white house answers house impeachment foolishness.

Because recent history. The impeachment inquiry into Trump was stonewalled by his entire administration. It meant nothing to their subpoena power.

Good luck.
Probably never know since Shitty Schift did everything behind closed doors without input from any republican
Probably never know since Shitty Schift did everything behind closed doors without input from any republican
McCathy is backing out on his promise to have a house vote on starting the impeachment inquiry.

He is afraid.
Hmm, ok I'll play along, where did the 20 million come from why the need for 20 shell companies if everything is on the up and up
Do you know who makes the laws that govern how politically connected family members can do business? What are the odds they didn't follow the legal rules, all the loopholes afforded them? I mean that was smart when the Dirty Don was answering the questions.
Hmm, ok I'll play along, where did the 20 million come from why the need for 20 shell companies if everything is on the up and up
Who really cares where it came from. The question is really where it went. If it didn't go to Joe, you are probably screwed and if it did, we would already know it. Washington cannot keep secrets. Everybody want everybody else to think they are the man on the inside with access to the real sht, so they leak it to their friends in friendly media, be it right wing or left wing, as it may, but the point is Washington leaks like a sieve, as each side uses friendly media anonymously for their own purposes. Hell, even the damned Supremes do it.
Do you know who makes the laws that govern how politically connected family members can do business? What are the odds they didn't follow the legal rules, all the loopholes afforded them? I mean that was smart when the Dirty Don was answering the questions.
You said a lot and answered no questions nicely done!
Who really cares where it came from. The question is really where it went. If it didn't go to Joe, you are probably screwed and if it did, we would already know it. Washington cannot keep secrets. Everybody want everybody else to think they are the man on the inside with access to the real sht, so they leak it to their friends in friendly media, be it right wing or left wing, as it may, but the point is Washington leaks like a sieve, as each side uses friendly media anonymously for their own purposes. Hell, even the damned Supremes do it. Democrats are known to have people killed who squeal in a kind of snitches get stitches type deal the Clinton list is well known now we find out about Joan Rivers issues after she called Obama gay and Michael a man
So selling his influence on policy matters to the Chicoms doesn't mean anything.
Was impeaching Trump based on the word of an invisible, unidentified Whistleblower foolishness?
Invisible? Unidentified?
Are you daft? He testified, dupe.
You people are the least informed, least capable and the lowest IQ mofos in America.
( if that’s where you really are anyway)

Alexander Vindman, whistleblower on Trump's Ukraine call, releases new memoir​

Well, you are correct. It doesn't become true simply by talking about supposedly being true without coming up with some proof from all those supposed financial documents that have been debunked as not related to Joe Biden, after being investigated for years. Some people never learn. I guess mamma was right.
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So you're just another libtard lemming who believes the LYING LEFTARD LYING MACHINE.

Good to know.
Only lefties seem anxious for impeachment. They can't stop talking about it. Is becoming a victim the best old Joe can count on these days?


So you're just another libtard lemming who believes the LYING LEFTARD LYING MACHINE.

Good to know.
No. Just another Independent American, brought up on proof, being the coin of the realm in establishing guilt, not hearsay and salacious tidbits of the right wing media. If there is something there, it will come out, if there is a there, there. Otherwise, just more gossip and conspiracy theory from the wishful sewing circle of the political trumper crowd.

great read:​

The amazing story of Donald Trump’s old spokesman, John Barron — who was actually Donald Trump himself​

In the 1980s, when reporters called the Trump Organization to request an interview with the boss, they were sometimes referred to a spokesman, instead. That a busy and image-conscious executive such as Donald Trump would place a buffer between himself and the media was hardly unusual, but there was a twist: The spokesman, John Barron, was actually Trump, hiding behind a fake name.

Barron (also spelled “Baron” in some press accounts) appears to have been Trump’s go-to alias when he was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.


Trump’s use of an assumed name runs counter to the persona he has crafted as the leading Republican candidate for president — one of an unfiltered, politically incorrect maverick who is unafraid to say anything. It suggests that the billionaire real estate mogul is — or, at least, was — not so bold as he likes to present himself.

Remarkably, Trump kept up the charade for a full decade, as reporters unwittingly quoted Barron as if he were a real person. In a LexisNexis search, the first mention of the name appears on June 6, 1980, in a New York Times report about Trump’s controversial decision to destroy two Art Deco sculptures he had conditionally promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In that instance, Trump used the alias to stall for three days before finally giving an interview under his own name; when he did, he told the Times that he had been out of town and unavailable (!).

Answer my question.
No. Just another Independent American, brought up on proof, being the coin of the realm in establishing guilt, not hearsay and salacious tidbits of the right wing media. If there is something there, it will come out, if there is a there, there. Otherwise, just more gossip and conspiracy theory from the wishful sewing circle of the political trumper crowd.
You said "debunked".

You're a lemming.
You said "debunked".

You're a lemming.
Nope. Just retired hard ass, that demands proof of accusations, not speculations based on tribal instincts of reporter and notice I said reporters not witnesses. And, have a history of calling people on their unsubstantiated bullsh#t here in this playpen and in the real world.

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