White House Unable To Respond To New Attack On Obama By Unknown Conservative Group


Jul 25, 2012
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t2ZTYRjPP4&feature=player_embedded]Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube[/ame]
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My apologies. I meant to state in my title 'Obama Campaign' instead of White House.
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube

Obama has hired lawyers to hide his past. He was not vetted in 2008 and now someone is asking questions that should have been asked in 2008.

All he has to do is release the records. I mean really? If he has nothing to hide whats the problem?
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube

Hilarious. You go with that. It worked 4 years ago.

I would much rather see Romney's tax returns then Obama's school grades. Why doesn't he support this country? How many investors did he screw over? How many American jobs did he move overseas?

Or what Romney actually did at the Olympics, where the Republican Senate gave him hundreds of millions in tax payer money. Don't you wonder who owns all that stuff US taxpayers paid for?
Why respond? Not surprising that the GOP would use an ancillary group to try and play the moronic birther bullshit that anyone with an IQ over 15 has long ago dismissed.
Why respond? Not surprising that the GOP would use an ancillary group to try and play the moronic birther bullshit that anyone with an IQ over 15 has long ago dismissed.

I would agree, if the ads are not effective don't respond. But since they are actually effective and paint a picture of a President that takes great strides in hiding his past "deeds", his solution is to release the records.
Why respond? Not surprising that the GOP would use an ancillary group to try and play the moronic birther bullshit that anyone with an IQ over 15 has long ago dismissed.

I would agree, if the ads are not effective don't respond. But since they are actually effective and paint a picture of a President that takes great strides in hiding his past "deeds", his solution is to release the records.
Here is another attack they released against Obama. It appears that the plan is to swiftboat Obama. Here is the Conservative Majority Fund website. It just went active within the past 2 weeks. There is big money behind this since their plan is to saturate the airwaves and I suspect this is a coordinated plan with Romney's campaign managers.

"Who are you Barack Hussein Obama?"- YouTube
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"What's Obama hiding?" is fair play after all. All we've been hearing from the Obama campaign is "What's Romney hiding?" over the tax returns.

Surely the Obama camp knew that the Romney people were going to throw this shit right back at the O's campaign.

Bricks and glass houses come to mind.
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"What's Obama hiding?" is fair play after all. All we've been hearing from the Obama campaign is "What's Romney hiding?" over the tax returns.

Surely the Obama camp knew that the Romney people were going to throw this shit right back at the O's campaign.

Bricks and glass houses come to mind.

Obama petitioned the State of Hawaii and his long form birth certificate was released bypassing state law, the same state law Republicans insist they admire so.

So where are Romney's tax records and why were his records at the Olympics sealed? Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to get "born". Romney did get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to "save" the Olympics. Now, who owns all that stuff? After all, it was taxpayers who paid for it.

Don't you want to know? It's what Romney will do if he becomes president, right?

I think that's way more "interesting" than Obama's grades or his birth certificate.
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Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube

I would much rather see Romney's tax returns then Obama's school grades. Why doesn't he support this country? How many investors did he screw over? How many American jobs did he move overseas?

If you were not a Raging Partisan Hack who is wants to be willfully ignorant of the Truth, You would want to see BOTH!
"What's Obama hiding?" is fair play after all. All we've been hearing from the Obama campaign is "What's Romney hiding?" over the tax returns.

Surely the Obama camp knew that the Romney people were going to throw this shit right back at the O's campaign.

Bricks and glass houses come to mind.

Obama petitioned the State of Hawaii and his long form birth certificate was released bypassing state law, the same state law Republicans insist they admire so.

So where are Romney's tax records and why were his records at the Olympics sealed? Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to get "born". Romney did get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to "save" the Olympics. Now, who owns all that stuff? After all, it was taxpayers who paid for it.

Don't you want to know? It's what Romney will do if he becomes president, right?

I think that's way more "interesting" than Obama's grades or his birth certificate.

What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube

I would much rather see Romney's tax returns then Obama's school grades. Why doesn't he support this country? How many investors did he screw over? How many American jobs did he move overseas?

If you were not a Raging Partisan Hack who is wants to be willfully ignorant of the Truth, You would want to see BOTH!

Since I don't see any Republicans on this board calling out for Mitt's tax returns and his Olympic documents, they must ALL be "Raging Partisan Hacks", right?
It's been a while since we had another birther topic! I was beginning to wonder...
Interesting ad in its own strange way.

I will not vote for Obama in November and wasn't going to anyway, however I doubt the ad will be very relevant or effective. At least in the political sense. (For some reason, after watching it I was compelled to rush to the phone and order a set of steak knives and a sham-wow)

"What's Obama hiding?" is fair play after all. All we've been hearing from the Obama campaign is "What's Romney hiding?" over the tax returns.

Surely the Obama camp knew that the Romney people were going to throw this shit right back at the O's campaign.

Bricks and glass houses come to mind.

Obama petitioned the State of Hawaii and his long form birth certificate was released bypassing state law, the same state law Republicans insist they admire so.

So where are Romney's tax records and why were his records at the Olympics sealed? Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to get "born". Romney did get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to "save" the Olympics. Now, who owns all that stuff? After all, it was taxpayers who paid for it.

Don't you want to know? It's what Romney will do if he becomes president, right?

I think that's way more "interesting" than Obama's grades or his birth certificate.

What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above

If I point out it was you who said "black", it will be me who is "racist". Isn't that how it works with "White Wingers"?
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube


Welcome to the board.

What I am not sure about is what kind of debate you are hoping to spark.

I don't get why anyone would run this kind of ad.

They need to be pounding Obama on one topic....the economy.

I have heard a great many pundits say the partisans have made up their minds and that is why the race is essentially tied. The real fight is for the independent vote. I posted an article that talks about how people know all they want to know about Obama...his pathetic record. What will swing them is if they can see Mitt Romney as a better alternative.

I am not sure how this add helps. Independents are tired of the negative bleating. This appeals to the base (already locked up).
Obama petitioned the State of Hawaii and his long form birth certificate was released bypassing state law, the same state law Republicans insist they admire so.

So where are Romney's tax records and why were his records at the Olympics sealed? Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to get "born". Romney did get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to "save" the Olympics. Now, who owns all that stuff? After all, it was taxpayers who paid for it.

Don't you want to know? It's what Romney will do if he becomes president, right?

I think that's way more "interesting" than Obama's grades or his birth certificate.

What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above

If I point out it was you who said "black", it will be me who is "racist". Isn't that how it works with "White Wingers"?

Since he got elected because he was black.

And we are going to fire him because he is useless.

Does that mean you'll try the same strategy again.

Please don't tell me you think he was more qualified that Hillary Clinton.

We could also debate the place of these 527's in the election process.

I, for one, have mixed feelings about them. They represent a liability to the party they think they are supporting if they go to far off the reservation.

I just wish the people would pay more attention so that money would be less meaningful to candidates.

Maybe then, we get some discussion instead of soundbytes.

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