White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

I posted a video from 2015 where Obama's immigration Admin stated under oath that they prioritize Christians as a prosecuted religion, so no it's not unconstitutional despite ya'lls fantasies.

It's the dumbest argument I've ever heard.

It's never been more obvious to me the left knows absolutely nothing about our Constitution. And it's not just that they don't comprehend what it means, they don't even know how it applies or to whom.
They're sheep, they just bleat along with what the media says.

I'm pretty much at the point that I wish we could stick lie detectors on the media without running foul of the first heh
Foreign nationals practicing or not practicing a religion do not have a right to enter the US. But, the Federal Government cannot take action that favors one religion over another.

Nonsense. Do you think we went to war in Afghanistan to kill Christians and Jews? :dunno:

You are TRYING to apply the Constitution to people not from America! Dipshit!

How many times do we have to go trough this? The Constitution does not apply to people in a foreign country where we cannot enforce the Constitution. The Establishment Clause is talking about the Federal government with regards to CITIZENS!

If the United States wants to favor Christians over the Muslims who are slaughtering them, they have the full authority to do so. If they want to favor Jews over Muslims who want to nuke them, they can do that too. There is nothing that restricts or binds the Federal government from actions abroad. Our Constitution doesn't apply to other people in other countries, it never has.

You are undoubtedly the dumbest motherfucker here.
we Only give Latin America a "hassle" with our drug war?
EverCurious, post: 16563298
I posted a video from 2015 where Obama's immigration Admin stated under oath that they prioritize Christians as a prosecuted religion, so no it's not unconstitutional despite ya'lls fantasies.

You and your video makes no sense. If it does, why did the Trump Admin go out of its way not to mention a religion iIn the EO?

"The Trump administration has argued that the ban is necessary to prevent potential terrorists from entering the country and is not discriminatory because the text of the order does not mention any particular religion."

Washington State Attorney General Promises To Uncover 'What Truly Motivated' Trump's Travel Ban | The Huffington Post

Why did Rudy make it a point to make it a secret Muslim ban by wording it as a threat?

If they wanted to favor foreign national Christians and not be worried at all about the Establishment Clause why did Rudy say what he said?

Why could a ban on foreign nationals based on religion be discriminatory according to Trump's own people if the Establishment Clause does not apply?

How long will you hide from this valid point.

You can't argue bullshit like this in court. It's not a fact free zone like Trump World where you live.
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Boss, post: 16539351
This "stay" is nothing more than partisan political grandstanding to delay the inevitable and it comes at a serious potential risk to national security, and that should alarm everyone. If some jerkwater liberal judge can stop an EO put in place for national security, we are sitting ducks.

That is a lie. Past administrations have provided the courts with classified information on national security matters in the past. This judge asked for information about the threat or risk and Trump's counsel could not present any.

The court must assume that none exist and question the true motives of Trump's Muslim hating Administration.

Trump is not a dictator. He is not above the law. He cannot lie about threats and make up discriminatory laws to deal with them.

The courts should have stopped George Bush from starting the Iraq quagmire that set all this terrorism and persecution in motion.

Set in motion by Bush lies according to Trump.

Iraq should be a lesson for you Trumpsters.
EverCurious, post: 16530918
Until we fix vetting, a temp ban is logical. Our vetting system is a disaster, also been talked about for years and years by all sides.

If vetting for those seven countries is such a disaster how's come no domestic terrorists have occurred in the US.

Outside of Trump factless world you have to declare something a disaster based on something.

Trump declared everything a disaster based on nothing to back it up. Of course you wouldn't notice that.
Boss, post: 16539351
This "stay" is nothing more than partisan political grandstanding to delay the inevitable and it comes at a serious potential risk to national security, and that should alarm everyone. If some jerkwater liberal judge can stop an EO put in place for national security, we are sitting ducks.

That is a lie. Past administrations have provided the courts with classified information on national security matters in the past. This judge asked for information about the threat or risk and Trump's counsel could not present any.

The court must assume that none exist and question the true motives of Trump's Muslim hating Administration.

Trump is not a dictator. He is not above the law. He cannot lie about threats and make up discriminatory laws to deal with them.

The courts should have stopped George Bush from starting the Iraq quagmire that set all this terrorism and persecution in motion.

Set in motion by Bush lies according to Trump.

Iraq should be a lesson for you Trumpsters.

You're just a fucking retarded idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. That's about all that can be said for you. NO... the courts have absolutely NO authority in matters of war or national security. Read the fucking Constitution, lame brain! It's outlined specifically in Article I (Legislative), Article II (Executive) and Article III (Judicial).

No one has LIED about anything... I don't give a damn what Trump said, this isn't YOUR TEAM vs. MY TEAM! I didn't vote for Trump! I think Trump says shit that is almost as retarded and stupid as the shit you say.... not quite, you've still got the edge by a good bit. I don't think either of you know what the Constitution says or means, nor do you really give two shits. But his EO to restrict travel temporarily until we can get a sufficient vetting procedure in place, is WELL within the President's constitutional authority and he doesn't have to prove his case to any fucking court.

No one said Trump is a dictator or he's above the law. He acted in accordance with the law and I've posted the actual law here for you to read. Apparently, you are having a problem comprehending this. That's not my problem... you're retarded and we need to probably devote more tax dollars to treating mental illness for people like you. Beyond that, we need to take away your ability to post on the internet. Too many other retards might read your idiocy and become duped idiots.
If vetting for those seven countries is such a disaster how's come...

Since 2001, there have been 71 terrorists from those countries arrested, tried and convicted in the United States. The worst terrorist attack in US history took 19 terrorists.
Boss, post: 16570269
Since 2001, there have been 71 terrorists from those countries arrested, tried and convicted in the United States. The worst terrorist attack in US history took 19 terrorists.

