White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor?


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White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor?

June 15, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

During his time in the White House President Obama has shown himself to be a statist, an apologist for America, a poor leader, and an individual who frequently does not reside in the same zip code as the truth. But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive: Is President Obama a traitor?


Tim Mak provided a comprehensive summary of the leaks to date at Politico.com on June 7, 2012:

• U.S. Involvement in Stuxnet. This leak revealed that the U.S. was involved in the development of a computer virus targeted at Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. The obvious intention of this leak was to make it appear that the president is taking strong action against a rogue nuclear power. However, being forewarned gives Iranian scientists time to take precautionary measures against Stuxnet, thereby putting Israel and, by extension, America at even greater risk.
• Terrorist Bomb Plot. This leak revealed that U.S. national security agencies had foiled a sophisticated bomb plot timed for the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. This leak was no doubt intended as a pat on the back to make the president appear to be a strong anti-terrorism commander-in-chief. Additional leaks about the operation revealed that the U.S. had planted a spy in al Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate organization, thereby threatening on-going operations and putting U.S. sources at risk. If this operation is compromised, America is at greater risk of an attack by terrorists.
• President’s “Kill List.” This leak revealed that President Obama was involved in developing a list of terrorists targeted for assassination, no doubt an attempt to cast the president in the mold of Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry. Not only does a leak of this sort tip off those who are on the list, it undermines America’s credibility with its allies, governments that—as a result of the leaks—will wonder if they can trust America with secret information. If our allies begin to withhold critical information, America’s threat level increases correspondingly.
• Pakistani Physician. This leak identified the Pakistani physician who helped U.S. forces locate Osama bin Laden’s hideout, and was the result of that old World War II slogan: “Loose lips sink ships.” The physician in question, Dr. Shakil Afridi, has since been sentenced to 33 years in prison by the Pakistani government. If America’s Pakistani sources dry up as a result of this leak, America becomes even more susceptible to terrorist attacks.

A traitor is an individual who commits treason.

White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor? – Patriot Update


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But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive:

really, who have you exempted ???

is it the present Administration providing information relevant to its accomplishments - nothing new there ...
I don't believe that Obama is a "traitor", at least not on purpose.

Barack Obama is too STUPID and IGNORANT to figure out that his "politics first" agenda has far-reaching national and international negative ramifications.

If Barack Obama and Joe Biden are the BEST that the Democrat Party has to offer this country, then the Democrat Party should disband.
White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor?

June 15, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

During his time in the White House President Obama has shown himself to be a statist, an apologist for America, a poor leader, and an individual who frequently does not reside in the same zip code as the truth. But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive: Is President Obama a traitor?


Tim Mak provided a comprehensive summary of the leaks to date at Politico.com on June 7, 2012:

• U.S. Involvement in Stuxnet. This leak revealed that the U.S. was involved in the development of a computer virus targeted at Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. The obvious intention of this leak was to make it appear that the president is taking strong action against a rogue nuclear power. However, being forewarned gives Iranian scientists time to take precautionary measures against Stuxnet, thereby putting Israel and, by extension, America at even greater risk.
• Terrorist Bomb Plot. This leak revealed that U.S. national security agencies had foiled a sophisticated bomb plot timed for the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. This leak was no doubt intended as a pat on the back to make the president appear to be a strong anti-terrorism commander-in-chief. Additional leaks about the operation revealed that the U.S. had planted a spy in al Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate organization, thereby threatening on-going operations and putting U.S. sources at risk. If this operation is compromised, America is at greater risk of an attack by terrorists.
• President’s “Kill List.” This leak revealed that President Obama was involved in developing a list of terrorists targeted for assassination, no doubt an attempt to cast the president in the mold of Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry. Not only does a leak of this sort tip off those who are on the list, it undermines America’s credibility with its allies, governments that—as a result of the leaks—will wonder if they can trust America with secret information. If our allies begin to withhold critical information, America’s threat level increases correspondingly.
• Pakistani Physician. This leak identified the Pakistani physician who helped U.S. forces locate Osama bin Laden’s hideout, and was the result of that old World War II slogan: “Loose lips sink ships.” The physician in question, Dr. Shakil Afridi, has since been sentenced to 33 years in prison by the Pakistani government. If America’s Pakistani sources dry up as a result of this leak, America becomes even more susceptible to terrorist attacks.

