White Genocide

The style is absolutely fitting to the message. Do you really not get it? If you think they are right then you as dumb as their video is. Haha. Light bulb moment

Use your superior intellect to explain it to me.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS
Use your superior intellect to explain it to me.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS

First point was "nobody says black or Asian neighborhoods need diversity, but they say white neighborhoods need diversity". You're saying they're wrong?
The style is absolutely fitting to the message. Do you really not get it? If you think they are right then you as dumb as their video is. Haha. Light bulb moment

Use your superior intellect to explain it to me.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.
Yes I think this video is satire... if it isn’t then it maybe even more comical to think that people made it with serious intensions. The absolute best is people like you who see it, share it, and then stand by it... haha. Man if you could see this situation from my eyes you’d be rolling on the floor!
Haha, this is hilarious... it’s a spoof right? You’re not really taking this seriously are you?!

It's cheesy, they're hot, and yeah, they're not wrong.
The style is absolutely fitting to the message. Do you really not get it? If you think they are right then you as dumb as their video is. Haha. Light bulb moment

Use your superior intellect to explain it to me.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

Yes, I understand it. It is called racism. And, it isn't any prettier when non White groups use it to further their own purposes. I am an individual, and I do not intend to sacrifice myself for the benefit of some group.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS

First point was "nobody says black or Asian neighborhoods need diversity, but they say white neighborhoods need diversity". You're saying they're wrong?
The implication that seeking diversity in rich white neighborhoods and not in poor minority neighborhoods is somehow wrong/racist is what’s wrong
Haha, this is hilarious... it’s a spoof right? You’re not really taking this seriously are you?!

It's cheesy, they're hot, and yeah, they're not wrong.
The style is absolutely fitting to the message. Do you really not get it? If you think they are right then you as dumb as their video is. Haha. Light bulb moment

Use your superior intellect to explain it to me.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

Yes, I understand it. It is called racism. And, it isn't any prettier when non White groups use it to further their own purposes. I am an individual, and I do not intend to sacrifice myself for the benefit of some group.
Good for you. Agree or disagree it’s always worthwhile to understand all sides of an arguement.
Haha, this is hilarious... it’s a spoof right? You’re not really taking this seriously are you?!

a whole lot of shallow "white" rednecks are LOVING IT
Your bigotry is the only shallow thing on display here. Youre going to call people "rednecks' that you dont even know? Why is it that we all agree that racist terms are bad, except democrats? What makes you think its ok to just throw around words like "rednecks"? Is that any better than "wetback", or "porch monkey"?

I fucking hate you bigots.

I grew up in a town dominated by white red-necks ----Very waspy and republican. I have been a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached voting age. I never heard the phrase "porch monkey" until I served in the USA navy. As far as the term "wet back" ----I am not really sure what that one means. Most people who migrate to the USA do not SWIM in. I do know what a wasp, republican redneck is. Trump ain't one
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?
It's cheesy, they're hot, and yeah, they're not wrong.
The style is absolutely fitting to the message. Do you really not get it? If you think they are right then you as dumb as their video is. Haha. Light bulb moment

Use your superior intellect to explain it to me.
If you don’t understand the concept of oppressed groups banning together to fight for equality fair treatment and support then I can’t help you bub.

People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

Yes, I get it. You are dumber than a box of rocks. I, and most of the people I know must have missed the train of White privilege that you love to cite.

Let me put it to you in simple terms. I get hungry as an individual, not a White privilege group. I worked to get ahead as an individual, not as a White privilege group. Just about every decision I ever made in life was about me and mine. I didn't give a rat's ass how the rest of the White privilege group made out.

I worked hard and studied hard, while others were out playing games and having fun. I got out of the world of the working poor, and anyone else with half a brain can do the same damn thing. It doesn't matter what color they are.
Hot smart white women:

I am a white male & I find this video to be quite disgusting.

Hot smart white women:

I am a white male & I find this video to be quite disgusting.

Well yeah, you're a young progressive white fruitcake. They lead the charge on progressive race rhetoric as if they're somehow heroic.

that is funny; I don't consider 57 years of age to be, "young" but hey, thanks for the compliment
a whole lot of shallow "white" rednecks are LOVING IT
Your bigotry is the only shallow thing on display here. Youre going to call people "rednecks' that you dont even know? Why is it that we all agree that racist terms are bad, except democrats? What makes you think its ok to just throw around words like "rednecks"? Is that any better than "wetback", or "porch monkey"?

I fucking hate you bigots.

