White House petition to boot Pelosi surpasses 100,000 signatures

Trumptards are mad because Pelosi made their cult leader look like an idiot...now she needs to be impeached.....these people are perpetual dumb asses....
Trumptards are mad because Pelosi made their cult leader look like an idiot...now she needs to be impeached.....these people are perpetual dumb asses....
how? she said temporarily open the government to negotiate. he did that, now she still isn't negotiating. well he just showed her to be a liar.

Feb 15 is on her now. sixteen days. hmmmmmmmm
Based on the last "negotiation" session they had before the shut down ended, Trump offered something temporary (3 years of DACA protection). In exchange he demanded something permanent (the wall).

The humorous thing here is your ignorance in that you don't seem to remember how the democrats have strung the American people along for decades with the same bait and switch BS Pelosi was / is doing now:

'If you will just give us 'THIS' THEN we will give you the wall / what you want.....if you just open back up th govt THEN we will CONSIDER the wall.'

Time to flip the script. You want PERMANENT DACA? You will get it a piece at a time. Temp DACA now. Build 'X' miles of wall, get a little more 'permanent'. 'Permanent' comes after the wall is finally built.

Amid all the talk about impeaching President Trump, more than 100,000 people have signed a White House “We the People” petition calling for the impeachment of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, accusing her of treason.

Created by a citizen identified only as “M.G.,” it accuses Pelosi of being a traitor to the American people who is beholden to the interests of illegal immigrants, Big League Politics reported.

The “We the People” petitioning system on the White House website was initiated by the Obama administration. It promises an official response for every petition that gathered more than 100,000 signatures within 30 days. The Pelosi petition was launched just 11 days ago.

The petition further blames the San Francisco Democrat for the recent partial government shutdown. It argues she refused to negotiate with President Trump over funding for border security, causing many federal employees to work without pay for more than a month.

“Illegal aliens are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist causing death and crime to American citizens,” the petition states.

“Nancy Pelosi adheres to these enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary policies funded by US citizen tax dollars, and refuses to protect American people by refusing to fund our border wall, leaving our borders open and unsafe.”

After further complaints about the House speaker, it concludes with, “IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!”

Big League Politics noted the process for impeaching a member of the House requires a majority vote of the chamber, meaning it’s unlikely under the current Democratic majority.

Read more at wnd.com ...
As much as I dislike her she is duly elected and this snowflake butthurt crybaby petition is pointless. It's no different than the oust Trump bullshit.

Bunch of morons on both sides

Amid all the talk about impeaching President Trump, more than 100,000 people have signed a White House “We the People” petition calling for the impeachment of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, accusing her of treason.

Created by a citizen identified only as “M.G.,” it accuses Pelosi of being a traitor to the American people who is beholden to the interests of illegal immigrants, Big League Politics reported.

The “We the People” petitioning system on the White House website was initiated by the Obama administration. It promises an official response for every petition that gathered more than 100,000 signatures within 30 days. The Pelosi petition was launched just 11 days ago.

The petition further blames the San Francisco Democrat for the recent partial government shutdown. It argues she refused to negotiate with President Trump over funding for border security, causing many federal employees to work without pay for more than a month.

“Illegal aliens are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist causing death and crime to American citizens,” the petition states.

“Nancy Pelosi adheres to these enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary policies funded by US citizen tax dollars, and refuses to protect American people by refusing to fund our border wall, leaving our borders open and unsafe.”

After further complaints about the House speaker, it concludes with, “IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!”

Big League Politics noted the process for impeaching a member of the House requires a majority vote of the chamber, meaning it’s unlikely under the current Democratic majority.

Read more at wnd.com ...
As much as I dislike her she is duly elected and this snowflake butthurt crybaby petition is pointless. It's no different than the oust Trump bullshit.

Bunch of morons on both sides
I think it's great. it shows her that there is a resistance. she thinks otherwise. I love it.
That petition and $1.05 will get you Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger at Wendy’s.
A White House petition to get rid of Nancy.


If that doesn't scream "SORE LOSER", nothing does. :lol:

Amid all the talk about impeaching President Trump, more than 100,000 people have signed a White House “We the People” petition calling for the impeachment of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, accusing her of treason.

Created by a citizen identified only as “M.G.,” it accuses Pelosi of being a traitor to the American people who is beholden to the interests of illegal immigrants, Big League Politics reported.

