White House Opposes Drilling in Arctic Because It Will Not Lead to Energy Independenc


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Here you go folks, they DON'T CARE if you are paying higher gas prices. They have a AGENDA and they will force it on you one WAY OR ANOTHER at ANY COST.
Have you had enough yet?

When asked why the Obama administration opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) given the rising cost of gasoline, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told CNSNews.com that the "drill baby drill program" is not going to lead the United States to energy independence.

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How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Gee, maybe it has something to do with domestic production being politically stable, and middle eastern production being unstable. I know, it's rocket science.
Our domestic drilling is already sold internationally. How does anyone believe that more domestic drilling will alleviate this issue?
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Gee, maybe it has something to do with domestic production being politically stable, and middle eastern production being unstable. I know, it's rocket science.

You think those companies will feel some obligation to sell the oil to the US instead of selling it across the worldwide spot market?
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Gee, maybe it has something to do with domestic production being politically stable, and middle eastern production being unstable. I know, it's rocket science.

You think those companies will feel some obligation to sell the oil to the US instead of selling it across the worldwide spot market?

im sure a regulation bill can be passed with near unanimous votes to keep the production in domestic markets. next.
Gee, maybe it has something to do with domestic production being politically stable, and middle eastern production being unstable. I know, it's rocket science.

You think those companies will feel some obligation to sell the oil to the US instead of selling it across the worldwide spot market?

im sure a regulation bill can be passed with near unanimous votes to keep the production in domestic markets. next.
LOL! So, you advocate allowing drilling in ANWR...and nationalizing it?

Remember when Conservatives supported free markets? Nah, I don't either. Where do you think current imports from Mexico would go if we decided to attempt to redirect ANWR oil to the US? Hint: oil is rather fungible.
You think those companies will feel some obligation to sell the oil to the US instead of selling it across the worldwide spot market?

im sure a regulation bill can be passed with near unanimous votes to keep the production in domestic markets. next.
LOL! So, you advocate allowing drilling in ANWR...and nationalizing it?

Remember when Conservatives supported free markets? Nah, I don't either. Where do you think current imports from Mexico would go if we decided to attempt to redirect ANWR oil to the US? Hint: oil is rather fungible.

its not nationalization. how about giving tax breaks based on how much is kept domestic? It is not regulation as much as it is giving an incentive.

Also, when did liberals support free markets? Libertarians want insurrance companies to be able to compete over state lines and the left opposes that. GEe, I wonder why. get a clue, a free market is still free if there are incentives.

I think the crux of the issue is that the left wants a) Americans to depend on the middle east to achieve their ends which is b) collapse the economy and rebuild a communist utopia. If I am wrong, then explain to me what would make us energy independent? I'll wait.
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im sure a regulation bill can be passed with near unanimous votes to keep the production in domestic markets. next.
LOL! So, you advocate allowing drilling in ANWR...and nationalizing it?

Remember when Conservatives supported free markets? Nah, I don't either. Where do you think current imports from Mexico would go if we decided to attempt to redirect ANWR oil to the US? Hint: oil is rather fungible.

its not nationalization. how about giving tax breaks based on how much is kept domestic? It is not regulation as much as it is giving an incentive.

Tax breaks? These companies already get subsidized. How much more tax money should we give them?

And in the end it doesn't matter a wink - redirecting domestic supplies to domestic markets will simply redirect Mexican supplies to other markets...and drive up the price for everyone.
Also, when did liberals support free markets? Libertarians want insurrance companies to be able to compete over state lines and the left opposes that. GEe, I wonder why. get a clue, a free market is still free if there are incentives.

If my state wants to create its own rules and regulations for its health insurance market, why should the federal government be able to tell us differently? I thought we had a 10th amendment.

I think the crux of the issue is that the left wants a) Americans to depend on the middle east to achieve their ends which is b) collapse the economy and rebuild a communist utopia.

Well, when you start from THAT premise it's not hard to see where the rest of your ideas flow.

If I am wrong, then explain to me what would make us energy independent? I'll wait.

You're presuming I think "energy independence" is an achievable and desirable goal.
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LOL! So, you advocate allowing drilling in ANWR...and nationalizing it?

Remember when Conservatives supported free markets? Nah, I don't either. Where do you think current imports from Mexico would go if we decided to attempt to redirect ANWR oil to the US? Hint: oil is rather fungible.

its not nationalization. how about giving tax breaks based on how much is kept domestic? It is not regulation as much as it is giving an incentive.

Tax breaks? These companies already get subsidized. How much more tax money should we give them?

If my state wants to create its own rules and regulations for its health insurance market, why should the federal government be able to tell us differently? I thought we had a 10th amendment.

I think the crux of the issue is that the left wants a) Americans to depend on the middle east to achieve their ends which is b) collapse the economy and rebuild a communist utopia.

Well, when you start from THAT premise it's not hard to see where the rest of your ideas flow.

If I am wrong, then explain to me what would make us energy independent? I'll wait.

You're presuming I think "energy independence" is an achievable and desirable goal.

then you at least prove point "a" is true in at least respect to yourself.
then you at least prove point "a" is true in at least respect to yourself.
Yeah, you got me Liberty. Because I don't want to nationalize the US oil market, and because I understand spot markets and support international trade...

I'm itching for a Communist Utopia!

That makes perfect sense.
We should be drilling in ANWR. It certainly won't lead to energy independence since at most it will produce 300,000 barrels a day. But oil has spiked by $10 on the fighting in Libya and the loss of 1 million barrels a day from that country. Given how tight oil supplies are, it would help lower prices somewhat.
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Because if we drill our own oil, it won't matter what happens in the ME.

But of course, libs have a lot invested in GE (the company leading the green revolution) so high gas prices are in their interest.
So, then everyone agrees that more domestic drilling does nothing to help our proplems?
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Because if we drill our own oil, it won't matter what happens in the ME.

But of course, libs have a lot invested in GE (the company leading the green revolution) so high gas prices are in their interest.

It's not "our oil". As soon as a multinational pulls it out of the ground, it's their oil.
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Because if we drill our own oil, it won't matter what happens in the ME.

But of course, libs have a lot invested in GE (the company leading the green revolution) so high gas prices are in their interest.

Who is the "we" that are drilling "our own oil"? Are you recommending nationalizing oil companies in the US?
Folks, the message from the left and Obama is clear. They are THRILLED about gas prices.

They want you in a Prius or Leaf. At ANY cost. They invested their entire being into the global warming hoax, and will see it through at any cost. They'd rather sellout their entire country before daring admit the right wing was correct about the GW hoax.
How will allowing multinational conglomerates to drill in ANWR lead to energy independence?

Because if we drill our own oil, it won't matter what happens in the ME.

But of course, libs have a lot invested in GE (the company leading the green revolution) so high gas prices are in their interest.

Who is the "we" that are drilling "our own oil"? Are you recommending nationalizing oil companies in the US?

Nope. I'm advocating flooding the market with supply. Ending speculation of a future supply crisis (which is why prices are high. There is no supply problem. The problem is speculation of a future supply problem, which more drilling would ease).

Thats what I'm proposing.

But, we can't, because there are thousands of liberals waiting on a God dang polar bear to come down and give them a hug.
Nope. I'm advocating flooding the market with supply.

We don't get to decide how much and how fast oil companies remove oil from ANWR - agian, unless you advocate nationalizing it. and at any rate, there's not enough there to "flood" the world market and drive down the spot price for any significant period, most importanlty because OPEC will simply drive the price back up.

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