White House says Erdogan promised Trump he'd finish off ISIS in Syria

Erdogan told Trump to get out of Syria...and well..you know the rest
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""In the end, I settle on one very simple reason: We go there so that they don’t come here," Crenshaw wrote. "It really is that simple. We bring the fight to the enemy so that they don’t bring it to us."

The congressman-elect urged Trump to "stay the course" in Syria, Afghanistan and other countries where the U.S. is engaged in anti-Islamic State operations, while adding that the government would be "lying" to say that the terrorist group poses no threat to the homeland.

"Stay the course, Mr. President. We may have accomplished the territorial defeat of the Islamic State — and you deserve credit for that — but we are lying to the American people if we let them believe that the chaos of the Middle East cannot reach our borders," he concludes"

Incoming GOP lawmaker pens op-ed knocking Trump over Syria withdrawal
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"I won an election, said to be one of the greatest of all time, based on getting out of endless & costly foreign wars & also based on Strong Borders which will keep our Country safe. We fight for the borders of other countries, but we won’t fight for the borders of our own!

On Syria, we were originally going to be there for three months, and that was seven years ago - we never left. When I became President, ISIS was going wild. Now ISIS is largely defeated and other local countries, including Turkey, should be able to easily take care of whatever remains. We’re coming home!" - President Trump
Well, of course Erdogan wants the US out of Syria. If the US is no longer there, then Erdogan can go after the Kurds (which are our allies), and take them out, because he considers them to be terrorists.

From the OP's link.................................

What took place during Trump’s phone call Friday with the Turkish leader has been a central question in the debate over Trump’s decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Syria, a decision he made without consulting U.S. allies and over the opposition of all his top national security aides. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned in part in protest over the Syria decision and on Saturday, NBC News reported that the U.S. envoy leading the coalition to defeat ISIS, Brett McGurk, has also resigned in protest.

Turkey has long sought a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria to clear the way for Turkish forces to attack Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Turkey considers the Kurdish forces to be terrorists who threaten Turkeys’ stability, but the U.S. has been training the Kurdish troops and relying heavily on them to fight ISIS there.
If you were Turkish, the Kurds ARE terrorists. Whatever goes on between Turkey and the Kurds, it is none of our business. If the Kurds are allies, Turkey is a NATO partner. An attack on one is an attack on all. Let the Saudis deal with ISIS, the Kurds and Turkey.
If you were Turkish, the Kurds ARE terrorists. Whatever goes on between Turkey and the Kurds, it is none of our business. If the Kurds are allies, Turkey is a NATO partner. An attack on one is an attack on all. Let the Saudis deal with ISIS, the Kurds and Turkey.
I think the Turks thought of the Armenians as terrorists too.
"It warms my heart that getting out of Syria is also helping to drain the swamp. I hope more neocons quit the admin before the new year"
"If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America. With me, hit hard instead by the Fake News Media. Crazy!" - Your favorite president
"This is astounding. A dictator cons the supposed leader of the free world..." - Andrea Mitchell
You know the US has a huge list of US contractors there(not US troops) that are
mercenary kinds, killers of children and some adults, some are Americans
but love murdering and bombing thangs for 1000 times the cost US troops do it for.

Recall Blackwater criminal types, they be still there under a name change.
With 100's of other off the books, American freeloads on gobmint dimes.
AKA War Profiteers.

"If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America. With me, hit hard instead by the Fake News Media. Crazy!" - Your favorite president
So ISIS is completely gone?
"“I am very proud of the President. This is exactly what he promised, and I think the people agree with him. We’ve been at war too long and in too many places...spent several trillion dollars on these wars everywhere. He’s different...that’s why he got elected.”- Sen Rand Paul
I genuinely doubt Erdogan gives a rat's rump about ISIS. He wants an open road to the Kurds.
As fully evidenced by the fact that he didn't do jack shit when ISIS was siezing territory in the Levant, only deigning to act once the Turkish and Iraqi Kurds united against ISIS. And even then, ISIS was secondary, with the new, perceived Kurdish threat being the primary concern.
"Saudi Arabia has now agreed to spend the necessary money needed to help rebuild Syria, instead of the United States. See? Isn’t it nice when immensely wealthy countries help rebuild their neighbors rather than a Great Country, the U.S., that is 5000 miles away. Thanks to Saudi A!" - President Trump
"Saudi Arabia has now agreed to spend the necessary money needed to help rebuild Syria, instead of the United States. See? Isn’t it nice when immensely wealthy countries help rebuild their neighbors rather than a Great Country, the U.S., that is 5000 miles away. Thanks to Saudi A!" - President Trump
Haha...kind of like how the north koreans "agreed" to end their nuclear program....
"If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America. With me, hit hard instead by the Fake News Media. Crazy!" - Your favorite president
Pulling our forces out based on one phone call from a dictator with a vested interest ...


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