having said that I hope this thread was in jest.
I am currently working for a black family and they have treated me with the utmost respect.
What is "white genocide"? Is anyone killing people of Caucasian descent because of it? Is anyone preventing people of Caucasian descent from conceiving and having babies? Anyone preventing a Caucasian from being a father or mother? Any firing squads or gas chambers or ovens?

there is no white genocide going on----HOWEVER---genocide can be accomplished without the methods
you mentioned
What is "white genocide"? Is anyone killing people of Caucasian descent because of it? Is anyone preventing people of Caucasian descent from conceiving and having babies? Anyone preventing a Caucasian from being a father or mother? Any firing squads or gas chambers or ovens?

there is no white genocide going on----HOWEVER---genocide can be accomplished without the methods
you mentioned

There is no "white genocide" if nothing is stopping Caucasian people from making babies and no one is killing them. A few weeks ago, I saw a video (I think on BBC) of TV ads put out by the Polish and (as I remember) the Taiwanese governments encouraging the people of these two countries to make more babies. If the men and women of these countries do not want to do so, find out why. Potential fathers and mothers need to be ENTHUSIASTIC about having babies. If these heterosexuals are not enthusiastic about this venture, find out why.
What is "white genocide"? Is anyone killing people of Caucasian descent because of it? Is anyone preventing people of Caucasian descent from conceiving and having babies? Anyone preventing a Caucasian from being a father or mother? Any firing squads or gas chambers or ovens?

you changed the subject from "are white populations being purposely decimated" by some 'nefarious force' -----to "how to ENCOURAGE birth rate"

there is no white genocide going on----HOWEVER---genocide can be accomplished without the methods
you mentioned

There is no "white genocide" if nothing is stopping Caucasian people from making babies and no one is killing them. A few weeks ago, I saw a video (I think on BBC) of TV ads put out by the Polish and (as I remember) the Taiwanese governments encouraging the people of these two countries to make more babies. If the men and women of these countries do not want to do so, find out why. Potential fathers and mothers need to be ENTHUSIASTIC about having babies. If these heterosexuals are not enthusiastic about this venture, find out why.
Great video that discusses the underlying real agenda of "multiculturalism" and "diversity." The buzzwords are code words for White genocide. Non-Whites and their stooges orchestrating this agenda need to realize, once Whitey is gone, you can never get them back, and the savages will then come for you. @ 1:50 the fact that the public schools try to brainwash Whites with guilt and non-Whites with pride is why the government gets so upset when you refuse to subject your children to public schools.

Yeah that’s right! Soon America will be a mocha country and we will finally be rid of the white scourge .
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.
Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent.

Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. This is code for he cannot defend himself, so he takes the position of "you're too stupid to be right".

If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent. There is no debate. And I'll leave it up to progressives to declare they're the winner, which is one of the things they do best.
racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.
Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent.

Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. This is code for he cannot defend himself, so he takes the position of "you're too stupid to be right". At this point he hasn't proved to be right on anything.

Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. This is code for he cannot defend himself. He doesn't try to defend any of his points.

If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent. There is no debate. And I'll leave it up to progressives to declare they're the winner, which is one of the things they do best.
No codes necessary. I made a point about the difference between the oppressed and the oppressors and dumbshit regurgitates it as me saying that white people are evil. That’s one of several examples of you both completely distorting my statements. How is one supposed to have a civil conversation or debate when y’all do shit like that?
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.
Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent.

Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. This is code for he cannot defend himself, so he takes the position of "you're too stupid to be right". At this point he hasn't proved to be right on anything.

Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. This is code for he cannot defend himself. He doesn't try to defend any of his points.

If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent. There is no debate. And I'll leave it up to progressives to declare they're the winner, which is one of the things they do best.
No codes necessary. I made a point about the difference between the oppressed and the oppressors and dumbshit regurgitates it as me saying that white people are evil. That’s one of several examples of you both completely distorting my statements. How is one supposed to have a civil conversation or debate when y’all do shit like that?

READING COMPREHENSION, "we" get your message loud and clear. White people are oppressive and racist. Others are their victims so they're just reacting, and their response cannot be considered racist. You claim I put words into your mouth, but this is exactly your point.

Meanwhile you've declared the video satire. I declare your position irony.
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There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.
Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent.

Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. This is code for he cannot defend himself, so he takes the position of "you're too stupid to be right". At this point he hasn't proved to be right on anything.

Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. This is code for he cannot defend himself. He doesn't try to defend any of his points.

If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent. There is no debate. And I'll leave it up to progressives to declare they're the winner, which is one of the things they do best.
No codes necessary. I made a point about the difference between the oppressed and the oppressors and dumbshit regurgitates it as me saying that white people are evil. That’s one of several examples of you both completely distorting my statements. How is one supposed to have a civil conversation or debate when y’all do shit like that?

READING COMPREHENSION, "we" get your message loud and clear. White people are oppressive and racist. Others are their victims so they're just reacting, and their response cannot be considered racist. You claim I put words into your mouth, but this is exactly your point.

Meanwhile you've declared the video satire. I declare your position irony.
That’s not my point at all. I’m white, my family is all white. I don’t think any of us nor any of my white friends are oppressive and racist. READING COMPREHENSION: FAIL
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.
Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent.

Huh? What’s wrong with your comprehension skills today? Both of you don’t seem to understand basic English. This is code for he cannot defend himself, so he takes the position of "you're too stupid to be right". At this point he hasn't proved to be right on anything.

Either that or you just like putting words in people’s mouths. This is code for he cannot defend himself. He doesn't try to defend any of his points.

If that’s what you need to do to think your winning a debate go ahead but it is very transparent. There is no debate. And I'll leave it up to progressives to declare they're the winner, which is one of the things they do best.
No codes necessary. I made a point about the difference between the oppressed and the oppressors and dumbshit regurgitates it as me saying that white people are evil. That’s one of several examples of you both completely distorting my statements. How is one supposed to have a civil conversation or debate when y’all do shit like that?

READING COMPREHENSION, "we" get your message loud and clear. White people are oppressive and racist. Others are their victims so they're just reacting, and their response cannot be considered racist. You claim I put words into your mouth, but this is exactly your point.

Meanwhile you've declared the video satire. I declare your position irony.

Actually “white people are oppressive racists “ is really what YOU are implying .

Why would it worry you if whites are a minority? Is it because you believe the majority will be racist and oppress the minority. As in what white peolpe do NOW as the majority?

Projection !!!!

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