White House staffer says McCain is "dying anyway"....doesn't matter

This is now the Norm in trump politics....while Melania tells the world to be nice to each other. DOES SHE KNOW WHO SHE IS MARRIED TO?

Joking about John McCain's death is our terrible new normal - CNNPolitics

You libs attacked Palin's kids you got zero cred on this issue.
Were her children possibly dying of cancer? This man is battling brain cancer. He may not survive. Decent people draw the line at attacking people in such a situation.
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.

GOOD! Keep calling half the people in this country deplorable. It just makes more want to join sympathetic to the cause!
Keep mocking and dismissing people who may be dying of brain cancer: it just makes the entire rest of the world want to dump Trump as soon as possible. You think decent people are sympathic to an adiministration that says such things about someone battling brain cancer? Think again.

You're a retard. What did anything you say have to do with my remark about deplorables! McCain is dying of brain cancer. I know all about it, my best friend died of brain cancer. Try as you might to spin it negatively, you idiot's claims that commenting that McCain's vote is irrelevant because he will be gone soon was some terrible attack will only be swallowed by those idiots already too stupid to think straight. If McCain has a lot of animosity on his shoulders, it has all been of his own doing. In the end, the only friends he will have is the democrats and fellow RINOs that he served.
This is now the Norm in trump politics....while Melania tells the world to be nice to each other. DOES SHE KNOW WHO SHE IS MARRIED TO?

Joking about John McCain's death is our terrible new normal - CNNPolitics
A terrible new normal the consequence of Trump, representing the worst of America.

The "id" has replace the "ego" and "superego" as the new normal under Trump. The swamp dwellers.


Perhaps Freud's single most enduring and important idea was that the human psyche (personality) has more than one aspect. Freud(1923) saw the psyche structured into three parts (i.e., tripartite), the id, ego and superego, all developing at different stages in our lives. These are systems, not parts of the brain, or in any way physical.

According to Freud's model of the psyche, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.

Although each part of the personality comprises unique features, they interact to form a whole, and each part makes a relative contribution to an individual's behavior.

More: Id Ego Superego | Simply Psychology
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.
Biden said it exactlly:
"People have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. It happened yesterday," Biden said in a statement. "Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it."
We deplorables think disrespecting idiots is cool. McCain wasn't an idiot, but he hung around to long.

Whatever you say Sh*thead.....
This is now the Norm in trump politics....while Melania tells the world to be nice to each other. DOES SHE KNOW WHO SHE IS MARRIED TO?

Joking about John McCain's death is our terrible new normal - CNNPolitics

You libs attacked Palin's kids you got zero cred on this issue.
Were her children possibly dying of cancer? This man is battling brain cancer. He may not survive. Decent people draw the line at attacking people in such a situation.

What part of liberals attacked innocent kids didn't shock you :eusa_hand:
people have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with Trump. it has now happened. given Trump's trail of disrespect, this staffer is not the exception to the rule, she is the epitome of it!
people have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with Trump. it has now happened. given Trump's trail of disrespect, this staffer is not the exception to the rule, she is the epitome of it!
Hillary Clinton. You lose! :)

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