White House Officials Get Earful From Democrats On Obamacare


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Dana Bash

Washington (CNN) -- A private meeting on Capitol Hill with House Democrats and White House officials on Wednesday became heated when rank-and-file members expressed frustration about continued Obamacare problems, according to multiple sources in the room. One congressional Democrat who attended the meeting said senior Obama administration officials Mike Hash and David Simas really "got hit" by House Democrats about everything from the troubled website to the broken presidential promise that people can keep the insurance plans they like. The most pressing political challenge for House Democrats will come this Friday when they will have to vote on a House...

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White House officials get earful from Democrats on Obamacare - CNN.com

Democrats are running scared. Many fear they will not be re-elected because of their participation in voting and passing Obamacare. Reid has called for a closed meeting of the Democrat caucus, While nearly 100 Democrat Congresspersons remain shaking in their boots and are prepared to vote for an Obamacare recall.

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