I grew up in a town dominated by white red-necks ----Very waspy and republican. I have been a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached voting age. I never heard the phrase "porch monkey" until I served in the USA navy. As far as the term "wet back" ----I am not really sure what that one means. Most people who migrate to the USA do not SWIM in. I do know what a wasp, republican redneck is. Trump ain't one
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS

First point was "nobody says black or Asian neighborhoods need diversity, but they say white neighborhoods need diversity". You're saying they're wrong?
The implication that seeking diversity in rich white neighborhoods and not in poor minority neighborhoods is somehow wrong/racist is what’s wrong
People banning together?

But I get your meaning. You're saying it's natural for groups to unite for fair treatment, but that doesn't apply to whites because it would begin snowing, and therefore the message in the video is satire.

How ironic.
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS

First point was "nobody says black or Asian neighborhoods need diversity, but they say white neighborhoods need diversity". You're saying they're wrong?
The implication that seeking diversity in rich white neighborhoods and not in poor minority neighborhoods is somehow wrong/racist is what’s wrong

"seeking diversity" ? Your "implication" demand is silly. It makes sense to DISPARAGE the fact that
desirable and "fancy" neighborhoods exclude this or that person because of race -----but utterly idiotic to blame minorities that non-minority persons do not CHOOSE TO MOVE IN
a whole lot of shallow "white" rednecks are LOVING IT
Your bigotry is the only shallow thing on display here. Youre going to call people "rednecks' that you dont even know? Why is it that we all agree that racist terms are bad, except democrats? What makes you think its ok to just throw around words like "rednecks"? Is that any better than "wetback", or "porch monkey"?

I fucking hate you bigots.

I grew up in a town dominated by white red-necks ----Very waspy and republican. I have been a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached voting age. I never heard the phrase "porch monkey" until I served in the USA navy. As far as the term "wet back" ----I am not really sure what that one means. Most people who migrate to the USA do not SWIM in. I do know what a wasp, republican redneck is. Trump ain't one
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?
Is that a serious question?
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS

First point was "nobody says black or Asian neighborhoods need diversity, but they say white neighborhoods need diversity". You're saying they're wrong?
The implication that seeking diversity in rich white neighborhoods and not in poor minority neighborhoods is somehow wrong/racist is what’s wrong
Historically, whites have been the priveledged oppressors, so it doesn’t make much sense for Whites to form support/pride groups. Do you really not get it?

I get it. You're saying the words from the mouths of these women are lies.

the word from those idiot skanks are BS

First point was "nobody says black or Asian neighborhoods need diversity, but they say white neighborhoods need diversity". You're saying they're wrong?
The implication that seeking diversity in rich white neighborhoods and not in poor minority neighborhoods is somehow wrong/racist is what’s wrong

"seeking diversity" ? Your "implication" demand is silly. It makes sense to DISPARAGE the fact that
desirable and "fancy" neighborhoods exclude this or that person because of race -----but utterly idiotic to blame minorities that non-minority persons do not CHOOSE TO MOVE IN
I don’t think anybody is talking about forced move ins or profiling... I believe it’s just about creating opportunity
Your bigotry is the only shallow thing on display here. Youre going to call people "rednecks' that you dont even know? Why is it that we all agree that racist terms are bad, except democrats? What makes you think its ok to just throw around words like "rednecks"? Is that any better than "wetback", or "porch monkey"?

I fucking hate you bigots.

I grew up in a town dominated by white red-necks ----Very waspy and republican. I have been a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached voting age. I never heard the phrase "porch monkey" until I served in the USA navy. As far as the term "wet back" ----I am not really sure what that one means. Most people who migrate to the USA do not SWIM in. I do know what a wasp, republican redneck is. Trump ain't one
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
I grew up in a town dominated by white red-necks ----Very waspy and republican. I have been a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached voting age. I never heard the phrase "porch monkey" until I served in the USA navy. As far as the term "wet back" ----I am not really sure what that one means. Most people who migrate to the USA do not SWIM in. I do know what a wasp, republican redneck is. Trump ain't one
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?
Your claimed inexperience with other bigoted terms does nothing to get you off the hook for referring to people you dont even fucking know as "rednecks".

bull shit------I do know "red-necks" ----the navy is full of them ------I encountered them when I served
Can racist white guys claim they know "n******" and then just freely use the word whenever they want?

racist white guys DO IT all the time. Those who NOTE that fact having heard it from RACIST REDNECKS----can, certainly, comment on the FACT. Such a practice is consistent with clinical
Ok, so you are the same as those racist white guys. You people go around using bigoted terms.
There is a difference between being bigoted towards people inflicting hate:eek:ppression and being bigoted towards oppressed minorities. Do you really not understand that?

Oh sure..........White people are EVIL because they're the guys who are racist. We're just raising awareness.

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