A traitor is an individual who commits treason.

White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor? – Patriot Update


Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot Night Shoot - YouTube

You've got Matt Damon drawing a bead on the president of the United States and you're asking if Obama's a traitor?
No he's not. You are.
White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor?

June 15, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

During his time in the White House President Obama has shown himself to be a statist, an apologist for America, a poor leader, and an individual who frequently does not reside in the same zip code as the truth. But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive: Is President Obama a traitor?


Tim Mak provided a comprehensive summary of the leaks to date at Politico.com on June 7, 2012:

• U.S. Involvement in Stuxnet. This leak revealed that the U.S. was involved in the development of a computer virus targeted at Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. The obvious intention of this leak was to make it appear that the president is taking strong action against a rogue nuclear power. However, being forewarned gives Iranian scientists time to take precautionary measures against Stuxnet, thereby putting Israel and, by extension, America at even greater risk.
• Terrorist Bomb Plot. This leak revealed that U.S. national security agencies had foiled a sophisticated bomb plot timed for the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. This leak was no doubt intended as a pat on the back to make the president appear to be a strong anti-terrorism commander-in-chief. Additional leaks about the operation revealed that the U.S. had planted a spy in al Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate organization, thereby threatening on-going operations and putting U.S. sources at risk. If this operation is compromised, America is at greater risk of an attack by terrorists.
• President’s “Kill List.” This leak revealed that President Obama was involved in developing a list of terrorists targeted for assassination, no doubt an attempt to cast the president in the mold of Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry. Not only does a leak of this sort tip off those who are on the list, it undermines America’s credibility with its allies, governments that—as a result of the leaks—will wonder if they can trust America with secret information. If our allies begin to withhold critical information, America’s threat level increases correspondingly.
• Pakistani Physician. This leak identified the Pakistani physician who helped U.S. forces locate Osama bin Laden’s hideout, and was the result of that old World War II slogan: “Loose lips sink ships.” The physician in question, Dr. Shakil Afridi, has since been sentenced to 33 years in prison by the Pakistani government. If America’s Pakistani sources dry up as a result of this leak, America becomes even more susceptible to terrorist attacks.

A traitor is an individual who commits treason.

White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor? – Patriot Update


Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot Night Shoot - YouTube

So you're advocating for the death of the President..for something you have no real handle on..like Treason.

The Constitution defines treason as:

Section 3 - Treason Note

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

By the way..leaks from the White House are nothing new. The last President leaked the name of a covert CIA agent for political reasons.

And leaks..in themselves..are not illegal..and for good reason. First, administrations do use them for political reasons. Second, they provide some measure of "checking"...or watchdogs.

But we really did have a treasonous President. His name was Ronald Reagan.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZfnOJd_FmA]Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It - YouTube[/ame]

Essentially he made a deal with a hostile enemy nation..without congressional approval.

That's treason, pal.
White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor?

June 15, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

During his time in the White House President Obama has shown himself to be a statist, an apologist for America, a poor leader, and an individual who frequently does not reside in the same zip code as the truth. But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive: Is President Obama a traitor?


Tim Mak provided a comprehensive summary of the leaks to date at Politico.com on June 7, 2012:

