White House Unable To Respond To New Attack On Obama By Unknown Conservative Group

Obama petitioned the State of Hawaii and his long form birth certificate was released bypassing state law, the same state law Republicans insist they admire so.

So where are Romney's tax records and why were his records at the Olympics sealed? Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to get "born". Romney did get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to "save" the Olympics. Now, who owns all that stuff? After all, it was taxpayers who paid for it.

Don't you want to know? It's what Romney will do if he becomes president, right?

I think that's way more "interesting" than Obama's grades or his birth certificate.

What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above

If I point out it was you who said "black", it will be me who is "racist". Isn't that how it works with "White Wingers"?

Something I found most curious that you might help me out with after observing you are a supporter of Obama. I assume you might know a answer. The attack ad says he has a Massachusetts social security number. I have never heard this before. How did Obama get a Massachusetts SS# when he grew up in Hawaii?
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Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube
Fortunately Obama never served in the military - look how Karl Rove and the Bush Campaign attempted to smear the service careers of both Kerry and McCain who committed the cardinal of seeing active duty in Vietnam.

McCain compounded the error by being taken POW by the North Vietnamese for several years, thereby opening up the political floodgates to be accused by Bush surrogates of cowardice, treason, becoming a Manchurian Candidate and being too mentally unstable to become president.

GWB, on the other hand, seems to have been given a "free ride" by serving out the war in a "champagne unit," otherwise known as the Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston.

In addition to allowing a group of prominent Texas politicians who arranged to have their sons sit out the Vietnam War in relative safety (GW Bush, Lloyd Bentsen Jr., John Connally III, John Tower's son), it also included 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys. This entitled group had the responsibility of keeping the Mexican Gulf Coast against the perils of communism - except on Sunday afternoons.
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We could also debate the place of these 527's in the election process.

I, for one, have mixed feelings about them. They represent a liability to the party they think they are supporting if they go to far off the reservation.

I just wish the people would pay more attention so that money would be less meaningful to candidates.

Maybe then, we get some discussion instead of soundbytes.

Agreed. I am curious if the costs to put these attacks on Fox and ABC are being funded by donations or some other wealthy entity. The reason I don't believe it is donations is becaus the website for the Conservative Majority Group went online two weeks ago which means they didn't have time to solicite the massive amount of funding to air on national networks.

We could also debate the place of these 527's in the election process.

I, for one, have mixed feelings about them. They represent a liability to the party they think they are supporting if they go to far off the reservation.

I just wish the people would pay more attention so that money would be less meaningful to candidates.

Maybe then, we get some discussion instead of soundbytes.

Agreed. I am curious if the costs to put these attacks on Fox and ABC are being funded by donations or some other wealthy entity. The reason I don't believe it is donations is becaus the website for the Conservative Majority Group went online two weeks ago which means they didn't have time to solicite the massive amount of funding to air on national networks.

Can we find out ?

It seems the commercial has some errors. His SS number is from Conn. not Mass. (or so I read in a blog).

Also, how do they get him of the ballot with 10,000 sigs ?
Obama petitioned the State of Hawaii and his long form birth certificate was released bypassing state law, the same state law Republicans insist they admire so.

So where are Romney's tax records and why were his records at the Olympics sealed? Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to get "born". Romney did get hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to "save" the Olympics. Now, who owns all that stuff? After all, it was taxpayers who paid for it.

Don't you want to know? It's what Romney will do if he becomes president, right?

I think that's way more "interesting" than Obama's grades or his birth certificate.

What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above

If I point out it was you who said "black", it will be me who is "racist". Isn't that how it works with "White Wingers"?

You are also a dick who has a photoshopped picture of Romney as an Avatar.

When are you going to move on and get out of your bitter world. We can't help that BHO lied his ass off and has failed on so many different fronts.
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube
Fortunately Obama never served in the military - look what Karl Rove and the Bush Campaign did to the careers of both Kerry and McCain who committed the cardinal of seeing active duty in Vietnam.

McCain compounded the error by being taken POW by the North Vietnamese for several years, thereby opening up the political floodgates to be accused by Bush surrogates of cowardice, treason, becoming a Manchurian Candidate and being too mentally unstable to become president.

GWB, on the other hand, seems to have been given a "free ride" by serving out the war in a "champagne unit," otherwise known as the Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston.

It allowed an entitled group of prominent Texas politician's sons (GW Bush, Lloyd Bentsen Jr., John Connally III, John Tower's son) and 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys who were allowed to sit out the Vietnam War in relative safety, while supposedly guarding the Mexican Gulf Coast against the insidious perils of communism.

