Biden stops AK oil & mineral development in addition to LNG exports (Poll)

Do you support Biden's stopping development of US resources, such as LNG, AK oil & AK metals?

  • Yes, Green is good

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No, we need resources independent from China & the ME

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Null, see my post

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah that's right, Biden is stopping development of new LNG terminals because the greens are whining about Climate Change.
The EU needs gas. Gas is cleaner than oil. Shipping gas is a good thing. It would lower the prices worldwide giving the bad guys less revenue, and the US more revenue.

If you're on Biden's side fine, IMHO that's another issue Trump wins on.
A pause isn't about stopping fuckup. Also, if you had read any of the documents the EU will continue to receive all the gas they need.
So when the existing wells slow down where are we supposed to get new oil from?
Oil wells run dry. We need to keep drilling. Biden just wants to suck oil from the SPR.
We already have about 10,000 unused leases now.
So when the existing wells slow down where are we supposed to get new oil from?
Oil wells run dry. We need to keep drilling. Biden just wants to suck oil from the SPR.

do you think those well are going to run dry while Biden is in office?
So when the existing wells slow down where are we supposed to get new oil from?
Oil wells run dry. We need to keep drilling. Biden just wants to suck oil from the SPR.

AWNR has had one expletory well dug in it. That was in 1986. Nobody even knows what they found.

It was open for drilling from 2017 to 2021, not one company even looked into doing so.
We already have about 10,000 unused leases now.
Those leases must be unprofitable or they would be developed.
Oil companies do things to make money.
As the price of oil and gas goes up they may get developed.
do you think those well are going to run dry while Biden is in office?
Not this term. You can track the "rig count" which are the number of active drilling rigs.

Is Biden a traitor? He has repeatedly exceeded his authority, refused to perform his duties as required by law and thumbs his nose at Congress and the SCOTUS.
Biden likes China mining metals, and apparently likes Iran and Venezuela pumping oil, he just doesn't want Americans mining or pumping.

No mining metals without a haul road:

No drilling in ANWR, but we can buy oil from dictatorships:

So we have Biden's war on energy, and Trump's "drill baby drill" philosophy to choose from. Which do you prefer?

Biden stopped new LNG exports that the EU desperately needs since the NordStream-2 pipeline from Russia was blown up:
The LNG is being used as leverage for a Ukraine aid package

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