• U.S. Involvement in Stuxnet. This leak revealed that the U.S. was involved in the development of a computer virus targeted at Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. The obvious intention of this leak was to make it appear that the president is taking strong action against a rogue nuclear power. However, being forewarned gives Iranian scientists time to take precautionary measures against Stuxnet, thereby putting Israel and, by extension, America at even greater risk.
• Terrorist Bomb Plot. This leak revealed that U.S. national security agencies had foiled a sophisticated bomb plot timed for the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. This leak was no doubt intended as a pat on the back to make the president appear to be a strong anti-terrorism commander-in-chief. Additional leaks about the operation revealed that the U.S. had planted a spy in al Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate organization, thereby threatening on-going operations and putting U.S. sources at risk. If this operation is compromised, America is at greater risk of an attack by terrorists.
• President’s “Kill List.” This leak revealed that President Obama was involved in developing a list of terrorists targeted for assassination, no doubt an attempt to cast the president in the mold of Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry. Not only does a leak of this sort tip off those who are on the list, it undermines America’s credibility with its allies, governments that—as a result of the leaks—will wonder if they can trust America with secret information. If our allies begin to withhold critical information, America’s threat level increases correspondingly.
• Pakistani Physician. This leak identified the Pakistani physician who helped U.S. forces locate Osama bin Laden’s hideout, and was the result of that old World War II slogan: “Loose lips sink ships.” The physician in question, Dr. Shakil Afridi, has since been sentenced to 33 years in prison by the Pakistani government. If America’s Pakistani sources dry up as a result of this leak, America becomes even more susceptible to terrorist attacks.

A traitor is an individual who commits treason.

White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor? – Patriot Update


Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot Night Shoot - YouTube

You've got Matt Damon drawing a bead on the president of the United States and you're asking if Obama's a traitor?
No he's not. You are.

Check again..that Che in the telescope..not Obama.

The irony is that Damon would no more shoot Che then anyone else.
But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive:

really, who have you exempted ???

is it the present Administration providing information relevant to its accomplishments - nothing new there ...

The MAJOR difference is Obama's leaking has put specific lives at risk!
Plume never was at risk! And MORE importantly..
NOT one of the previous administrations EVEN the Clintons EVER accused our troops of killing civilians as Obama did with this TRAITOROUS statement:
"Our troops.. air-raiding villages..killing civilians"!

YOU obviously agree with Obama that our troops were killing civilians on purpose right?
YOU obviously are as he OBLIVIOUS to the power of those words to recruit terrorists!

While Obama's leaking intelligence is criminal it is also PAR for him in terms of hatred for the USA, the military, our economic system, business and most of us in the middle class!
This is just one more middle finger to the USA by Obama!
There are some important things we would have to know about this before making such a claim.Did Obama authorize the leaks? If not does he know who did leak this information and is keeping it quiet? Is this investigation by the DOJ legit or just a dog and pony show to give the appearance of trying to find out who leaked this information? It's hard to pass a judgement without knowing the answers to things like this.
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Too much information, too little intelligence

Debra J. Saunders, Chronicle Columnist
Thursday, June 14, 2012

It was gutsy for Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein to come out against Washington's recent rash of dangerous intelligence leaks last week; she made criticism of the leaks bipartisan. Flanked by the House Intelligence Committee's ranking Democrat, Dutch Ruppersberger, and GOP committee leaders, Feinstein declared, "This has to stop. When people say they don't want to work with the United States because they can't trust us to keep a secret, that's serious."

A week later, Feinstein is more than halfway through New York Times reporter David E. Sanger's book, "Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power." She told me Wednesday, "You learn more from the book than I did as chairman of the intelligence committee, and that's very disturbing to me."

The beltway has become a giant sieve. News reports outed a Pakistani doctor who set up a phony vaccination program to obtain information on Osama bin Laden's location in Abbottabad. After an unusual proceeding last month, a Pakistani official found Dr. Shakil Afridi guilty of treason and sentenced him to 33 years.


The leaks that have Washington buzzing

The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating leaks that members say threaten U.S. national security. Here are the five leaks in question, as reported by Politico:

-- U.S. Involvement in Stuxnet: A New York Times report confirmed U.S. involvement in the developing the computer virus Stuxnet, which targeted nuclear centrifuges in Iran.

-- Underwear Bomber: An AP report in May that was based on a leak said U.S. national security agencies had foiled a sophisticated underwear bomber plot timed for the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death.

-- "Kill List:" The New York Times published a story that revealed the president was personally involved in a process, known as the "kill list," that designated terrorists for assassination.

-- Pakistani doctor: Identification of the doctor who helped find bin Laden. The Guardian and the New York Times revealed last year that the CIA had staged a fake polio vaccination campaign in Pakistan in order to obtain DNA from bin Laden's family.