My stepdad#1 was in the Oklahoma Air national guard during Nam,but was no politicans son.
soon they will run an ad about rev. wright.

then about "bitterly clinging".

i hope the beijing olympics start soon.
What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above

If I point out it was you who said "black", it will be me who is "racist". Isn't that how it works with "White Wingers"?

Something I found most curious that you might help me out with after observing you are a supporter of Obama. I assume you might know a answer. The attack ad says he has a Massachusetts social security number. I have never heard this before. How did Obama get a Massachusetts SS# when he grew up in Hawaii?

That's one of the mysteries about him that have never been answered...it's not new...I asked that question a long time ago..no one will answer.

We could also debate the place of these 527's in the election process.

I, for one, have mixed feelings about them. They represent a liability to the party they think they are supporting if they go to far off the reservation.

I just wish the people would pay more attention so that money would be less meaningful to candidates.

Maybe then, we get some discussion instead of soundbytes.

Agreed. I am curious if the costs to put these attacks on Fox and ABC are being funded by donations or some other wealthy entity. The reason I don't believe it is donations is becaus the website for the Conservative Majority Group went online two weeks ago which means they didn't have time to solicite the massive amount of funding to air on national networks.

Can we find out ?
I was doing research on advertising and discovered that all networks have to set a rate for federal candidates and federal issues and give that rate to whomever asks for a federal political commercial. State laws may vary, but the cable providers I queried used the same rate no matter what. The rate for both companies were discounting their standard rate by 15% for all political commercials. So in essence, there is big money behind these ads.
I don't mind demands that obama release his college records are being stonewalled. It's a political fight. What is even worse, is the refusal to release the fast and furious records, the hiding the records dealing with the treasonous leaks. That's far more important.
His friends at Columbia will be quite surprised to learn they don't remember him
What will you do when Romney defeats Obama in November

A. Run to your mother
B. Piss is in your pants
C. Start looking for your next great black hope
D. All of the above

If I point out it was you who said "black", it will be me who is "racist". Isn't that how it works with "White Wingers"?

Something I found most curious that you might help me out with after observing you are a supporter of Obama. I assume you might know a answer. The attack ad says he has a Massachusetts social security number. I have never heard this before. How did Obama get a Massachusetts SS# when he grew up in Hawaii?

I was born in Washington State and have a Texas SS. Why? Because back then one did not get a SS at birth, I happened to live in Texas when I applied.
Greetings. I am Spock. This is my first thread and I hope it sparks debate. Here we go. This new attack strategy that many consider 'toxic' was released against Obama yesterday afternoon nationally. I saw it on Fox News Channel during Bill O'Reilly. I have to say but I never have heard of the Conservative Majority Fund who is funding this harsh attack on Obama. They are based out of Arlington,VA. Research I have done revealed that Larry Ward, who is a protege of Dick Morris, President Clinton’s former campaign advisor and Fox News pundit is behind this. Ward also is president of PoliticalMedia.com and worked for the Bush reelection in 2004 who's specialty were attacks on John Kerry (remember the 'Swiftboat' attacks?). So far the White House has been unable to respond to this attack against Obama and if they do, how?

Profile of Larry Ward
Larry Ward | LinkedIn

Here is what I am talking about in the topic
Conservative Majority Fund Shady Past - YouTube
Fortunately Obama never served in the military - look what Karl Rove and the Bush Campaign did to the careers of both Kerry and McCain who committed the cardinal of seeing active duty in Vietnam.

McCain compounded the error by being taken POW by the North Vietnamese for several years, thereby opening up the political floodgates to be accused by Bush surrogates of cowardice, treason, becoming a Manchurian Candidate and being too mentally unstable to become president.

GWB, on the other hand, seems to have been given a "free ride" by serving out the war in a "champagne unit," otherwise known as the Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston.

It allowed an entitled group of prominent Texas politician's sons (GW Bush, Lloyd Bentsen Jr., John Connally III, John Tower's son) and 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys who were allowed to sit out the Vietnam War in relative safety, while supposedly guarding the Mexican Gulf Coast against the insidious perils of communism.

My stepdad#1 was in the Oklahoma Air national guard during Nam,but was no politicans son.

There is No evidence that Bush got in by special treatment. Even Rather had to admit his supposed evidence was a forgery.

Further Bush flew the most dangerous fighter in the US arsenal at the time. And he flew it more hours then required. He also applied for a program to go to Vietnam.
He also applied for a program to go to Vietnam.

Oh gawd...again?

Then why, when given an opportunity to either volunteer to go overseas or NOT volunteer to go overseas, did Bush check the "I do NOT volunteer" box? And he quit flying because....why? Oh, right - because he hadn't logged enough hours.

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