Those 19 were mostly Saudi and Egyptian -none from any of those countries.

I said terrorist attacks on US soil. And this is basically now about Syrian refugees terrorized by the Assad regime that Trump has befriended in order to please Vladimir.

Here's a letter written by a disabled Veteran (amputee) in an ad aired during Saturday Night Live last weekend. Did you happen to catch it?

{"President Trump, I hear you watch the morning shows. Here’s what I do every morning. Look, you lost the popular vote, you’re having trouble drawing a crowd, and your approval rating keeps sinking.

But kicking thousands of my fellow veterans off their health insurance by killing the Affordable Care Act and banning Muslims won’t help.

And that’s not the America I sacrificed for. You want to be a legitimate president, sir? Then act like one."}

See the ad;

Angry Veterans Use 'SNL' To Send President Trump A Serious Message | The Huffington Post

Trump's also in deep shit already with Gen Whacko Flynn.

What kind of security are we getting from this Celebrity rapist Apprentice clown.

And Trump is not writing a new Muslim banning order - did you catch that today.

He's got a punk at Mara Largo posting photos of the officer carrying the attaché holding nuclear football into the Florida Palace.

How fucking long do you stand with this complete and utter moron?
Boss, post: 16570269
Since 2001, there have been 71 terrorists from those countries arrested, tried and convicted in the United States. The worst terrorist attack in US history took 19 terrorists.

Those 19 were mostly Saudi and Egyptian -none from any of those countries.

I said terrorist attacks on US soil. And this is basically now about Syrian refugees terrorized by the Assad regime that Trump has befriended in order to please Vladimir.

Here's a letter written by a disabled Veteran (amputee) in an ad aired during Saturday Night Live last weekend. Did you happen to catch it?

{"President Trump, I hear you watch the morning shows. Here’s what I do every morning. Look, you lost the popular vote, you’re having trouble drawing a crowd, and your approval rating keeps sinking.

But kicking thousands of my fellow veterans off their health insurance by killing the Affordable Care Act and banning Muslims won’t help.

And that’s not the America I sacrificed for. You want to be a legitimate president, sir? Then act like one."}

See the ad;

Angry Veterans Use 'SNL' To Send President Trump A Serious Message | The Huffington Post

Trump's also in deep shit already with Gen Whacko Flynn.

What kind of security are we getting from this Celebrity rapist Apprentice clown.

And Trump is not writing a new Muslim banning order - did you catch that today.

He's got a punk at Mara Largo posting photos of the officer carrying the attaché holding nuclear football into the Florida Palace.

How fucking long do you stand with this complete and utter moron?
Again.... for the millionth time.... there has been no "Muslim Ban!"

You can keep lying about it and people like me will keep pointing out that you're lying. I thought you guys came out AGAINST fake news? Now, you seem to THRIVE on it!
Here's a letter written by a disabled Veteran (amputee) in an ad aired during Saturday Night Live last weekend. Did you happen to catch it?

I don't watch SNL and I don't care for commercials paid for by George Soros.

Boss, post: 16570251
the courts have absolutely NO authority in matters of war or national security.

You are simply incurable retarded. The President cannot violate the Constitution and be above scrutiny by the judicial branch and or Congress. That is no matter what the issue.

You must think Pence is a lame brain and you are not. Like I said you are retarded.

No President is above the law. Very few true Americans think he is as do you.

No law! Not even laws you cited. No law outside the Constitution gives Trump the power you grant him. There would be no check on Trump whenever he lies as you think he does, which certainly would include national security
Did you want Clinton to win if not Trump?

I didn't want Clinton to win.

The whole entire reason we are having to restrict travel is Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barack Obama's foreign policy. If not for them, there would have never been a Trump EO.
No law! Not even laws you cited. No law outside the Constitution gives Trump the power you grant him. There would be no check on Trump whenever he lies as you think he does, which certainly would include national security

Article II of the Constitution gives him the power. Article I gives Congress the power to make statutory laws like the one the president followed. It's the same statutory law the last 6 presidents have used to restrict travel from other nations. Obama used it 19 times... did you scream that it was unconstitutional then? What about when Obama literally wrote legislation from the Oval Office in the form of DOCA and DOPA? That clearly WAS unconstitutional because only Congress is supposed to legislate. Did you scream about that?

No... because you're a retarded little partisan hack and a hypocrite.
Boss, post: 16570924
He hasn't

How would you know? That is retarded.

Are you the Citizen Branch of the government now? Where is that in the Constitution?

The Judicial branch may check both the legislative and executive by declaring laws unconstitutional.

That is why they had every single Constitutional obligation to restrain Trump from enacting a potentially unconstitutional order.

The plaintiffs proved harm and Trump could not factually define a need to harm.

So law is taking its course.

What you are saying is you want Trump to be a fascist dictator with no judicial checks on Trump's national security actions

You are a made to be Trump devotee. You may not have voted for him and not at all, but you are lying for him now.
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Boss, post: 16570920
The whole entire reason we are having to restrict travel is Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barack Obama's foreign policy. If not for them, there would have never been a Trump EO.

If not for Bush's invasion of Iraq Obama does not have to end the quagmire and creation of ISIS at all.

Trump can't campaign on Bush lied and caused it all and then revise it to Obama caused it all.

Do You think Clinton, Obama and Kerry forced Trump to try to ban Muslims?

Those three oppose a Muslim ban. There were no security risks from seven countries until Trump made them up.

What about the guy you are lying for? Does he take no responsibility for his own fuckups?

Already scandal at the highest national security level.

Flynn Fired.

Read Michael Flynn's Resignation Letter | The Huffington Post

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