The “We the People” petitioning system on the White House website was initiated by the Obama administration. It promises an official response for every petition that gathered more than 100,000 signatures within 30 days. The Pelosi petition was launched just 11 days ago.

The petition further blames the San Francisco Democrat for the recent partial government shutdown. It argues she refused to negotiate with President Trump over funding for border security, causing many federal employees to work without pay for more than a month.

“Illegal aliens are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist causing death and crime to American citizens,” the petition states.

“Nancy Pelosi adheres to these enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary policies funded by US citizen tax dollars, and refuses to protect American people by refusing to fund our border wall, leaving our borders open and unsafe.”

After further complaints about the House speaker, it concludes with, “IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!”

Big League Politics noted the process for impeaching a member of the House requires a majority vote of the chamber, meaning it’s unlikely under the current Democratic majority.

Read more at wnd.com ...
As much as I dislike her she is duly elected and this snowflake butthurt crybaby petition is pointless. It's no different than the oust Trump bullshit.

Bunch of morons on both sides
I think it's great. it shows her that there is a resistance. she thinks otherwise. I love it.
A hundred thousand in a country of 300 million plus...

A drunken multiple stroke victim kicked Dotard Donald's ass and now he wants someone even weaker to try to beat in a showdown.



I need...someone...in a coma to beat so I can feel embiggened...
Trumptards are mad because Pelosi made their cult leader look like an idiot...now she needs to be impeached.....these people are perpetual dumb asses....
how? she said temporarily open the government to negotiate. he did that, now she still isn't negotiating. well he just showed her to be a liar.

Feb 15 is on her now. sixteen days. hmmmmmmmm
Of course she's a liar and democrats know she's a liar. They don't care. All they care about is hurting Trump and they will trash their own country to get it.

Amid all the talk about impeaching President Trump, more than 100,000 people have signed a White House “We the People” petition calling for the impeachment of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, accusing her of treason.

Created by a citizen identified only as “M.G.,” it accuses Pelosi of being a traitor to the American people who is beholden to the interests of illegal immigrants, Big League Politics reported.

The “We the People” petitioning system on the White House website was initiated by the Obama administration. It promises an official response for every petition that gathered more than 100,000 signatures within 30 days. The Pelosi petition was launched just 11 days ago.

The petition further blames the San Francisco Democrat for the recent partial government shutdown. It argues she refused to negotiate with President Trump over funding for border security, causing many federal employees to work without pay for more than a month.

“Illegal aliens are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist causing death and crime to American citizens,” the petition states.

“Nancy Pelosi adheres to these enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary policies funded by US citizen tax dollars, and refuses to protect American people by refusing to fund our border wall, leaving our borders open and unsafe.”

After further complaints about the House speaker, it concludes with, “IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!”

Big League Politics noted the process for impeaching a member of the House requires a majority vote of the chamber, meaning it’s unlikely under the current Democratic majority.

Read more at wnd.com ...

It just show how ignorant you Trumpbots are!

The U.S. Constitution states:

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment"

So sign all the petitions you want. Until you convince Pelosi to impeach herself it ain't going nowhere!
This is a non starter, a waste of paper and electronics.
At least the crazy Trumpbots are staying close to their crazy teabagger roots. Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they surprise you and take it to a whole nuther level.
Pelosi got a quarter million votes last November. Trump got 60 million two years ago. She needs to button her lip and listen to the President.

Pelosi ran in a single congressional district, Trump ran in a national election.

A quarter of a million votes in a single congressional district - and winning by a clear majority of the popular vote is a whole hell of a lot more impressive than Trump's 'far less than 50%' of the popular vote in a national election.
At least the crazy Trumpbots are staying close to their crazy teabagger roots. Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they surprise you and take it to a whole nuther level.
Pelosi got a quarter million votes last November. Trump got 60 million two years ago. She needs to button her lip and listen to the President.
Do you understand the difference between a national election, and a state election?
Yeah, I do. If she wants the same power as the President, then she should run for the office of the President.

Why bother? She already has the power to tell him no.
Yeah, she has too much power. She couldn't win a state election, much less a national election. The only reason she has any power is because she has held that same seat for over 30 years. She hasn't really earned her power by a mandate of the people of this nation. That's my point.

She's held the same seat for 30 years, and you think she can't win an election? Your bat shit crazy is showing. She was given her power by the constitution, just like trump was given his, even though a fluke in the electoral college made his presidency highly unusual.

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