-- Bin Laden movie: Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., suggested that Obama administration officials may have cooperated with - and leaked to - filmmakers working on a movie about Osama bin Laden called "Zero Dark Thirty" and directed by Academy Award winner Kathryn Bigelow.

Read more: Too much information, too little intelligence
Why would any other answer but "No" crop into your head?

Also what is the point of your ready aim fire video?
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White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor?

June 15, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

During his time in the White House President Obama has shown himself to be a statist, an apologist for America, a poor leader, and an individual who frequently does not reside in the same zip code as the truth. But I never thought I would have to ask this question about an American chief executive: Is President Obama a traitor?


Tim Mak provided a comprehensive summary of the leaks to date at Politico.com on June 7, 2012:

• U.S. Involvement in Stuxnet. This leak revealed that the U.S. was involved in the development of a computer virus targeted at Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. The obvious intention of this leak was to make it appear that the president is taking strong action against a rogue nuclear power. However, being forewarned gives Iranian scientists time to take precautionary measures against Stuxnet, thereby putting Israel and, by extension, America at even greater risk.
• Terrorist Bomb Plot. This leak revealed that U.S. national security agencies had foiled a sophisticated bomb plot timed for the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. This leak was no doubt intended as a pat on the back to make the president appear to be a strong anti-terrorism commander-in-chief. Additional leaks about the operation revealed that the U.S. had planted a spy in al Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate organization, thereby threatening on-going operations and putting U.S. sources at risk. If this operation is compromised, America is at greater risk of an attack by terrorists.
• President’s “Kill List.” This leak revealed that President Obama was involved in developing a list of terrorists targeted for assassination, no doubt an attempt to cast the president in the mold of Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry. Not only does a leak of this sort tip off those who are on the list, it undermines America’s credibility with its allies, governments that—as a result of the leaks—will wonder if they can trust America with secret information. If our allies begin to withhold critical information, America’s threat level increases correspondingly.
• Pakistani Physician. This leak identified the Pakistani physician who helped U.S. forces locate Osama bin Laden’s hideout, and was the result of that old World War II slogan: “Loose lips sink ships.” The physician in question, Dr. Shakil Afridi, has since been sentenced to 33 years in prison by the Pakistani government. If America’s Pakistani sources dry up as a result of this leak, America becomes even more susceptible to terrorist attacks.

A traitor is an individual who commits treason.

White House Leaks: Is President Obama a Traitor? – Patriot Update


Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot Night Shoot - YouTube

Well I guess that Depends on the Facts don't it.

If For example we were to Learn that Obama himself approved the deliberate leak of Still Classified Information that Led to the Death of Assets in the field simply to try and make himself look tough on Iran. I would absolutely say yes.

The Strange thing about this situation is that the president actually has the Power to Declassify this stuff. If He wanted to he could have Declassified this same info and released it. So if it ever does come back to bite him legally it will be because he didn't choose that route.

Regardless of how you feel about this situation, We all have to admit to ourselves, that with such a free and open country as ours (even European Countries have much Stricter laws regarding this kind of stuff, their governments have much more power to keep this stuff quiet) we are always going to have this problem. No matter how good our Intel People are, they will always have to share info with Politically Motivated Congress people, and Administration people, and their Aids. Many of which lack the same respect and Understanding our Career Intel people have for Secrecy.

I have always been a Defender of the CIA and other intel Bodies of our Country. They truly have the most thankless Job on the Planet. Imagine only being known for your Failures. Imagine Measuring Success by how Few people know what you did. Imagine doing all this while Hollywood and Pop Culture Routinely Portrays you as the bad Guys. Makes you wonder how they get anyone to do the Job.
It is justified by his re-election campaign.
We have the dirtiest president since Richard Nixon. Obama has used the IRS to get information on his enemies, maintained an enemies list, leaked state secrets to enhance his re-election prospects, and subverted the rule of law for the same purpose.
Unfortunately Obama lacks Nixon's charm and charisma, as well as his judgment.
If Obama had been a white Republican Congress would be proceeding with impeachment proceedings.

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